Friday, February 27, 2015

The Astrology of Lindsey Buckingham

 Musician, singer and songwriter Lindsey Buckingham was born on October 3, 1949 at 1:53 am in Palo Alto, California. He is best known as the singer and lead guitarist in the group Fleet Wood Mac along with Stevie Nicks. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998.

 Lindsey Is A Libra sun, Aquarius moon and Leo Rising with Pluto and Mars. That combo alone would make for a powerful person but Lindsey also has many other unique energy combinations that has led to him having such extraordinary musical and poetic talent.  Lindsey's sun is conjunct retrograde Mercury and Neptune in the beautiful artistic sign of Libra connected to his third house of communication. This makes him a graceful poet and a deep thinker that likes to go back over his work several times redoing, rethinking and making adjustments until it's just right. His Uranus has a light square to his sun giving him a rebellious eccentric edge, especially when it comes to relationship emotions which he can then channel into his creative writing. 

The Rising sign is our mask, projected personalty upon first impressions and our personal style. Leo rising makes Lindsey that star out in front entertaining. He's passionate and performs with heart. The sun rules Leo so that entertainment is being projected through his Libra sun in the 3rd house of communication, short trips, art, beauty and relationships. Lindsey has Mars and Pluto rising which makes him seem very deep, mysterious, passionate, even borderline angry, controlling, manipulative, sexual as both Pluto and Mars are associated with the sign Scorpio but when expressed through the sign Leo creates drama, flamboyant expressions of intensity and passion giving him the power of magnetism drawing others in easily with his strong passionate intense theatrics. Lindsey would indeed be a very angry man if not for this creative musical outlet. 

With his Saturn in Virgo 2nd house Lindsey might have a deep fear of poverty making him frugal or reserved in spending, always making sure he has plenty of resources and also feeling too critical about his work and being a perfectionist which he values a lot. 

Aquarius moon at the critical degree of 29 in his 7th house throws a curve ball into the mix. Emotionally Lindsey feels cool and detached, graceful and diplomatic. He can understand feelings from a detached intro, intellectual perspective yet still has a lot of inner tension that creates strong emotions, especially in love. He might feel this urgency to maintain that chillness and not get carried away by the turbulent drama he unconsciously attracts. He might also have a strong emotional need to be around friends or other people feeling most comfortable within group context. Lindsey has his Venus in the 4th house of Scorpio which means his romantic relationships have a very Scorpionic theme to them; deep, passionate, controlling, jealous, possessive, intense, emotional and transformative. He likes loyalty, all or nothing but might have difficulties once these relationships have passed the initial sexual excitement phases and the need for deeper emotional intimacy and nurturing creates tension within his detached Aquarius moon environment. It's possible Lindsey didn't get the deep emotional nurturing he needed as a baby causing this area of life to be confusing and a challenge. He can have women get really pissed and seek revenge based on their Scorpio vibe disliking betrayal. 

By progression Lindsey's energy has really changed so stay tuned for part two - his progressed chart!

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