Thursday, April 30, 2015

Scorpio Full Moon May 3 2015

Scorpio full moon is exact on Sunday May 3 2015 at 8:42 pm PDT.

The waxing moon building to full this weekend is reflective of the building energy in life from the last two weeks peaking which is producing tension in personal relationships as well and showing where life might be currently out of balance. We might feel the stress and tension for change so the stress goes away and yet there is going to be major resistance to that change as a Fixed T-square is in place pulling us in a few different directions and intensifying this full moon. If you were born between February 1 - Feb 4 then this full moon will be extra powerful for you or if you have any personal planets around 13 degrees Aquarius in your birth chart or progressed chart.  Still though, this full moon will be powerful for all of us helping us understand all situations we face right now and what keeps us stuck in lack of abundance and emotional fulfillment.

As the moon enters Scorpio this weekend opposing the Taurus sun we will start to notice deeper hidden desires trying to surface that might feel uncomfortable. People don't enjoy the moon in Scorpio, it's far too scary of a place for such sensitive energy. People born with this placement eventually may find peace with the deep-end of life but it's all too easy to repress feelings that are extremely deep and powerful, can easily crush a soul if given the opportunity; hence, why most Scorpio moon's would rather stuff it down even deeper than actually feel it. The universe is suggesting that the area of life you have Scorpio in your chart is most likely out of balance right now and needs more attention. Scorpio in our chart is where we are very private, even secretive and face a lot of drama and emotional energy. But is also a place of passion and determination. It's symbolic of the underworld - everything below the surface related to feelings. The opposite polarity is Taurus - the physical surface where the sun is currently putting a lot of attention - material concerns that provide us the physical safety and security we need along with what we need in order to experience physical pleasure in life. There is a strong universal will to build resources right now. This Taurus season the sun has reinforcements as Mars transits Taurus as well giving people a lot of will and determination to focus energy on materialism so to feel all safe and secure in the real world. There is a lot of momentum pushing forward in your house of Taurus. Once the energy of Taurus is set in motion, it's very difficult to stop. Slow but steady strength; stays the course. Fears will be strong, not knowing if you have the courage to actually see it all through. Also fears of what you will find once you do.

As the moon starts to oppose all this Taurus energy which corresponds to others in your life creating opposition and maybe some drama, we will begin to understand what holds us back from true abundance. However, others are just reflecting the personal opposition within. The more you face and accept your own deeper hidden needs and desires and also your shadow fears the less it will manifest as others in your life opposing you and creating difficultly. If you spend a lot of time in Scorpio energy already facing deep emotional situations and thoughts, neglecting real life then maybe your Taurus side is out of balance? Are you making sure you have enough resources and all your physical needs met? Shelter, food, water, etc are the basics but most people need more than that. What keeps you stuck in lack? After all, being human is about experiencing the physical but it must be balanced with more significant deeper substance than just pure materialism for us to feel content. We need emotional and physical contact from others as well. Now the moon reflects consciousness expansion about what it is you REALLY desire the most, that perhaps money can't buy and perhaps you are fearful of obtaining. Or, what you discover about yourself might be too uncomfortable to face, maybe the dark side of desire and materialism. What exactly are you willing to do in order to get all your needs met? This full moon will help you understand all that better. Strong feelings, strong passions, desires and tensions can spill over this weekend if you put up too much resistance to what is trying to manifest. Let things manifest, face your fears.

Speaking of manifesting, this full moon has a background grand earth trine from sun, Pluto, to black moon Lilith all in the earth element which suggest that some powerful deep needs are going to be created from all this tension. That in-fact we will see physical manifestations from all that which has been taking place this last two weeks or so and some of that will be what has been repressed in the past. Some old walls and boundaries that have kept you safe might be crumbling. Most likely some changes will be manifesting in the actual structure and foundation of these material concerns and plans of yours. And yet, the Scorpio moon reflects even deeper needs that want to be considered. Scorpio always has a lot of Passion, needs sexual physical contact and deep emotional boding to feel secure. How much attention do you give to this side of life? This is an important part of the human physical experience as well.  Merging with another gives even more manifesting energy and fulfills emotional needs for contact. Has your fire died out? What would it take to reignite that flame? Let your mind and heart delve deep into your personal mysteries and figure out what it will take to feel content on all levels of your life, not merely through materialism but also including emotional energy and merging with others too, so that they can be included in what wants to be materialized. If you find those needs unworthy and repress them you will most likely project them onto others and then wonder why others are acting crazy with you. Only honesty will do, Scorpio likes to get to the root of the matter and transform.

Over all this full moon has a lot to do with values and resources including money. All the attention has been on your own desires and needs but the other people you are in partnership with have needs too and so there is needing a balance between your needs and others; your values and that of others; your pleasure and what others need to feel pleasure and content too. Balancing out the resources between you and others should be one of the main objectives right now. There is a tremendous force (Jupiter t-square) trying to expand all of this for both sides but there is so much resistance to change that could stifle the situation s fears come up, keeping people trapped in what they already know well. On the other hand, those that open up to forces out side of their control and let what is trying to happen, happen then easy transformation can occur, albeit very slowly. This moon will help you face your fears about what will happen if you change the very foundation of your material and emotional life and also help you gain illumination about your shadow behavior and desires, along with fears that leave you emotionally unfilled. Are you one of those people that think you have no darkness or negative behavior, or sexual/emotional needs for contact? Think again; dark and light are but poles of the same thing with millions of degrees in between them, and all are within you and I. Face your shadow before it materializes and ends-up stinging you in the back. If you want something in your life, don't be passive about it, let it have its light so others know. Get down to the root of all issues and face the hidden aspects of yourself that sabatosh your true emotional and physical contentment. Be open to receiving. Try not to be so stubborn, that nothing changes and you end-up missing out on opportunity for new abundance.  Don't try an fight your fears, focus on the opposite polarity of courage where fear ceases to be.

Good luck folks, and happy full moon weekend.

My Services

Friday, April 17, 2015

The Principle of Correspondence

"As above, so below; as below, so above."--The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the truth that there is always a Correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life. The old Hermetic axiom ran in these words: "As above, so below; as below, so above." And the grasping of this Principle gives one the means of solving many a dark paradox, and hidden secret of Nature. There are planes beyond our knowing, but when we apply the Principle of Correspondence to them we are able to understand much that would otherwise be unknowable to us. This Principle is of universal application and manifestation, on the various planes of the material, mental, and spiritual universe--it is an Universal Law. The ancient Hermetists considered this Principle as one of the most important mental instruments by which man was able to pry aside the obstacles which hid from view the Unknown. Its use even tore aside the Veil of Isis to the extent that a glimpse of the face of the goddess might be caught. Just as a knowledge of the Principles of Geometry enables man to measure distant suns and their movements, while seated in his observatory, so a knowledge of the Principle of Correspondence enables Man to reason intelligently from the Known to the Unknown. Studying the monad, he understands the archangel.

My Services

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Aries New Moon April 18 2015

New Moon Saturday 11:57 AM PDT

Short Summary of each aspect:
NM 28 degrees Aries - new beginnings for self, in areas of esteem, confidence and courage to take some new action in your life that unfolds over the next six months. Check your chart for the Aries/Taurus cusp, this will show where action is seeding. Energy instantly moves into Taurus which symbolizes a need to make this new aggressive action  done in a slow steady pace over the next two weeks, at least so you don't burn out too quick with any new endeavors or projects you start. Strength, and getting down to the practical makes a difference now. 

Ruler of Aries is Mars-
Mars in Taurus square Jupiter Trine Pluto (Rx).

Jupiter just turned direct after months of moving retrograde which symbolizes expansion in outer life is starting to pick up again, however Jupiter is moving very slow right now has no momentum yet, but as it does pick up life moves forward with more and more momentum as well over the next six months. Mars in Taurus is a two year cycle symbolizing taking action on practical materialistic concerns right now, the very beginning seeds of the next two years. However, the Taurus energy feels most comfortable taking action with what's already known, proven successful in the past. The square to Jupiter indicates taking new action, excessive action, using excessive strength and expanding life out side of comfort zone. Following your heart could cause stress and tension however it's a natural part of the process. Have faith that you're on the right path, no matter the stress. Also Incorporate creatively in how you do things now , different from the past.

Pluto stations Retrograde

Pluto is a very slow mover so will be Retrograde at the time of the new moon, but not moving yet as it has no momentum which makes its energy exalted.  - the shadow, hidden aspects of self or others could come to the surface as the energy is in transition right now. Pluto is where transformation in your life is happening, in Capricorn which is the very foundation and structure of your life, changing very very slowly with some sudden exceptions for some people but overall slow for most. Pluto here is symbolizing some deep outdated or rotted stuff could be coming up. As Pluto moves backwards over the next several months its energy will be focused on changing deep inner core stuff so that the outer world around you can change as well, but that can't truly happen for the long term until you change those long held, possibly outdated core beliefs about self.  Mars trine Pluto indicates the action of this moon cycle will cause that transformation to flow easy for most people depending on your own personal transits but in general things will just change without having to force it. 

Venus square Neptune; Venus trine North Node

Venus is way ahead of the other planets moving through Gemini symbolizing desires for spontaneity and variety, attracted to multiable new ideas and things, wanting to have more fun and play, desiring new information. Venus is also symbolic of relationships and money and so the conversations, ideas and information being talked about in relationships of all kinds are well ahead of the actual manifestation. The square to Neptune indicates some illusionary activity going on, perhaps. Maybe viewing current dreams and desires a little too naively or unrealistically when it comes to ideas, people, love, money. It will be easy to view others and personal involvement with others through rose colored glasses only to be disillusioned later when things don't turn out exactly the way you thought. On the other hand, Venus trine North Node indicates this new beginnings for self also includes others into that as well, which seems positive and flowing with this New Moon. Sweet talk will be extra strong as Venus squares Neptune. romantic, poetic, etc. however, it's really like a drug effect and won't last long so just be mindful of what you hear from other right now. They could promise you the world and actually mean it, right now but later might not come to fruition. Stay open though and flow with it, it's all for a higher reason, in hindsight will make sense. 

Set new intentions, mentally and or thru ritual. A big secret to manifesting is understanding the universe is mental and creates through polarity using gender. Mental focus is of the masculine so these masculine mental seed ideas and thoughts of this new moon need to be projected into the feminine principle of the physical so to enable the birth of actual manifestations. This is why some spiritual practices do ritual working with the elements while setting intentions. Regardless of your individual mastery of this, whatever you are focused on consciously or otherwise will be birthing with the new energy building over the next two weeks, being aware of your thoughts and desires will help a lot in showing you what it is that wants to be created. 

Happy new moon

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Total Lunar Eclipse/FM in Libra April 4 2015

Heads up early morning this weekend Sat April 4 at 5:05am PDT we have the second eclipse arriving, this time a full eclipse of the Libra full moon. If you have any personal planets in your birth or progressed charts around 11- 17 Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) then you are going to really feel this one; although i'm pretty sure we will all feel it on some levels, world wide. Lunar eclipses bring surprise emotional illumination that is much different than a ordinary full moon. What was previously repressed or hidden for a long time tends to come out now. This is the end to a 19 year emotional relationship cycle. Libra is always about you and others. It's very likely a lot of people will have some very deep powerful emotional revelations about personal flaws when relating to others after this last 19 years, especially close intimate relationships. Something surprising or unexpected could trigger these revelations this weekend or within the next 6 months that really changes something on significant level between you and others in your life but it's very likely strong events could rattle your inner nature as soon as this weekend.

Libra is ruled by Venus and she is at 21 Taurus which means she rules this full moon eclipse and when in Taurus wants physical resources! The amount of goods she wants all depends on your own lifestyle but whatever that is, Venus in this spot is reflecting the need for more. Resources and pleasure of all kinds, along with safety and familiarity is what a lot of people desire right now. The house in your chart ruled by Taurus will have a lot to do with where the energy is connected to this eclipse. Mars is now in Taurus as well which means we really want more of the good things in life..but how to get them?? Team up with others. Transit Venus is what the universal desires and attractions are, Mars is the action we take to get it so with both Mars and Venus in Taurus, that's the area of your life being activated with a lot of desire and need to take action. Libra and Aries is where the strongest energy is. The sun is conjunct the South Node in Aries which is a sudden releasing of something really important to you from the last 19 years emotional, or otherwise while the moon in Libra conjunct the North Node is bringing sudden new relationship activity into your life that might feel emotionally uncomfortable at first. letting go of the peeps no loner relevant and embracing new relationships and partnerships which could be on any level.  Emotional shockers could help trigger these changes coming. In the rare case your outer life with others doesn't change this weekend then you will most likely have a inner change that leads to outer transformation later so regardless i see big changes coming over the next 6 months between you and others starting this weekend if not already.

This eclipse/FM is in tight hard alignment with Pluto and Uranus so is going to be direct, forceful, powerful, intense, emotional, shocking, with lots of relationship transformation,... especially if you have personal planets around 14 deg Cardinal like i said above; going to pack an emotional punch! Aries sun brightens the need to pioneer forward, individually; moon in Libra reflects the need for others... this is asking for balance between self and others, past and future. Let go of the past, embrace the new and do things different from the last 19 years. Incorporate your unique individuality into your partnerships; meaning: less co-dependency and control from others! Perhaps some of us realize just how much power we have been giving away to our partners or other people the last couple decades or more, one right after the other making it possible for others to crush us because we are being too emotionally dependent on them for our well being, even on all possible levels. Yep, very likely with this eclipse! Emotional revelations. You can still be yourself and totally free within healthy relationship. Time to wash out all the deep gunk in your personal relationship habits. Things could get messy for the less graceful folks if indeed the universe chooses you as one of the lucky ones that get quick relationship transformation from this event. Now don't let this stress you out; maybe if you feel stressed your gut already knows you know whats coming, regardless of reading this, you already know, you know. Jump into the driver's seat and drive the course life is giving you right now, doing it with courage to embrace the uncomfortable unknown future with others. Don't go it alone, that's the worst thing you can do right now and this year. Partnership on any level is the right action - biz, home, romantic, whatever just include other people otherwise you're just fighting yourself because i don't care who you are, i know for sure the universe has been, or will be sending you new people in your life that are good for you. Your free will is the "yes" or "no" but just remember with Venus and Mars in Taurus it will be easy to stay stuck with what you already know well, like a stubborn damn bull too afraid of real change just wanting your familiar safety and security. Universe won't play that game with this one. Use the Taurus energy for strength and to build up your resources to get your physical needs met while teaming up with others. That's the secret to getting all that Venus and Mars is reflecting that we want right now - team work with new people that allow you the freedom to be you, yet still in some kind of significant partnership. Regardless, this is asking you to have more faith in self, not allowing others to carry your personal power anymore, let go of the drag and move on. There will be some communication from the past a day or two after eclipse if not sooner then all this explodes, then changes, then new relationship expansion starts as Jupiter stations direct and moves life forward albeit at a slow steady pace as Mars transits the fixed sign of Taurus. This has a lot to do with money- you and others; past and future. letting old peeps go, embracing the new.

Good luck