Friday, February 27, 2015

The Astrology of Lindsey Buckingham

 Musician, singer and songwriter Lindsey Buckingham was born on October 3, 1949 at 1:53 am in Palo Alto, California. He is best known as the singer and lead guitarist in the group Fleet Wood Mac along with Stevie Nicks. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998.

 Lindsey Is A Libra sun, Aquarius moon and Leo Rising with Pluto and Mars. That combo alone would make for a powerful person but Lindsey also has many other unique energy combinations that has led to him having such extraordinary musical and poetic talent.  Lindsey's sun is conjunct retrograde Mercury and Neptune in the beautiful artistic sign of Libra connected to his third house of communication. This makes him a graceful poet and a deep thinker that likes to go back over his work several times redoing, rethinking and making adjustments until it's just right. His Uranus has a light square to his sun giving him a rebellious eccentric edge, especially when it comes to relationship emotions which he can then channel into his creative writing. 

The Rising sign is our mask, projected personalty upon first impressions and our personal style. Leo rising makes Lindsey that star out in front entertaining. He's passionate and performs with heart. The sun rules Leo so that entertainment is being projected through his Libra sun in the 3rd house of communication, short trips, art, beauty and relationships. Lindsey has Mars and Pluto rising which makes him seem very deep, mysterious, passionate, even borderline angry, controlling, manipulative, sexual as both Pluto and Mars are associated with the sign Scorpio but when expressed through the sign Leo creates drama, flamboyant expressions of intensity and passion giving him the power of magnetism drawing others in easily with his strong passionate intense theatrics. Lindsey would indeed be a very angry man if not for this creative musical outlet. 

With his Saturn in Virgo 2nd house Lindsey might have a deep fear of poverty making him frugal or reserved in spending, always making sure he has plenty of resources and also feeling too critical about his work and being a perfectionist which he values a lot. 

Aquarius moon at the critical degree of 29 in his 7th house throws a curve ball into the mix. Emotionally Lindsey feels cool and detached, graceful and diplomatic. He can understand feelings from a detached intro, intellectual perspective yet still has a lot of inner tension that creates strong emotions, especially in love. He might feel this urgency to maintain that chillness and not get carried away by the turbulent drama he unconsciously attracts. He might also have a strong emotional need to be around friends or other people feeling most comfortable within group context. Lindsey has his Venus in the 4th house of Scorpio which means his romantic relationships have a very Scorpionic theme to them; deep, passionate, controlling, jealous, possessive, intense, emotional and transformative. He likes loyalty, all or nothing but might have difficulties once these relationships have passed the initial sexual excitement phases and the need for deeper emotional intimacy and nurturing creates tension within his detached Aquarius moon environment. It's possible Lindsey didn't get the deep emotional nurturing he needed as a baby causing this area of life to be confusing and a challenge. He can have women get really pissed and seek revenge based on their Scorpio vibe disliking betrayal. 

By progression Lindsey's energy has really changed so stay tuned for part two - his progressed chart!

Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave comments and questions below.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sun square Saturn Feb 23 2015

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend with the Venus and Mars connection even if Saturday was a little turbulent. Monday morning looks a tad rough too as the sun squares Saturn and the moon squares Mercury while the background tension with Uranus square Pluto builds. I'll try and sum up the conflict: This is a symbolic need to incorporate both of these conflicting energies and not polarize one side or the other. On one end the sun in Pisces with Neptune sq Saturn is bringing a lot of energy and attention to dreams and fantasies, unrealistic, illusory perceptions and possibly some oversensitivity and even unhealthy escapism do to a lack of energetic boundaries. On the other end of this square Saturn in Sagittarius could be reflecting too much criticism for self and others beliefs; Insensitivity, lack of compassion or too authoritative/dogmatic in expressing opinions and beliefs.

Saturn is reflecting the need to get a little more real and practical right now yet we need that Pisces magic and mysticism as well, plus compassion and empathy for everyone we encounter but only to healthy levels where it does not drain you of your energy. With sun square Saturn Monday morning can feel kind of depressing or cynical and moody. It's easy to become the mortyr or feel like a victim in some way so it's important to become conscious of the reasons why if you feel this energy build Monday morning. If so use your will to raise your vibration back up to a healthy balance between maturity, responsibility, perceiving reality clearly vs using your compassion, empathy, imagination and love in a healthy productive way that benefits all involved; meaning don't be too much of a cold hard ass but don't be easily hurt and hypersensitive either. Use your wisdom while still remaining sensitive.

Moon square Mercury is short influence right at same time and means feelings and thoughts will be in conflict, not in sync. Say what you feel, feel what you think and express it maturely. Don't be stubborn for prideful for imaginary reasons. Uranus square Pluto is about revolution to established order and will be peaking this spring. Authority issues could come up Monday but if you act with wisdom, compassion and maturity, directing your efforts into practical creative solutions, then the situation will quickly turn supportive later in the coming days. So if people seem extra cynical and critical on Monday, this is why. Just give them a big hug and be done with it.

enjoy :D

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Venus conjunct Mars 2015

Make your plans now, this weekend looks HOT! Venus has finally caught up to Mars, right when they both move into Aries changing relationship dynamics and energizing passion. As i write this Venus and Mars are still in Pisces so relationship energy is very different from what is about to flower. Venus and Mars are symbolic of the lovers, feminine & masculine. This conjunction is initiating a new cycle for the lover's passion. The last time they came together like this was back in April of 2013 so that long cycle is ending and beginning a new this weekend. This means both energies are on the same page and want the same things.

The feminine is the one that might seem more aggressive & enthusiastic than normal this weekend starting around Fri 3:30 pm PST and peaking Saturday night at 9:10 pm PST but call it ripe all weekend. There will be some rebellious and intense energy in place. Venus in this spot wants to chase and play with adventure and excitement but there is some powerful circumstances shaping up for her. She wants what she wants, now, and usually gets it so she might get more than she bargained for, in some way. hey, just sayin...Both him & her will be impatient and want lots of freedom & independence at same time so don't hold on too tight this next few weeks. I'm not going to get into too many more details as i mainly just want to bring your conscious attention to this alignment so you know whats coming and can use it for some good. This is just one energy out of many others in the background so i wish i could say it will go good for all who try to fulfill their desires. However, I can't because the sun is about to square Saturn at same time that these two love birds unite meaning some authority issues and possible restrictive limiting situations causing sexual frustration. Perhaps there will be a new attraction to someone you can't have or just some other passion being initiated this weekend but doesn't necessarily lead to fulfillment. It could though, depending on your own astrology at the time. There is likely going to be some surprises with all this in some way. I'm just trying to warn you now, things are about to get real crazy and wild that could cause some stress and tension yet totally excite the hell out of you at the same time.

This cycle is about taking action on new commitments in regards to values, resources and relationships. It's hard to say if the authority figures in your life or within you will allow you to pursue this new passion if it's not in your best interest even if you want it. However, this energy can be used for creativity and taking responsible creative action on your dreams, and that's the real purpose of this alignment; to have the fire and drive to go after what you desire on any level, but try and use it for the most important things. If you are somewhat mature and responsible about all this when the shocks and surprises come in, then next week those same authority figures that were getting in the way just might allow for some progression on these passions. So just keep that in mind if this weekend gets crazy starting Friday evening. Set new intentions for your most important relationships values and resources. But most importantly for your romantic needs this entire cycle. After Venus moves on she will come back to Mars this August to make some adjustments to what is started this weekend, so they hook up again buit then she moves forward again so the entire cycle is for the next two years which is why i say this is going to be hot! - it doesn't happen everyday and this weekend will set the tone for love and money this next two years as far as passion and drive for your sexuality and or creativity go.

In conclusion: set intentions this weekend. Couples; make love, not war and if no surprise lovers show up for the single people then you can still use this energy for your creative passions! Expect the unexpected Friday and try not to be too rebellious but at same time take the initiative on action that will lead to out-side of the box experiences. Just don't break any laws as you do it ;) Trust me on this one; you can be the person that gets shocked or be the person that shocks....swap out if you want, just don't try and hide. Get in there and play the game of life. Mix it up and have some fun! Life is short, you know.

Good luck!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Lunar Return Chart

One very important chart that i always look at for myself once a month is the Lunar Return. That's when the transit moon returns to the exact sign, degree, minute and second of your birth chart moon. This chart will give you information on how your personal 28 day emotional circle will go along with what area of your life will be emotionally charged with energy for that cycle which shows what kind of circumstances you might face around your domestic situation as well. The chart on the left if a bi-wheel showing my lunar return chart in my birth chart which is basically the current transits to my natal chart at the time of my lunar return. As you can see i have transit Pluto perfectly conjunct my moon which makes this particular lunar return one of the most significant emotional cycles that i might have ever faced or ever will. Pluto is a very slow cycle so will never be in this exact position again in my lifetime. At the same time i also have another very rare challenging transit from Saturn aligning in a hard aspect to my natal Venus which represents some somber feelings around values, resources, love, desire, beauty and relationships, tied into this Pluto and Uranus aspect to my moon.

So let me show you how i use this lunar return chart which you can enlarge by clicking on the image to the left. The first thing i look at is what house my moon is in this cycle. Then i look at the aspects from the moon. After that I look at the sign rising in the east which is the Ascendant degree on the left hand side of the chart; in this case Leo and see what house sign and aspects are off the ruling planet; Sun rules Leo which indicates this is going to be a very creatively passionate expressive emotional cycle which are all traits from the Leo energy rising.

Moon in the 6th house indicates a lot of emotional and daily circumstances will be around my business routine and taking care of responsibilities and commitments that could have a strong impact on my destiny because the moon has a t-square from the karmic nodal axis. (North & South Nodes of the moon). Saturn rules Capricorn so we look to see where Saturn is at. In the return chart 5th house which is a very creative house much like Leo as well. Saturn has a trine aspect to the return Ascendant which indicates a lot of creative business work where i am being very emotionally expressive, taking mature responsible action on creative projects which makes sense as that is my plan this next month. 2 degrees Leo Rising is where my natal and progressed Saturn is at as well which means even though i will be expressive and taking responsible actions i might be more reserved and mature in my expressions or having a strong passionate authoritative tone, perhaps a bit too harsh . In my natal chart transit Saturn is in 12th house which indicates all that mature, responsible, creative emotionally charged expressive energy will be done from behind the scenes in a somewhat private environment.

All that seems fine and normal for me but things don't look all that normal in other areas as Pluto is perfectly conjunct my moon and Uranus moves into Square with my moon while Saturn stations retro squaring my Venus. The return moon in the 6th house could also be indicating a cycle charged with health concerns either for me personally or people i have an emotional connection with. Transit Pluto to my moon means i might be feeling very emotionally powerful or having darker feelings in some way. Emotions will be extremely intense as some kind of slow death and rebirth process is occurring in this cycle that will have long lasting affects on my life. All emotional values, desires, structures and supports are being transformed on very deep levels. Emotional manipulation from me or others is likely however with my awareness about this it's now unlikely it will be from me and therefore indicates a strong powerful person around my domestic home and life manipulating and controlling situations that will make me feel stress and tension and that relationships with authority figures could be extra stressful for me in this cycle as my resource situation is being challenged as well.

Transit Pluto to my moon is asking for me to only rely on myself for emotional support right now. No one else holds the power that i do when it comes to feeling emotional strength. This rare transit indicates a death to everything known emotionally for me and on a physical level means the loss of most everything concerning my domestic life along with relationship restriction as well even from family as this rare transit will make me find the strength in myself or suffer greatly through perceived loss and rejection. It's not like all that loss will suddenly happen this next 28 days, Pluto is a slow mover so these faded transits have been building the energy for a long time already but they become exact in this next lunar cycle so the energy is at its strongest now.  We can't forget transit Uranus is building square with my moon round 3 as well. This indicates very unstable home and domestic energy with ups and downs, surprises and possible sudden changes to domestic routine, home and family life. Because of the 6th house factor in this return i can't rule-out that some of these surprises could be around health for me or others in my home, family's domestic life. Let's hope not.

On another level Uranus square my moon from Aries 5th house with partial 4th house influence is indicating revolutionary feelings that might never be this strong ever again in my life because this transit is also so rare, once in a lifetime if that. It's suggesting i'm being forced to become more emotionally authentic, unique and courageous. To feel free and take risks that indeed look really risky right now. This transit is reflecting that i should make my home life more original and unique, not following rules that i was born with from family and society. This transit is suggesting that if i do not take some huge risks and do something totally out side of the box a bit adventurous when it comes to my living situation right now taking the initiative then i could face very challenging surprises that threaten my emotional well being, safety and security. Looks like it's going to be a very interesting emotional cycle for me!

So this is how i use the lunar return chart with the natal chart. I usually don't study it too hard, just taking a quick look at where things are because i can also follow the energy with more detail looking at the current transits to my natal chart at any given moment but this chart will give you a good idea of how the entire emotional cycle will go along with timing if you place transits to lunar return chart as well.

I hope you enjoyed the info. Feel free to leave questions or comments below. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mercury stations direct Feb 11 2015

Mercury has lost almost all momentum preparing to station direct next couple days. It's closes to earth as it gets which is reflective of Mental activity being exalted. This is when mishaps, miscommunication & electrical breakdowns are most likely to happen. So slow down, let your worries go; breathe, ground; have Patience. All is as it should be. Mercury will move back over old territory next couple weeks revisiting thoughts, conversations, ideas and plans already covered a couple times prior. Don't feel rushed to act unless you know it's right because from the big picture perspective we have plenty of time before the need for real action starts

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Vladimir Putin's Astrological transits part 2

My first post about Putin back in late August is available here if you want to read it where i explained what energies are around him at this time and what that means astrologically for Putin's destiny this year. There was a lot of rambling in that post and i listed a bunch of different aspects so might have been too much to understand what i was getting at. On this post I've taken all the space bodies out of the chart except for the transits i'm going to focus on that i feel are the main reason why we are seeing so much activity from Putin and Russia. The inside wheel shows Putin's sun and Saturn in his 12th house of Libra. In the outside wheel i show Pluto in transit thru his 3rd house and transit Uranus in 6th house.

Rare Alignments 
What concerns me here is that transit Pluto and transit Uranus have extremely slow cycles where they made a rare alignment back in the mid 1960's reflecting the revolutionary times of those days. That's because Uranus represents sudden shocks and surprises, lightning strikes and revolutionary instability. Pluto represents power, control, manipulation and destruction; re-birthing what it destroys. The 1960s was just reflecting the seeds being planted for revolution which is why it didn't last into the 70s as Pluto and Uranus moved out of alignment. Starting in 2012 we entered the 1st quarter alignment with Pluto and Uranus which is why we have seen revolution return spreading from country to country ever since. There is 7 exact alignments from 2012 - 2015 and we have already experienced 6 of those with only 1 more to go this spring of 2015 which hints at major world events playing out around that time and for the next couple years. Back to what concerns me; Putin's life is exactly tied into this rare evolutionary time we are in as Putin's sun and Saturn is in perfect alignment with Pluto and Uranus. Therefore it's only logical to presume that a part of his life purpose (sun) and Karma (Saturn) was to play a karmic role in the world events playing out at this time even if they seem negative from your perspective, there is much more going on that we can't fully understand so what Putin does has big ripple effects for all of us that seem to be destined, from my perspective.

Putin has these very rare transits to two of his most significant energy points (Sun and Saturn). The energy around him his extremely tense and unstable. This is manifesting on many different levels. On a personal level Putin is going through extreme stress and anxiety as the universe forces change on him. No one under these energies could remain still. The tension is too great and forces people to act. How they react to their astro weather will determine their fate. Uranus is in Putin's 6th house of Health and it's very likely Putin could have some rare or unusual medical situation going on that most people don't know about but regardless Putin's health is very unstable for the next few years. However Uranus opposing his sun is reflecting more.

What this means for the world

 On the world level Uranus opposing Putin's sun is symbolic of Ukraine's revolution which has really only started to truly oppose Putin. Some say it's Putin that is the aggressor. I disagree based on these aspects. It's trouble coming for Putin not the other way around. That doesn't mean he won't lash out. - Trap a wild animal (no offense Vladimir) and you're asking to be attacked. This becomes even more apparent when i see transit Pluto in Putin's 3rd house which is obviously representing the Western powers and Russia's neighbors. Transit Pluto is in square aspect to Putin's sun. That means forced tension and transformation. This is one of the toughest most stressful transits you can have and is very rare; most people in fact never experience this transit; only the lucky ones (sarcasm) were chosen to endure such fated consciousness transformation in such a short time period. Not everyone can handle it. Putin is very unstable right now so again all comes back to how one reacts to this extreme pressure and stress. This transit would be bad enough if it was only the sun being targeted however Putin's Saturn is also in this which means his responsibilities, loyalties, commitments and authority will soon be challenged/destroyed or at least changed in a very significant way. Pluto is the power of the U.S. and it's Pluto that is coming at Putin. I really don't feel this can end very well for him. It seems he has maybe 2 years left max, if that before he falls from power.

 I've been looking over the charts trying to find most likely dates for big news but it's difficult to pinpoint because all this rare energy is peaking now into spring and these outer planet transits don't come and go in a day or two; they took years to build to this point and the energy takes years to wane. However,

I've listed the days that seem to have the most stress and tension for Putin:

Feb 16 - Feb 19 2015
May 2 2015
July 18-20 2015
Nov 1-5 2015

Feb 2016 - Feb 2017 - the finalization of Putin's new life/situation.

With all that said. Each one of us are going through some huge consciousness shifts this year. The stress and tension will build for the entire solar system this year and i am definitely anticipating the intensifying of world conflict with even possible all out world war within the next year. Although we have already been in world war for a long time but the game has changed these days so is done very differently. However I  believe things are about to get real ugly this spring. The astrology makes that clear. How Putin reacts to the conflict about to knock at his door will be a large factor in how things go for everyone. The U.S. is the aggressor as always but DC know's how to manipulate situations to make it seem like the savior. Again, the astrology confirms this. Transit Pluto is symbolic of the West in this case, no doubt about it. We each have some big challenges in our own personal life this spring so expect for some wild events to play out. Be mindful how you react - that's your free will. Use it wisely.

I've had hundreds of views from Russia and Ukraine on my last Putin post so i expect you all will read this one too. I even hope Putin himself gets a chance to read this. I can't say i'm surprised i'm writing about Vladmir Putin as my sun is 17 Libra same as Putin Saturn and my Mercury (mind/communication) is same degree as Putin's sun. Which means, yes i'm also under these rare transits. Luckily, i know how to read the reflection of the stars to help me understand where the tension is coming from and why. Helps me not react poorly, giving me a time frame on how long it will last. This is the gift of astrology - awareness! Consider this reading a gift Putin, the next one i'm charging you.   ;-) I suggest you retire asap! But i know that's not your destiny. So good luck.

For everyone else, feel free to leave questions and comments. Thanks for reading.


Monday, February 2, 2015

Leo Full Moon Feb 3 2015 - Breaking the chains that bind my heart!

Once again we have reached peak emotional illumination for the monthly lunar cycle. This time in the heartfelt sign of Leo. Check your chart to see what house your Leo energy is in. This will tell you where the full illumination is occurring. (For example: house 4,10, 11, 7 -Home, work, friends, partners, etc.) In general though this full moon is going to help us understand what our heart is calling for right now as strong passionate feelings have most likely been increasing the last several days or weeks and now reach full breaking point. Nothing is going to hold us back from joy, even if it's only for a few days. Revolting to find more personal happiness is a strong theme with this energy climaxing. The Leo full moon is conjunct Jupiter and trine Uranus so is going to feel extra powerful and perhaps help us break free from those chains that we perceive binding our heart from true creative expression. Uranus is like lightning so in this case can be like receiving an emotional lightning strike that boost self confidence; faith in self and enthusiasm for new future dreams and ideas that we feel pulled to right now regardless of any setbacks that might be manifesting at this time. Full moons help us understand what is out of balance in our life between the main focus of the sun which is highlighting group concerns, friends, and future hopes and dreams on one end, and our own emotional joy, well being and sense of creativity on the other end, This full moon might make it easy to jump to the side of self and rebel against anything or anyone trying to hold us back from truly living from our heart. Are you giving too much to the group and not enough for yourself? ..or too much for self leaving others out in the cold? It's always best to find a happy balance with that so look at the source of the tension around you right now and ask yourself what side needs a little more energy over the other.

This full moon is symbolic of people becoming more conscious and authentic in self expression and self confidence with our creative ideas, having faith in the bigger picture and not succumbing to negativity being projected around us. It will be easy to over look real issues and only see what we want to see so just make sure you don't set yourself up for any disillusionment later. This will be an extra wild full moon bringing out a little more crazy in all of us. Anytime Uranus and Leo are connected you can expect the unexpected with moments of flamboyant radical self expressions. This is great recreation and party energy. Most people are needing to make more room for recreation and joy after all the recent hardwork that's been done. Whatever is out of balance for you should become obvious with this full moon. Creative urges are strong so use them to advance not only your own creative agendas but also advancing yourself within the group context as well, contributing more from your heart to the greater cause, letting people see you on a soul level. If you refuse to break the chains around you that keep you from living with more joy, passion and confidence, sharing your authentic light with everyone then life will feel extra hard for you right now as the universe will create situations that will help break you out of your rut. Leo is about love. Ask yourself what it is you love, then ask yourself what it is you love about yourself the most. Honoring that and expressing it will help to relieve any tension that is peaking in your life right now. Full moons are a time to let go of something that is keeping you off balance. What is it? The next two weeks the energy is waning so use this full moon to let yourself scream loud, sing, dance, play, or whatever it is that helps you feel free of all the craziness. Shake it out of your body, mind and soul. it's a full moon, after all.

We have courage on our side with this one - take advantage of it and break yourself free!
Happy full moon.

Moon at 14 degrees Leo opp Sun at 14 degrees Aquarius 3:09 pm PST