Monday, September 16, 2024

Trump's astrology luck on Sept 15 2024

The afternoon of Sunday Sept 15 2024 we had an Air Grand Trine in place with the moon, Venus and Jupiter - the two benefices connecting in support and cooperation with the circumstances of the day (the moon). It's not every day that Venus trines Jupiter, let alone the moon getting in on it. This is known as a positive aspect of support in astrology. It was especially beneficial for people that have planets or angles in Fire and Air signs from 20-22 degrees.

It just so happens Trump has his sun at 22 Gemini and his moon at 21 Sagittarius aligning perfectly with this Air grand Trine in place at the time of the 2nd assassination attempt. Trump's Nodes of Fate were also in this alignment, so the transits formed a Grand Air Trine/Kite to his chart. Trump had the support and protection from Venus and Jupiter (which reflects a higher power) shown by of the transits at that moment. Despite if you love Trump or hate him, the astrology of it all is extraordinary! It was a very critical day with Mars squaring the Nodes of Fate right before an eclipse. This event affects the long-term future.

Trump's natal chart naturally has some extra luck and opportunity in some areas of life because of his sun/Nodes/Uranus and moon getting support from his natal Jupiter, but especially this year with Transit Jupiter sitting on Trump's North Node of destiny and sun for the next few months, the first time in 12 years, aligned with his Moon as well. Trump has other not so easy transits at the same time, including Uranus sitting on his midheaven (career, reputation and public life point) for the first time in his life this year. This shows the ongoing twists and turns, shocks and surprises mostly in public life conflict because Uranus is also squaring his Mars this year. Hence two assassination attempts. It's a dangerous year for Trump (next couple years) so he should use extreme caution which is very obvious by now. Libra season coming up next tends to be easier on Trump than Virgo season, but it's eclipse season this time and Mars is not in a good place for him now through Oct. Vibes change bigtime in Nov.

I'm always very busy doing personal reports daily but i do want to make a vid soon about Harris's chart. Stay tuned, for that.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden's critical astrology transits 2024

 Biden's Astrology (for educational purposes)

One of the biggest astrological indications for what's been happening to Biden is that transit Saturn in Pisces went all the way to conjunct his IC/MC angle 4th house cusp and stationed retrograde June 29 , right after the presidential debate on June 27 , showing a reversal for Saturn (the state/establishment support). Saturn transit IC is an opposition to Biden's MC (career and public status/reputation). Saturn opp MC is usually not a supportive time for career and is more important time for home and family life. Saturn will fully transit his 4th house of home next year, showing a change and restructuring to home and family life. Plus the transit North Node is also pointing towards Biden's 4th house, along with eclipses. Transit Saturn in Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, which is in transit through Gemini Biden's 7th house of opponents and open enemies. So Saturn is answering to Jupiter in Gemini this year...Trump's sign.

We also see that Biden has two once in a lifetime difficult transits from Pluto and Uranus. Transit Uranus is moving through Biden's 6th house of health opposing his sun and Venus in Scorpio (health ruler). Biden's Venus health ruler is already debilitated, being activated by transit Uranus showing the health issues, which will get worse and changes to his daily work routine. Transit Uranus has been building up to this for a while...

Biden's moon is also being squared by transit Pluto, right where this full moon is showing he is not feeling very good. Biden's moon rules his 8th house of loss. This is a time where he has to surrender, he's not in control of everything. Hard Pluto transits show a time when things are outside of our control. It's intense power struggles and life changing transformations.

Those are the main factors in play.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Astrology June 25-July 1 2024 - Last qrt moon - Venus T-square Nodes - Saturn Station Rx - Venus sextile Mars - Mercury sextile Uranus


Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn slow in Pisces first part of the week offers a good intuitive understanding of serious matters. Generally emotional and mental maturity. Wise information and communications. Good mental control. It's only temporary but It's a good time to communicate with authority, especially if you need support and understanding or filling out a request or application. This aspect is exact on Wed June 26 but strong Tues - Thurs,

Venus is T-square the Nodes of Fate exact by Wed June 26. Relationships and or resources are at a fateful crossroads based on feelings, needs, safety, security, home and family, or property and real estate. Self-verses what other people need and want complicates the consideration. Long tern changes based on the activity with others and money can result.

Saturn Stations Retrograde exact June 29 but consider it all week.
Saturn was direct 0-19 degrees Pisces Nov 4 2023 - June 28 2024
Saturn is Rx 19-12 degrees June 29 - Nov 15 2024
Saturn goes direct at 12-29 degrees Pisces Nov 16 2024 - May 24 2025

Saturn is back at 19 degrees leaving Rx shadow moving forward into new territory by Feb 18 2025

Saturn Retrograde - reviewing work, structures, systems, commitments and responsibilities, limitations, rules, laws and regulations. Stress and pressures are heightened. Self-reflection on moving forward with certain decisions, work, projects, goals, ambitions and commitments. Questioning if what's causing you stress and pressure is worth it. Gov't processes, applications, approvals and decisions coming to a head, slowed. and or delayed. 

Starting new building projects or other major new work commitments are not as supported. Going back and working on/finishing what's already been in process since Nov 2024 is supported. Constriction, consolidation and elimination. Returning to an unfished problem, issue or concern. Updating skills and knowledge from behind the scenes. 

Pisces is a self-sacrificing, empathetic, sensitive sign. Saturn stationing Rx can show heightened sensitivity, feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, changes in mood and feelings, isolated and depressed. Some might feel pessimistic, wanting to retreat and escape, but feeling trapped, heavy, serious, burdened, etc. Some stagnation is possible, feeling like you're in limbo or procrastinating. 

Health issues; physical, emotional or spiritual could slow progress down. The need to reflect on finding healthy downtime, taking your rest and wellbeing more seriously. Understanding and accepting your restrictions, limitations and boundaries. Shoring up your personal boundaries. 

These issues will be playing out in your house (area of life) that has Pisces on the cusp, along with the opposite sign (Virgo). 
These issues could be especially strong if you have Pisces in the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house. Also, if you have a personal planet in your birth chart at 19 degrees of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius. If you are age 29-30, 59-60 or 89-90 you are having your Saturn Return in Pisces. Therefore, Saturn stationing Rx could feel especially strong for you.

This week we enter the last Qrt moon phase where the moon has half its light - the crisis in consciousness phase, reflecting some emotional challenges, or with circumstances, especially around Friday June 28 -Sat June 29. The need to accept and integrate. Don't push too hard.

Venus and Mars reach their first major aspect (connection) since their conjunction (new cycle) in Aquarius back in late February 2024. The Masculine and Feminine has an opportunity to connect and cooperate in a new better way. Personal attractiveness, and pleasures are enhanced. Generally stronger sexual desires with more opportunity to connect to the other and feel satisfied. Although the connection is still young and not fully matured or fulfilled. 

This weekend Mercury will sextile Uranus showing the ability to think differently, outside of the box and more open minded. Possible unexpected news, information or communications which is beneficial. 

Do you want a personalized report from me about the next 12 months of your life? Get on my worklist here:

Aspect list and timestamps:

Tues June 25 5:20
Moon inconj Mercury 12:26 am PDT
Moon sextile Chiron 11:30 am PDT
Moon square Uranus 3:29 pm PDT
Moon ingress Pisces 11:07 pm PDT

Wed June 26 7:32
Moon trine sun 8:25 am PDT
Venus t-square Nodes of Fate 9:06 am PDT
Mercury trine Saturn 11:09 am PDT
Moon square Jupiter 11:26 am PDT
Moon inconj South Node 6:36 pm PDT
Moon trine Venus 7:32 pm PDT
Moon sextile Mars 9:25 pm PDT

Thurs June 27 17:25
Moon conj Saturn 7:56 am PDT
Moon trine Mercury 11:10 am PDT
Moon sextile Uranus 6:22 pm PDT

Fri June 28 34:17
Moon conj Neptune 1:44 am PDT
Moon ingress Aries 1:51 am PDT
Moon sextile Pluto 4:17 am PDT
Mercury square Chiron 10:58 am PDT
Moon square sun (last Qrt) 2:53 pm PDT
Moon sextile Jupiter 3:02 pm PDT
Moon conj NN opp SN 9:25 pm PDT
Venus sextile Mars 9:49 pm PDT

Sat June 29 43:35
Moon square Venus 3:15 am PDT
Saturn Station Retrograde 12:05 pm PDT
Moon conj Chiron 5:24 pm PDT
Mercury sextile Uranus 7:19 pm PDT
Moon square Mercury 9:56 pm PDT

Sun June 30 49:13
Moon ingress Taurus 5:00 am PDT
Moon square Pluto 7:23 am PDT
Moon sextile sun 9:56 pm PDT

Mon July 1 52:04
Moon inconj South Node 12:43 am PDT
Moon conj Mars 9:18 am PDT
Moon sextile Venus 11:42 am PDT
Moon sextile Saturn 2:27 pm PDT


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Astrology June 18-24 2024 - Sun sq Neptune - Sun ingress Cancer (Solstice) Capricorn Full Moon!

This week in Astrology starts off with the sun square Neptune - It's a distortion to reality, misunderstandings, confusion, uncertainty, but dreamy and fantasy prone, creative, musical, spiritual, retreat vibes, illusionary, deceptive, stronger need for escapism, weaker vitality, scandals conspiracies, identity thief, data breach, hacking events, big storms, water events and a generally more sensitive time that moves into a more introverted phase. Some health issues or feeling tired is possible. Sun ingress Cancer is a big turning point from where we've been the last few months until we get to late Sept, change of season and focus. Home, family, safety, security, property, real estate and your inward life generally becomes a stronger focus. It's more sensitive, protective, cautious, intuitive with your feelings and needs becoming a stronger priority. Having comfort food, nurturing self and others becomes a stronger need. The moon becomes full in Capricorn Friday, the first of two full moons in Cap over the next month. Work, business, real estate deals, goals, ambitions, etc are coming to a head. Certain work and or responsibilities are starting or ending. There's a stronger emotional need for good reputation, respect, hard work, commitment, duty, obligation, punctuality, reliability, morality, doing the "right" thing, doing what needs to be done. There's a need to find a better balance between work life and home/family life. The Cap full moon will show strong Govt situations in the world coming to a head this month, a turning point. Strong focus on the homeland, immigration issues, security issues. Certain rules and laws at a turning point. Some government employees losing their job or getting a new job. General changes within Government - local, state and federal, or changes to the structures and systems of your own life over the next month. Also, in general certain goals of the past 6 months could be reached.  The T- square to Neptune could indicate scandals and conspiracies within Govt. After the full moon moves on we start to move away from the Neptune squares where reality starts to set back in, less confusion, less uncertainty, better focus but much more intuitive and sensitive. Sat June 22 could be a fateful day with news and information, thinking, perceptions, and communications.   Do you want a personalized report from me? Use this link:

Aspect list and timestamps:

Tues June 18 2:46 Moon inconj North Node 12:41 am PDT Venus inconj Pluto 7:12 am PDT Moon trine Saturn 1:18 pm PDT Moon inconj Chiron 8:11 pm PDT Wed June 19 7:36 Moon opp Uranus 12:24 am PDT Moon inconj Sun 7:14 am PDT Moon trine Neptune 9:18 am PDT Moon ingress Sagittarius 9:31 am PDT Moon sextile Pluto 12:32 pm PDT Moon inconj Venus 3:40 pm PDT Moon opp Jupiter 8:21 pm PDT Moon inconj Mercury 8:39 pm PDT Thurs June 20 14:21 Moon inconj Mars 12:47 am PDT Moon trine NN sextile SN 8:38 am PDT Sun square Neptune 11:12 am PDT Sun ingress Cancer (solstice) 1:50 pm PDT Moon square Saturn 9:07 pm PDT Fri June 21 31:02 Moon trine Chiron 3:40 am PDT Moon inconj Uranus 7:43 am PDT Mercury sextile Mars 9:22 am PDT Moon square Neptune 3:57 pm PDT Moon ingress Capricorn 4:00 pm PDT Moon opp Sun (full moon) 6:07 pm PDT Sat June 22 46:16 Moon inconj Jupiter 3:17 am PDT Moon opp Venus 3:19 am PDT Sun inconj Pluto 5:00 am PDT Moon trine Mars 9:37 am PDT Moon opp Mercury 12:24 pm PDT Moon t-square Nodes of Fate 1:20 pm PDT Mercury t-square Nodes of Fate 6:12 pm PDT Sun June 23 52:20 Moon sextile Saturn 2:01 am PDT Moon square Chiron 8:21 am PDT Moon trine Uranus 12:19 pm PDT Moon sextile Neptune 8:05 pm PDT Moon ingress Aquarius 8:14 pm PDT Moon conj Pluto 10:50 pm PDT Mon June 24 56:26 Moon inconj Sun 1:56 am PDT Moon trine Jupiter 7:51 am PDT Moon inconj Venus 11:59 am PDT Moon square Mars 3:58 pm PDT Moon trine SN sextile NN 4:11 pm PDT Mars inconj South Node 7:33 pm PDT Thanks for watching! #astrology #fullmoon #solstice

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Astrology June 4-10 2024 - Gemini New moon conj Venus square Saturn - Mars at critical degree! Mars ingress Taurus

This week in astrology we close out the last lunar cycle with the dark moon in Taurus and start a new cycle with the Gemini new moon by Thurs June 6 at 16 degrees conjunct Venus and square Saturn, showing something of value is starting but also comes with a challenge, pressure or stress. Venus is conjunct the sun being reborn in a sense showing a strong focus on beauty, relationship, money and or whatever is of personal value for you at this time becoming clearer aligned with your heart that allows you to move forward with it in a new way. Mercury is conjunct Jupiter so there is a lot going on, a ton of information and communications, big news, media, social media, networking, learning, etc. So much mental stimulation at this time with a variety of activity and busyness. Mars is reaching the last degree of Aries this week before entering Taurus for a big change in dynamics with war, military and general activity by this weekend. Before the change there could be some critical aggressive situations in the world. later this week. Mars in Taurus the next several weeks will show more activity and problems in your Taurus area of life in your birth chart. It will also challenge Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo from this transit. Mars will square Pluto by next week showing the power level is out of balance. This weekend has challenges, restrictions, limitations, slowdowns. seriousness, pressures, stress duty, obligations, etc. as Venus and the sun square Saturn. It could show a test of some kind. Stay within integrity, be responsible, mature and patient for best results. Do you want a personalized report from me? use this link:

Aspect List and timestamps:

Tues June 4 4:56 Mercury conj Jupiter 3:23 am PDT Moon sextile Saturn 6:45 am PDT Sun conj Venus 8:33 am PDT Moon conj Uranus 4:03 pm PDT Wed June 5 10:18 Moon sextile Neptune 1:08 am PDT Moon ingress Gemini 1:35 am PDT Moon trine Pluto 4:45 am PDT Moon conj JUpiter 5:49 am PDT Moon conj Mercury 9:46 am PDT Thurs June 6 16:30 Moon trine SN sextile NN 1:10 am PDT Moon conj sun (new moon) 5:37 am PDT Moon conj Venus 6:35 am PDT Moon square Saturn 10:18 am PDT Moon sextile Chiron 4:27 pm PDT Fri June 7 30:46 Moon sextile Mars 3:21 am PDT Moon square Neptune 5:05 am PDT Moon ingress Cancer 5:40 am PDT Moon sextile Pluto 8:54 am PDT Sat June 8 33:43 Venus square Saturn 1:25 am PDT Moon t-square Nodes of Fate 5:40 am PDT Moon trine Saturn 4:07 pm PDT Mars ingress Taurus 9:34 pm PDT Moon square Chiron 10:38 pm PDT Sun June 9 44:28 Moon sextile Uranus 2:26 am PDT Sun square Saturn 3:35 am PDT Mercury trine South Node sextile NN 9:28 am PDT Moon trine Neptune 12:05 pm PDT Moon ingress Leo 12:28 pm PDT Moon square Mars 1:23 pm PDT Moon opp Pluto 3:50 pm PDT Moon sextile Jupiter 7:08 pm PDT Mon June 10 53:18 Moon sextile SN trine NN 1:18 pm PDT Moon sextile Mercury 7:34 pm PDT

Thanks for watching!