Thursday, March 1, 2018

Virgo Full Moon March 1 2018 - Seeing through illusions, finding greater balance between intuition and logic

This full moon is at 11 degrees Virgo exact 4:51 pm PST.  This isn't a typical Virgo moon because the sun and moon are strongly aligned with Neptune, which changes the interpretation a bit.

Emotional climax

 As always the full moon increases emotional energy; it's a peak in the lunar cycle which shows changes to feelings and circumstances next few days and beyond. More understanding and awareness sets in as consciousness expansion takes place. In this case, gaining practical perspective and breaking through some of your illusions and blind spots because of the strong moon opposite Neptune influence.

Full moon's are always a peak for relationship circumstances as well; changes begin to happen in your relationships as you see past the illusions you've created about yourself and others.

A full moon is about balancing polarities in your life.

With Virgo moon opposite sun/Neptune in Pisces it's suggesting people need greater balance between trusting intuition, senses and feelings vs trusting the mind, being analytical, practical and logical. It's not one or the other, it's about integrating both sides of this polarity for a healthier life and existence. You can indeed use your feelings/intuition AND understanding what's logical and practical with how to proceed forward. The mind is not an enemy when used properly.

This could also be finding greater balance between work and retreat, spirituality vs physical reality, how much you give to others (service) vs how much you take for self; acceptance and faith vs judgmental critical attitude about situations. People need some level of judgment and discernment about plans and goals for the future vs being overly idealistic, vague and dreamy.  Your dreams and visions for the future are important but you'll also need to incorporate a practical well planned path to achieve those dreams. At this point there should be some understanding about how far you've come and what's tripping you up on your path.

This full moon will help you perceive where your life has become out of balance so you can let go of something, like unhealthy distractions, escapism, self sacrifices, feelings of victimization, etc so to create a better healthier path down the center, not being ruled by extremes. This moon is reflecting a need to take greater responsibility for your life, understanding that your thoughts, feelings and actions play a critical role for how things turn out, while also having faith and accepting what's out of your control. A level of acceptance in the moment to certain situations is needed but also practical planning and taking small steps to make the necessary changes that your life requires. Also keep in mind that not everything has to be perfect. Perfectionism is an illusion.

This full moon will help you work through recent illusions, confusion and uncertainty. This is also true for your relationships because it's moon sun opposition plus the ruler of this moon is conjunct Venus. Be easy on self and others, no one is perfect!

Virgo wants to narrow your focus, getting practical and organized, cleaning up, purifying your environment, restructuring daily routines, planning for the future, separating fact from fiction, etc. Full moon in Virgo shows a peak to all this along with a peak and change to any recent health circumstances. All this practicality needs a level of inspiration, faith, spirituality, intuition, creativity, compassion and empathy for self and others, in order to obtain a healthier daily routine.

Moon opposite Neptune will sensitize your feelings a bit. Strange mood swings are possible. You might have odd, hard to describe feelings, visions or dreams in some way. You could feel entrapped by your environmental situation, understanding that something needs to change but not sure what. You could gain a new perspective on something/someone you've never had before, which could be breathtaking, beautiful or downright scary.

Finding the middle ground

You might feel pulled between doing something that is logical and practical vs a grand dream of something hard to obtain. Remember extremes is what we're trying to avoid. Is there a certain path between those two options that's more reasonable?

This full moon could be a peak to recent building of spiritual, emotional, physical or mental fatigue. We're turning a corner now, for health matters as well, circumstances slowly begin to change over the next two weeks.

There's a pull between wanting to retreat and rest, being messy and disorganized vs working on something, cleaning up and doing what needs to be done. You don't have to do one or the other. It's possible to make time for both these polarities - rest and work.

Relationship realizations

This full moon can bring certain realizations and disillusionment about something, including key relationships so that needed changes can happen between you and others. This includes breaking through the self sabotage and illusions you've created about yourself and other people, perceiving something/someone for what it truly is. You can be aware of this without being critical and judgmental as you perceive yours and others character flaws.

Mercury Venus Jupiter - there's hope and faith to hang on to

Mercury is with Venus in Pisces and both are in easy alignment with Jupiter which is slowing down in Scorpio preparing to station retrograde by March 9.  Jupiter going Rx will be a time to go within tapping into your faith and spirituality to get you through difficult times of changes. Going within trusting yourself/faith could create luck for actions. Mercury with Venus could be sweet talk or perceiving what others desire without it being spoken. This energy can also be creative, artistic and or musical. Going within tapping into inspiration through music etc can be healing and get you through while taking care of practical business in your life. This easy flow of energy to Jupiter creates compassion, strong faith, optimism and or spirituality. People could be more generous, caring and sensitive as the Virgo full moon reflects a need to be of service to others. Something could happen that improves your situation, leading to feelings that everything is going to be okay. Having faith that difficult life events happen for a higher reason is likely with this alignment because of all the Pisces and Jupiter energy in place. Trusting what is out of your control, having faith that your situation is for a reason that is leading to something better that's still outside your perception.

Moon square Mars - impulsive and moody 

The other big influence for this full moon is Mars in Sagittarius at a difficult angle to both Virgo and Pisces. This creates some level of frustration and agitation. Some folks might feel conflicted about being direct vs passive, speaking your mind vs holding back. Some moody behavior is possible. It's also about feeling the need to act, being quick, impulsive and reckless vs taking things slow, with proper planning, being cautious and reserved. This is dynamic force that requires some sort of challenging action. This full moon allows for us to move forward, taking the next step in life that requires decisiveness, not escaping, avoiding or procrastinating your duty, etc. More honesty, integrity and commitment need to be part of your next step as well, moving past confusion, doubts and uncertainty.

Mars trine Uranus - Innovative action

Mars begins to move into easy alignment with Uranus which allows for outside of the box, innovative activity and solutions to any recent problems, being more assertive and confident in what you do. The difficulty is remaining kind, sensitive and compassionate to others while still showing confidence and leadership, and not being too impulsive or reckless.  However, some level of risk and faith might be necessary next couple weeks before we enter an intense hard-work phase taking care of serious business after the next new moon.

Difficult health, wounding and or healing energy peaks next two weeks

Mars in hard alignment with Chiron shows that healing on multiple levels will be necessary next couple weeks, confronting your distractions, illusions and beliefs that have been holding you back. 

On the world stage 'storms' literal and metaphorical get intense

On mundane world level, this full moon creates intense storms; a peak to ocean and water events, both on inner level for nations and literal through natural events. Accidents and conflicts peak next two weeks. Disillusionment about what some nations have been hiding is possible, including the truth coming out about topics that have been uncertain in the recent months. Lies and propaganda will be sorted out. In the USA the gun issue will continue to be hot topic of debate causing frustration and anger for some people when all the different groups agendas don't get their way. However, some surprising innovative action will take place but won't necessarily improve the issues. Something about Trump gets intense as Mars aligns with Trump's personal chart the next few days...

Pisces season 

Everyone needs to balance introverted contemplation time, releasing negatives, vs times of extroverted direct action that moves you forward on your desired life path, taking care of the work and details that gets you there.

With that said, be sure to allow for rest, inspiration, spirituality, creativity, art, music, compassion, sensitivity, etc while still being responsible to your material life, not escaping through unhealthy means like drugs, drinking, procrastination, distractions, and so on.

I hope you found the report helpful. Email me if you would like a personal report.
Thanks for reading this and happy full moon!