Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Generation of Oct 1975 - 1977 - Saturn square Uranus

For the people born from Oct 1975 thru Dec 1977, you have the alignment of Saturn in Leo square Scorpio Uranus. Saturn did backtrack into Cancer for a bit that first year, so some of you might have Saturn in Cancer, but most will have Leo Saturn square Scorpio Uranus, which is a very karmic difficult alignment to be born with. That alignment was strongest during Oct/Nov 1975, June/July 1976, and Feb thru May of 1977.

I'm bringing this to your attention because this generation has reached a fated cross roads in 2018 and beyond.

Saturn square Uranus 
First let me explain the basics of what this birth aspect means for you. You can watch the video i made below about it, or read this.

Saturn is where we have karmic dues to pay. It's where we are not as good, it's our weak spot. We have limitations there, insecurities, inadequacies, fears, etc. We might judge that kind of energy. For you, it's the sign of Leo - the heart, joy, feeling happy, enjoying parties, recreation, children; being expressive and wanting attention, being in the spotlight, being a leader, etc. Having Saturn there, you're not as good at those things, you have to work harder to experience those things and enjoy them. It's just not as easy to feel happy and joyful with Saturn in Leo. That's where you have limitations. You have karmic heart issues, symbolically or literally. 

Uranus in Scorpio is stronger because Uranus is exalted there. This is the freak side of you, that's revolutionary, unique and different from tradition. It's the generation that breaks rules of what society deems taboo, including being revolutionary in sexuality, plus in topics of death and the dark side of life, as well as the ways you merge and share your life with others, much different than other generations do. 

Having this Saturn square Uranus, is extreme inner tension about these two very different sides of yourself. This is a contradiction that you're working out thru life. You can be very controversial! You are both conservative and liberal. You want tradition, structure, stability, and commitment.  And yet, you also want independence, freedom, space and change. These two contradictions are fighting for dominance within you.

This has led to many crisis points and disruptions in your life, including your jobs, relationships and where you live. Things outside of your control just seem to happen every once in awhile, causing revolution and sudden changes for your life.

There is this need to blend both of these sides of self, integrating as one, but that is not easy because they are so different. If you put too much energy on one side, say your Saturn, keeping stability, duty, obligation, commitment, etc, you will start to feel inner tension, restlessness, anxiety; becoming too rebellious, and wanting change...but if you put too much energy in that Uranus side, you'll start to lose support, lose structure, stability and commitment, burning bridges, causing conflicts, you'll start to seem strange and different where others won't want to cooperate with you as much. How can you be independent, free, rebellious and unique; in complete charge of your life while still partnering with others, having respect for authority, healthy level of duty and commitment, with a level of tradition? It's not easy to figure out. 

You were meant for a life of constant change to your stability and structure.

2018 the beginning of fated changes once again.

I bring all this up right now because at this point, you have some rare transits activating this birth alignment.

Midlife Crisis

Uranus which has an 84 year cycle, has reached the opposite sign of your birth Uranus. This is the midlife crisis aspect. You're in your 40s now and starting to feel the age. You might be missing the good ol days, noticing big changes in the younger generations, seeing it as their prime, feeling past your own prime, etc. This midlife crisis energy can play out many different ways depending on your chart, but that's the bottom line, is you've reach the second half of your life, and it's time for you to step up to that, letting the past go. This is the point where you start to learn how to balance these contradictions within you.

This Uranus ingress to Taurus is even more critical for you at this point because transit Uranus is not only opposing your birth Uranus, it's also square your birth Saturn! Your Saturn has two Uranus influences now, putting great tension on it. Your life has had so many disruptions and changes outside your control thru the years, that at this point you probably don't want changes anymore. You want that stability, loyalty and commitment. However, your karma is for change, and mixing this combination of energy. This transit will increase tension, restlessness, anxiety and a sense that something is coming.

You have reached a fated cross roads

Not only do you have rare Uranus midlife crisis transit now, but you also have the Nodes of fate aligning with this birth Saturn Uranus, creating a Grand Cross for you. This is fate that is about to force big changes once again. You know you can feel it coming! 

This is even more true because transit Mars is at the South Node point in this Grand Cross, slowing down to stop and station direct, square your Uranus and opposing your Saturn! This means the next few months is a huge change to your life working up. For some, this will be the next couple years, but a lot of you are facing the changes very soon, this fall of 2018 thru 2020.

Trying to fight change and stay put, will only make this transition harder. At this point, you have been around the block a few times. How can you let big changes happen without making it worse than it needs to be? It's about making changes without causing crisis, losing stability and support from others, not burning bridges and being too rebellious and independent. This phase will help you better balance your birth alignment of extreme contradiction, being both conservative and liberal. The more you can make these changes in a slow, controlled, mature way, taking responsibility and not blaming others for issues, the better it will go. If life forces changes on you, it's best to accept those changes and flow with it as fighting them will not be beneficial. This is a turning point in your life to help you get where you want to be, so you can experience more joy and happiness; where you can finally build some long term stability after this final big change, of some kind. This looks to be the biggest of them all, that has long lasting results.

Use that rebel side to fight for changes in your world that are really needed, not just fighting authorities for any reason. Pick your battles wisely. Admit to yourself you are both conservative and progressive, rather than going back and forth from one side to the other, you need a balance in that, at same time.  As i said, now that you're older and wiser, you might have figured out how to prevent the crisis and sudden changes, where you are taking on that Saturn side of tradition and stability. However, Uranus is back in the game, to show you you'll always need independence freedom and change on some level, you'll always be a rebel, unique and authentic, not what other people say you should be. It's just a matter of finding mature healthy ways to express that rebel side, without burning down your life and supports, always starting fresh again.

Either way, fated changes are here, and there is no stopping that.  Prepare for that change coming. Your intuition is correct, it's time to do something different now! The more you can blend these two different sides of self, the better your circumstances will be!

I hope that was helpful.

 I offer custom reports if you need more details on what phase of life you are entering. See my services page for more info on that.

Good luck with this cross roads of destiny at play! 


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Darkside of the Pisces full moon Aug 26 2018

I did a report on the light side of the Pisces full moon, here's a darker perspective from the world context and what we might see.

Aug 21/22 2018 Capricorn moon phase

When the moon moves thru Capricorn, there's a need to control emotions, get serious, mature, and display integrity. It's about work. If there is something you know you should be doing, but you're not doing it, this moon will have you feeling anxiety, stress and worry. Get things done and out of the way, you'll feel a lot better, under this Cap moon influence.

Moon is moving thru the heaviest and most intense part of the sky next two days, it's not as easy, and circumstances might be a little rough around the edges. It's only a couple days, this moon influence won't last long. Cap moon, plus square Venus, it's just harder to get your needs met next couple days, in general. If you have Taurus and Virgo energy, it's not as hard.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Pisces Full Moon Aug 26 2018

The full moon on Aug 26 2018 exact 4:56 am PDT is a culmination point, max tension and consciousness expansion to at least one area of your life, that leads to changes and better balance. The full moon is lighting up an area that is usually foggy, dark and unclear. It's bringing attention to things such as the psychological influence behind bad habits, bad diets, drinking too much, drug use, etc, anything that is having negative effect on your life, this moon will bring more awareness about that for better balance. As well, the moon acts as a fog light to the mystic, spiritual and creative sides of your life.

Kite Configuration - Practical Improvements 

This moon is connected to awesome Kite configuration with the sun in Virgo, Saturn in Cap and Uranus in Taurus - earth signs. This is a true blessing for the Pisces energy. The moon full will bring awareness to everything associated with Pisces, which is creativity, religions, spirituality, institutions, humanitarian organizations, film industry, intuition, psychic energy, fantasy, metaphysics, etc, etc, helping you get more logical and practical about those types of things. It will be easier to narrow focus, cleaning house so to speak, making logical improvements and innovations to how you function in those Pisces types of ways.  You can improve your art work, your film productions, your connection to the divine, and also improve your psychological health, having more awareness to what is normally unconscious, making great changes of improvement in a very practical way, to things that are normally hard to see, and not real clear or practical.

Increase in energetic sensitivities

This Pisces full moon will increase energetic sensitivity, able to feel the energy in your environment, picking up on other peoples thoughts and feelings, which can feel uncomfortable. The earth energy will help you understand where that's coming from, showing you how to create better energetic boundaries, not letting yourself be effected so much by other people's energy.

All the physical senses, and the 6th sense will be heightened and more intense under this moon.

This moon will allow entry into the dream world, the psychic world, fantasies and other dimensions, yet still remain grounded where we won't get lost in the abyss.

Active mind, travel tension.

Mercury moving direct square Jupiter final pass and inconj Neptune has the mind very active, with strong opinions, dramatic, dogmatic and ego driven, but we'll be making adjustments to everything we've been thinking and saying for awhile, as the full moon brings better awareness. Communication, information and travel is still under difficult energy for a bit. Try and put less emphasis and extremes on things you think, communicate and express under this energy

Relationship tension and changes

Full moons are always max tension and opposition in relationships. This one has Venus square Pluto and Mars so will also bring relationships to a changing point, with more awareness of the shadow arrives. These changes could be forced out of your control. A level of power struggles, power plays, getting obsessive and intense is very possible. Sexual energy will be strong, especially as the moon highlights fantasies. Venus square Mars means the lovers are hot but not on same page, sexual tension builds, social and romantic energy is not as cooperative. Strong need for creativity will cause tension if it does not have a practical outlet thru sex or some kind of creativity. This is the beginning of a change and difficult phase for relationships, as Venus gets closer to entering her shadow then goes Rx this fall for a deep transformation process around love, desires and money.

Hope and inspiration

Jupiter trine Neptune, there is hope and inspiration for the future, some kind of outlet of support on some level should be here, this full moon brings more awareness to that, and helps you better understand what's headed for your life next.

Happy full moon!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Personal Moon Sun Cycle

Tracking daily simple moon sun astrology can yield more ease and awareness for your practical everyday routines, giving you an advantage over the rest of the world, that pretty much sleep walks thru life, never seeing the hidden signs and directions that are clearly insight. Astrology can be complex, but you can also break it down like this in many different ways.

The sun moon are the most noticeable in the sky, so it makes sense to focus on their relationship the most. These are lights of consciousness. The sun is the father - the outer light, passion, power, focus, and drive. Moon is the mother - the inner night light; the receiver of destiny's will, nurtured into fruition by mid cycle, every single month, symbolic of the wheels of life, always turning. That's one way to look at it, anyway.

I'll give you some tricks on how to use this knowledge to your advantage for your chart and life at  the end of this brief simplified explanation of the moon sun cycle.

Sun moon conjunction  - seeds of creation
This starts the cycle of life every month. Whatever you're doing in that three day phase is directly shaping your future. These days create the effects of your causes put forth into unstoppable motion, but their final birth, the details and outcome depends on other factors that happen thru that first two weeks of the cycle.

1st Quarter Waxing Square -  the moon is half full in the sky
When the moon reaches 90 degrees in front of the sun, that's the 1st Quarter moon Square sun alignment of the cycle. Those few days are not as easy, emotionally, or in your outer circumstances with challenges, having to deal with little annoying things that you would rather not, not having everything go your way as much; feeling, moody, emotional, sensitive, etc. This is the time that mother nature is putting in the heavy nurturing, doing the hard creation work of life. This isn't the time to have doubts, retreat, or indulge laziness. It's do or die time!

Full moon - culmination point - full illumination
When the moon reaches opposite of the sun, it's full moon time. The moon's reflecting the flowering and birthing of intentions put forth thru the last two weeks of creation. Time to harvest that. It's also the point of consciousness expansion, where you might feel emotional tension, or in your outer circumstances. I would imagine giving birth can be hard, tiring and painful. So, it can be that way in this creation birthing sense as well. This is the time of  max energy for three days out of the month, before release, and change begins.

3rd Quarter Waning Square
When the moon is behind the sun at right angle a week later, that becomes the last quarter moon square sun phase of the cycle. Like the first quarter, there's not much harmony in feelings and daily life circumstances (which is different for everyone, depending on your birth sun). It's just not going to be the best of days, on average. There's challenges, which could be big or small. This time it's okay to retreat, pushing forward, trying to create in this phase is like swimming upriver. You'll need integration, and acceptance to the consequences of your creations at this point, for good or bad; what's done is done. This is meant for continued time of release, waning consciousness and awareness going within, the dark, healing, recuperating for the next cycle of life.

Finally week later there's no more light, sun moon reach conjunction, sparking off the creation of life once again, cause and effect set in motion.

Tracking your personal moon sun cycle

When we track the moon sun cycle above us all, that's the current reflection of life events birthing and releasing. That's nature's moon sun cycle when she is creating or resting. It's playing out on one dimension in your life/chart, but there's a different pattern playing out for you personally, based on where the current moon is in relation to your birth sun

When transit moon enters a certain sign and reaches the same degree as your natal sun, that's the start of your personal moon cycle every month. That's your personal new moon for the creation of things in your own life. This is why generalized astrology isn't always going to fit how things are for you.
If your sun is in Aries, then every month when the moon is in Aries and reaches the degree of your sun, you get new energy, recharge, new cycle, a building momentum to create things, rather then trying to create when the flow of life is against you. You might not even be aware that creation is taking place on your waxing phase. Like i said, the activity and decisions of those three days on new moon have ripple effects, that make a big difference on what shows up two weeks later, and even up to six months later from your personal new moon every month.

It's best to know the moon sun relationship in your own chart too, but it's not required for this basic tracking. However if your personal 1st quarter moon is same time as a moon trine sun phase in the sky above, then your square will not be as difficult in that cycle. So there's more to all this understanding. I don't want to get complex though for this so i'll keep it basic. Use the general moon sun cycle of nature for everyone in general, in your house (areas of life) where the sun is in transit. When we have a new moon in Virgo. Well, find Virgo in your chart and that will be a place that nature is creating in your life. But on that more practical and personal level, it's good to track your personalized version of creation that you directly affect.

For example: Today and tomorrow the moon is in Sagittarius. This means if you are Sagittarius sun sign, it's your personal new moon!

If you are Gemini sun sign, it's your full moon phase! 

If you are Virgo sun, it's your 1st Quarter square phase of the cycle - not as easy, disharmony, circumstances or feelings not flowing, something requires your attention and effort, you got to push thru.

If you are Pisces sun, this is your personal last Quarter moon right now. Again, it's not about pushing thru, acceptance and letting go is best. It's never the best days, things just don't flow as good. Accept that and don't push too hard. Flow with what life sends you on these 2 days of the cycle. Go within.

Aug 21/22 2018
In a couple days the moon enters Capricorn. That's sun in Capricorn's personal new moon. 

If you have sun in Libra, it's your 1st Quarter moon - push thru

If you have Cancer sun, those two days will be your full moon phase!

If you have Aries sun, it's your last quarter square - acceptance, don't push hard.

See how that works.

So just knowing your sun sign, and what sign the moon up in the sky is in at any given moment, you can know what days to expect challenges and what days will be in harmony, helping you make better choices. Astrologers can't do that for everyone, they can only generalize nature's moon cycle which effects us all differently. It's still useful, but so is tracking your personal cycle. If i have to go to store, or the dmv, or whatever else i dislike. I'm going to do it when there's harmony, not when the moon is square my sun, etc. That will make it unenjoyable, have issues with others, catch every stoplight, get a ticket, etc. Anything like that is more probable under tension.  If it's your 1st quarter square, you might have no choice! Personal full moon, things just happen. It's easy to know when those days are, using basic moon sun astrology.

There's many other factors at play as well. You might have three other alignments that add harmony, overriding the moon sun disharmony a bit. But this is all more accurate then using nature's personal moon cycle. Track your personal moon sun cycle for best results!

Right now tho, the moon is waxing in harmony with the sun, in general for everyone. Mother nature is in creation process at the moment. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Locational Astrology based on Houses and Dignity

Here is a locational astrology technique I came up with using houses and dignity based on your natal chart. Every location on earth fits into one of your 12 houses. I use Equal houses for this method. I also use the traditional rulerships. I'm using my own chart and North America as an example, but i can create a map for anywhere in the world.

In your natal chart your planets are either well placed or not so well placed. Using this dignity method I can see which houses are your best, therefore the locations around the world in those houses would be your better areas to live, despite other factors and techniques that can be used for location astrology.

In my natal chart I have Uranus in Exaltation (Scorpio) and accidental dignity because it's place in the 11th house, where it does good. I also have Neptune in accidental dignity because it's in the 12th house, where it does good. Therefore living in my 11th house is where i'm exalted bringing out dignity. Uranus also rules Astrology, so would be great place to have Astrology business.

In my case i have the moon in detriment, because it's in Capricorn. It's harder for me to get what makes me feel emotionally safe and secure, harder to get my needs met; in my case, 2nd house of the material. I need money and resources to stay emotionally stable. Cap moon in detriment there shows i'll have to work much harder than the average person to have those needs met. Living in that house, is a detriment area of the world for me, something i should avoid.

I have a lot of energy in 10th house, so a certain nobility and success in career and public life. But Libra sun is in its Fall, so will only give me so much of that success. Also the sun is Square the moon with challenges. Venus is in her fall, ruling the 10th and 6th houses, making the 6th and 10th houses also in fall. Therefore, it's best to avoid those areas as well.

My chart ruler Jupiter is strong, because it's in Aries, a fire sign, trine my Ascendant in Sag. Therefore those houses wouldn't be too bad, but still not my exaltation.

My best area in North America would be 11th house based on dignity.

So this is how i use this technique.

Thanks for your interest!