Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Total Lunar Eclipse/FM in Libra April 4 2015

Heads up early morning this weekend Sat April 4 at 5:05am PDT we have the second eclipse arriving, this time a full eclipse of the Libra full moon. If you have any personal planets in your birth or progressed charts around 11- 17 Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) then you are going to really feel this one; although i'm pretty sure we will all feel it on some levels, world wide. Lunar eclipses bring surprise emotional illumination that is much different than a ordinary full moon. What was previously repressed or hidden for a long time tends to come out now. This is the end to a 19 year emotional relationship cycle. Libra is always about you and others. It's very likely a lot of people will have some very deep powerful emotional revelations about personal flaws when relating to others after this last 19 years, especially close intimate relationships. Something surprising or unexpected could trigger these revelations this weekend or within the next 6 months that really changes something on significant level between you and others in your life but it's very likely strong events could rattle your inner nature as soon as this weekend.

Libra is ruled by Venus and she is at 21 Taurus which means she rules this full moon eclipse and when in Taurus wants physical resources! The amount of goods she wants all depends on your own lifestyle but whatever that is, Venus in this spot is reflecting the need for more. Resources and pleasure of all kinds, along with safety and familiarity is what a lot of people desire right now. The house in your chart ruled by Taurus will have a lot to do with where the energy is connected to this eclipse. Mars is now in Taurus as well which means we really want more of the good things in life..but how to get them?? Team up with others. Transit Venus is what the universal desires and attractions are, Mars is the action we take to get it so with both Mars and Venus in Taurus, that's the area of your life being activated with a lot of desire and need to take action. Libra and Aries is where the strongest energy is. The sun is conjunct the South Node in Aries which is a sudden releasing of something really important to you from the last 19 years emotional, or otherwise while the moon in Libra conjunct the North Node is bringing sudden new relationship activity into your life that might feel emotionally uncomfortable at first. letting go of the peeps no loner relevant and embracing new relationships and partnerships which could be on any level.  Emotional shockers could help trigger these changes coming. In the rare case your outer life with others doesn't change this weekend then you will most likely have a inner change that leads to outer transformation later so regardless i see big changes coming over the next 6 months between you and others starting this weekend if not already.

This eclipse/FM is in tight hard alignment with Pluto and Uranus so is going to be direct, forceful, powerful, intense, emotional, shocking, with lots of relationship transformation,... especially if you have personal planets around 14 deg Cardinal like i said above; going to pack an emotional punch! Aries sun brightens the need to pioneer forward, individually; moon in Libra reflects the need for others... this is asking for balance between self and others, past and future. Let go of the past, embrace the new and do things different from the last 19 years. Incorporate your unique individuality into your partnerships; meaning: less co-dependency and control from others! Perhaps some of us realize just how much power we have been giving away to our partners or other people the last couple decades or more, one right after the other making it possible for others to crush us because we are being too emotionally dependent on them for our well being, even on all possible levels. Yep, very likely with this eclipse! Emotional revelations. You can still be yourself and totally free within healthy relationship. Time to wash out all the deep gunk in your personal relationship habits. Things could get messy for the less graceful folks if indeed the universe chooses you as one of the lucky ones that get quick relationship transformation from this event. Now don't let this stress you out; maybe if you feel stressed your gut already knows you know whats coming, regardless of reading this, you already know, you know. Jump into the driver's seat and drive the course life is giving you right now, doing it with courage to embrace the uncomfortable unknown future with others. Don't go it alone, that's the worst thing you can do right now and this year. Partnership on any level is the right action - biz, home, romantic, whatever just include other people otherwise you're just fighting yourself because i don't care who you are, i know for sure the universe has been, or will be sending you new people in your life that are good for you. Your free will is the "yes" or "no" but just remember with Venus and Mars in Taurus it will be easy to stay stuck with what you already know well, like a stubborn damn bull too afraid of real change just wanting your familiar safety and security. Universe won't play that game with this one. Use the Taurus energy for strength and to build up your resources to get your physical needs met while teaming up with others. That's the secret to getting all that Venus and Mars is reflecting that we want right now - team work with new people that allow you the freedom to be you, yet still in some kind of significant partnership. Regardless, this is asking you to have more faith in self, not allowing others to carry your personal power anymore, let go of the drag and move on. There will be some communication from the past a day or two after eclipse if not sooner then all this explodes, then changes, then new relationship expansion starts as Jupiter stations direct and moves life forward albeit at a slow steady pace as Mars transits the fixed sign of Taurus. This has a lot to do with money- you and others; past and future. letting old peeps go, embracing the new.

Good luck

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