Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Pisces Full Moon Eclipse Sep 16 2016

This Pisces eclipse/full moon will be exact on Friday September 16 at 12:05 pm Pacific time, 3:05 pm Eastern. The eclipse will make this full moon feel even stronger than average, along with adding an element of unexpected wildcard energy to the mix.

 This energy that's been building and peaking is part of a new emotional awareness process with consciousness expansion. That's not always easy on the mind, body and spirit. I advise you take extra good care of yourself thru this process.

I see a relationship/others theme unfolding here, not necessarily romantic, not necessarily someone new, not necessarily just one person. It could even be about humanity in general stirring up feelings within. This could be on any level. It just seems to be about tension with other people or circumstances that feel like it's past your emotional comfort zone, bringing up some subtle sensitivities with new understanding about something, perhaps? This will allow for a a letting go in some way, even if only on subtle emotional levels. Letting go of what has been hidden, until now. Things begin to change again.

 It's even possible the new awareness you gain from your interactions with others around the time of this eclipse is related to your past in someway. People from your past? Or maybe conversations/circumstances that bring up memories/sensitivities from the past? It can play out in many different ways, but i'm almost certain will be stirring up feelings about the past, ready for release that helps with a change in your life over the next 6 months. This can feel very sensitive, depending on your personal moon placement.

 Whatever interaction you have with other people around now is actually helping you evolve yourself even if they have no idea their part in that. You might be helping them as well, even if all that goes unspoken. It's just personal feelings within, new awareness with consciousness expansion. Trust it all, as this emotional sensitivity or stress/activity with others is part of a bigger process you're not fully aware of yet.

Mercury is retrograde right now and stations direct on Sept 22 but will take a few days after that to build up momentum forward. This is important to understand because whatever you have been dealing with, thinking about, talking about, mentally focused on, etc will become more clear as this Mercury direction change takes place and Mercury moves back over all your past weeks activity for a 3rd and final time.

If you have started something new in the last couple weeks, then this change of direction from Mercury indicates it's really not finalized yet, until Mercury makes that final direct pass over the degree it was at when you started. You will have all the facts and details by then (within next 2 weeks). More understanding is on the way, which is part of this Mercury Rx phase with eclipse.

As Mars is at the Apex of this eclipse T-square looking for new adventures you might feel pressured and rushed, edgy, anxious, etc. It's important to stay physical being active as you wait for more information and understanding to unfold over the next 2 weeks, regarding your plans. Find an outlet for that energy, staying physically active for best results.

We've been moving forward, but this Mercury Rx phase suggest things are not fully in place yet. Show some discipline and patience in whatever you have working up (trust me, i'll be taking my own advice too). Slow down, there is plenty of time for everything.

Jupiter is in Libra for a year now. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces (this eclipse sign). This is why i say relationships will become main theme for awhile. People from past, and new people will becoming into your life, on many different levels. We need others not only to help us get to where we want to go, but also to act as mirrors for more self understanding that we couldn't have gained otherwise.

The next two weeks is a letting go process that allows room for all this new relationship activity on the way, which gets a big boost on the upcoming Libra new moon at end of month. Find your house of Libra in your chart - that's where you get some new contacts and opportunities this next year.

This doesn't mean codependency. It just means cooperation with others. Mars is in trine to Uranus reflecting very exciting new activity on the way that is independent and confident in self. Plus this full moon moves into Aries opposing Jupiter in Libra only hours after eclipse. So the opposition is self vs others while letting go of past poisonous energy stuck in the body preventing emotional evolution, until now. Others do play an important role, not only right now but over the next year or so. Try to balance your independence while cooperating with others more. They will be of big help.

Venus is headed for Scorpio September 23, right after Mercury moves direct. We should know lots more by then. Relationship energy will change and get much more intense after that. Right now, relationships and the feminine in general is playing nice, thanks to Libra. Scorpio plays dirty, sometimes in nice ways tho, other times, not so nice.

 Anyway, right now Venus is sextile Mars and moving in opp to Uranus so "she" is starting to feel a little extra frisky now. Pay attention to the signals and signs your lover is sending. Try something new, more exciting, more adventurous, but let her take the reins too, at least for a week or so. Play now, because there will be no playing games once Venus enters Scorpio.

So there's some info for you.

I want to say this will be a very spiritual, sensitive and emotional eclipse, which is might very well be for a lot of people, depending on personal moon sign, at least for Friday. However, then the moon moves right into Aries, and there isn't a lot of other sensitive energy in place right now. I think we'll make it without too much emotional outburst. It looks more like a subtle emotional release process, perhaps. But you know, full moons and especially eclipse always bring out the crazy in the less conscious of society.

If you would like to know what temporary energy (or long term energy for that matter) is passing thru your life right now, you might think about ordering a transits report from me. Custom written for you around 5 pages showing exactly where each transit is taking place in your life and what that might mean for you. I like to show you what's there without defining it too much because it can manifest different for everyone. Knowing what that energy influence is, why, and how long can help you better understand your current life circumstances. Things are happening for a reason, even if not fully clear yet.  Transit report could help in that.

If interested visit my services page here.

Happy eclipse, and good luck friends.

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