Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Venus conjunct Mars 2015

Make your plans now, this weekend looks HOT! Venus has finally caught up to Mars, right when they both move into Aries changing relationship dynamics and energizing passion. As i write this Venus and Mars are still in Pisces so relationship energy is very different from what is about to flower. Venus and Mars are symbolic of the lovers, feminine & masculine. This conjunction is initiating a new cycle for the lover's passion. The last time they came together like this was back in April of 2013 so that long cycle is ending and beginning a new this weekend. This means both energies are on the same page and want the same things.

The feminine is the one that might seem more aggressive & enthusiastic than normal this weekend starting around Fri 3:30 pm PST and peaking Saturday night at 9:10 pm PST but call it ripe all weekend. There will be some rebellious and intense energy in place. Venus in this spot wants to chase and play with adventure and excitement but there is some powerful circumstances shaping up for her. She wants what she wants, now, and usually gets it so she might get more than she bargained for, in some way. hey, just sayin...Both him & her will be impatient and want lots of freedom & independence at same time so don't hold on too tight this next few weeks. I'm not going to get into too many more details as i mainly just want to bring your conscious attention to this alignment so you know whats coming and can use it for some good. This is just one energy out of many others in the background so i wish i could say it will go good for all who try to fulfill their desires. However, I can't because the sun is about to square Saturn at same time that these two love birds unite meaning some authority issues and possible restrictive limiting situations causing sexual frustration. Perhaps there will be a new attraction to someone you can't have or just some other passion being initiated this weekend but doesn't necessarily lead to fulfillment. It could though, depending on your own astrology at the time. There is likely going to be some surprises with all this in some way. I'm just trying to warn you now, things are about to get real crazy and wild that could cause some stress and tension yet totally excite the hell out of you at the same time.

This cycle is about taking action on new commitments in regards to values, resources and relationships. It's hard to say if the authority figures in your life or within you will allow you to pursue this new passion if it's not in your best interest even if you want it. However, this energy can be used for creativity and taking responsible creative action on your dreams, and that's the real purpose of this alignment; to have the fire and drive to go after what you desire on any level, but try and use it for the most important things. If you are somewhat mature and responsible about all this when the shocks and surprises come in, then next week those same authority figures that were getting in the way just might allow for some progression on these passions. So just keep that in mind if this weekend gets crazy starting Friday evening. Set new intentions for your most important relationships values and resources. But most importantly for your romantic needs this entire cycle. After Venus moves on she will come back to Mars this August to make some adjustments to what is started this weekend, so they hook up again buit then she moves forward again so the entire cycle is for the next two years which is why i say this is going to be hot! - it doesn't happen everyday and this weekend will set the tone for love and money this next two years as far as passion and drive for your sexuality and or creativity go.

In conclusion: set intentions this weekend. Couples; make love, not war and if no surprise lovers show up for the single people then you can still use this energy for your creative passions! Expect the unexpected Friday and try not to be too rebellious but at same time take the initiative on action that will lead to out-side of the box experiences. Just don't break any laws as you do it ;) Trust me on this one; you can be the person that gets shocked or be the person that shocks....swap out if you want, just don't try and hide. Get in there and play the game of life. Mix it up and have some fun! Life is short, you know.

Good luck!

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