Friday, December 22, 2017

Welcome to Capricorn season

Welcome to Cap season, and a new era. You might not realize yet, but there is some astrological changes taking place that will refine what's in your clear and present reality for the long term. On the short end of things, Mercury is stationing direct at 13 Sagittarius, as the moon is waxing to 1st quarter over the Aries point by the evening of Dec 25. That will be interesting one. Venus is with Saturn and sun in Capricorn, square the moon, creating unstoppable dynamic forces that influences major activity, and serious business in some area of your life. You'll need a strict set of boundaries and guidelines there with long term vision and planning. 

On a side note, Dec 25 (or around then) could be significant social or political event including mass violence. It's best to stay home with your family. Lots of tension that night tho, even with family. Mars will be in alignment to Neptune around then which on the positive side can inspire your determination to achieve some goals and dreams. On the negative side it can inspire extremists to act on their objectives as well.

Anyway, back to you. It's possible you might have to pioneer this new activity in your Capricorn house. What you do in the short term will show how much you receive back in the long term. Wherever you have Capricorn on the cusp shows what area of life will need a solid commitment to make a plan and follow through. 

Saturn hasn't been in Capricorn with Pluto for over 500 years, so you can bet this means something significant. The things in your life that represent your Capricorn house both natal and progressed will go through an elimination process, getting to what really matters, the bare bones of things, possibly destroying, in order to re build from the foundation up. Something will be built or rebuilt that will last for a very long time into the future. New structures and systems, this will take time tho.

You'll be forced to narrow your focus to what's essential in these areas of life. There will be a lot of pressure and stress about it, but on the other hand, you'll have more ability to endure and achieve it. The process will take the next 3 years before the biggest results of your efforts will show the most.

What does Saturn mean for you personally? Saturn rules your Capricorn house, so where you have Saturn in your chart shows that it's connected to your Cap house by Saturn. Saturn does your Cap area of life in your Saturn house. Saturn in Capricorn has come home to put the affairs of this house back in true integrity and stability for a new long cycle into the future. 

Pluto has been moving through Cap for a decade working deep on inner levels of this area of your life. Saturn now follows that same path in a much faster time-frame, yet still slow in our sense of time. The next 3 years will go by fast but these will be insanely intense serious years of working on stabilizing your Cap affairs in a new way. 

Mercury Rx this last few weeks gave you the opportunity to work through doubts, confusion and uncertainty about your future. Now that Merc is stationing direct it's time to get certain and plan for the future, taking direct action that creates results. There's a lot of little stuff that needs done too. If you have been inactive for a while, that phase is over. You might have to endure some uncomfortable situations in some way the next couple years in order to make something better. You'll have huge influence to be more reserved (in alternative way), responsible and disciplined, securing something. Saturn is very strong here and will give you the ability to make something more efficient and productive in your Cap house. Just be willing to let go of what is not important at this point. Focus on what is most essential. Be willing to put in the effort and time to achieve plans and goals.

That's on individual level - stepping up to the plate, putting in the time and work, etc, etc. Email me if you want a personal report about that.

On the world stage, things look rough, I'm sorry to say. There will be a financial change next few years, tho some indications are that it will be positive, yet I see lots of hardships too, some i'm still uncertain how these changes will play out exactly. I'm working on it.

From right now thru spring 2018 the USA has entered progressed moon square Neptune phase that suggests corruption, scandal, conspiracy, or some other kind of activity happening right now, where the general public is unaware of but might be exposed by this spring. 

On a different subject, California looks to be entering into a very dangerous phase. California was born with Uranus and Pluto conjunct at the last degree of Aries, with Saturn also close by. This mixture is extremely volatile and unstable. This is why Cal has so many natural disasters. At this point Uranus is retrograde slowing down to station direct at 24 Aries. Uranus is returning home to 29 Aries this spring! This is a rare phase 84 year cycle so energizes that Pluto/Uranus birth aspect. In this next Uranus 84 year cycle Mars is square at 29 Cap! This will be difficult cycle and violent cycle. 

Uranus is square Cal's Saturn at the moment which is why we have seen these deadly fires this past year. Events are getting more extreme. Uranus will return home spring of 2018 through spring of 2019. This is really big energy for Cal. There will be more and more shocking devastation in the next few years and beyond. The relative calm phase for Cal is over. The odds for big earthquakes increase at Uranus approaches 29 Aries in 2018 then enters Taurus and retrogrades back to 29 Aries in 2019.

Not only that but Pluto in Capricorn has a 248 year cycle which begins to square Cal's Saturn this year and building square with Cal's Pluto/Uranus for the next several years. California is likely to be hit by big natural events, plus social, political and financial. Cal is also very vulnerable in event of Pacific war. If you stay in Cal, you have to be willing to live in the wild west as events will be very dangerous and shocking and unstable. This goes for the entire west coast for that matter. This is not about fear, this is about having the info to make smart decisions that factors these energies into it.  We entering the most radical time of our life. 

Same time, USA progressed Venus is square natal Pluto at the last degrees of Aries before entering Taurus with transit Uranus. Social and political unrest. To top it all off this Cap energy is in opposition to USA Cancer planets. War on many levels is so close right now. This isn't going to be a very "nice" gentle compassionate phase. It's hardcore energy. Revolution, is very possible at this point. Global war as well. Uranus in Aries tends to build that up for 7 years where it finally explodes in Taurus when materialism and values get revolutionized. These are very exciting times ahead! If you're into world drama.

Anyway that's the scoop.  

Hit me up if you want a custom transit/progression report. 
Happy Cap season.
