Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Astrology May 21-27 2024 -Sagittarius Full Moon - Venus conj Jupiter -Jupiter & Venus ingress Gemini


This week there is a lot happening up in the sky astrologically. The moon is waxing through the second half of Scorpio and then becomes full in the sign of Sagittarius by Thursday May 23. The Sag full moon is ruled by Jupiter at the last degree of Taurus conjunct Venus, and both Jupiter/Venus are sextile Neptune in Pisces. This reflects that in general, people have strong emotional needs with big desires that are above and beyond their current circumstances. Money, resources and what's of value could be at a turning point. Sensitivity, dreams, fantasies, imagination and a romanticization of certain thoughts and ideas could be expanded. There's an increase desire for pleasures, escapism, retreat into what's beautiful and relaxing, art, music, film, photography, creativity, spirituality, drugs and alcohol, etc. There's a need for more freedom, fun, adventure, exploration (intellectually or literally), travel, learning, truth, wisdom, knowledge, networking and socializing. There's a culmination, max emotional illumination, and big circumstances. Certain situations could be ending and starting. The full moon and the sun are also in a sextile and trine with Pluto in Aquarius showing easy and flowing transformation. A focus on intense and powerful social dynamics with groups, friends, causes, politics and organizations. Stronger and more powerful communications, information and networking. Venus and Jupiter both ingress Gemini. This is a big change! The abundance, growth/expansion, value, beauty, attractiveness and opportunity are now in your house (area of life) of Gemini. Increase in mental stimulation, communications and information. The mind/the intellect, intelligence and ideas become what's most attractive. It's a lighter vibe, more clever, youthful, playful, changeable, fickle, and inconsistent. People will want more variety in their focus and attention. Expanded learning of new ideas and skills are likely over the next year. Venus will make a trine to Pluto by Sat May 25 as the moon wanes through Capricorn. Funding for certain groups, causes and originations is likely. The mood turns a little more serious and intense for a couple days. Intense attractions and intense relationship activity is possible especially with friends and general social circumstances. Sunday May 26 could have a lot of activity, some tension and conflict. It's a fateful destined day for good or bad. Monday May 27 moon wanes into Aquarius putting more energy into groups, friends, causes, social activity, detachment, powerful situations with Moon Pluto, but Mercury sextile Saturn has manure responsible thinking and planning, especially with money and resources. Do you want a personalized report from me? Use this link: http://astrohawk11.blogspot.com/p/services.html

Aspect list and timestamps: Tues May 21 3:22 Moon opp Mercury 7:18 am PDT Moon inconj North Node 8:32 pm PDT Moon inconj Mars 11:48 pm PDT Wed May 22 6:00 Moon trine Saturn 3:02 am PDT Sun trine Pluto 8:13 am PDT Moon inconj Chiron 9:56 am PDT Moon opp Uranus 1:23 pm PDT Thurs May 23 9:20 Moon opp Venus 12:06 am PDT Moon opp Jupiter 12:13 am PDT Moon trine Neptune 12:27 am PDT Moon ingress Sagittarius 1:23 am PDT Venus conj Jupiter 1:28 am PDT Venus sextile Neptune 3:50 am PDT Moon sextile Pluto 5:09 am PDT Moon opp Sun (full moon) 6:52 am PDT Venus ingress Gemini 1:30 pm PDT Jupiter sextile Neptune 2:43 pm PDT Fri May 24 24:16 Moon inconj Mercury 12:04 am PDT Moon trine North Node sextile SN 4:33 am PDT Moon square Saturn 11:29 am PDT Moon trine Mars 11:36 am PDT Moon trine Chiron 6:00 pm PDT Moon inconj Uranus 9:21 pm PDT Sat May 25 26:28 Venus trine Pluto 4:16 am PDT Moon square Neptune 7:46 am PDT Moon inconj Jupiter 8:27 am PDT Moon ingress Capricorn 8:35 am PDT Mercury inconj South Node 9:36 am PDT Moon inconj Venus 12:57 pm PDT Jupiter ingress Gemini 4:14 pm PDT Moon inconj sun 6:05 pm PDT Sun May 26 34:39 Moon t-square Nodes of Fate 10:06 am PDT Moon trine Mercury 1:48 pm PDT Moon sextile Saturn 5:33 pm PDT Moon square Mars 8:36 pm PDT Moon square Chiron 11:49 pm PDT Mon May 27 37:48 Moon trine Uranus 3:05 am PDT Moon sextile Neptune 1:01 pm PDT Moon ingress Aquarius 1:44 pm PDT Moon trine Jupiter 2:31 pm PDT Moon conj Pluto 5:09 pm PDT Mercury sextile Saturn 9:21 pm PDT Moon trine Venus 11:10 pm PDT Thanks for watching! #astrology #fullmoon

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