Wednesday, March 18, 2015

New Moon/Eclipse/Equinox March 20 2015

New Moon/Eclipse 29 deg 27 mins Pisces 2:36am PDT. 

29 is critical degree of any sign, 29 Pisces is very last degree of entire zodiac.

Sabian Symbol for 29 Pisces:
"A Majestic Rock Formation Resembling A Face Is Idealized By A Boy Who Takes It As His Ideal Of Greatness, And As He Grows Up, Begins To Look Like It."

New moon eclipses the sun right before the sun moves into 0 deg Aries when night and day are equal in length and a new 4 season year cycle initiates. This is the first Eclipse of a series over the next six months symbolic of sudden interventions of divine will that spark insight now and ignite the consequences of the updated consciousness sometime later within next six month window. Sometimes the surprises can manifest immediately but regardless, you will have divine changes (not always easy) to the area of life corresponding to your Pisces/Aries cusp . (check your chart).

The Largest power source in our solar system (sun) is about to move into the most aggressive energetic sign there is (Aries) only hours after this alignment & new moon in the last degree of the zodiac. So why did the universe make this is a critical sensitive spiritual Pisces new moon rather than an instinctual, impulsive Aries new moon? I interpret this as a critical need to take some time out even if only for a day, going within, allowing your intellectual consciousness and ego (rays of the sun being blocked by Eclipse) to fade for a few hrs accepting & allowing what arises, including past memories, pain and illusions keeping you in suffering - doing meditation, spiritual ritual, divination, time in nature or any other spiritual activity that connects you to your inner knowing, spiritual wisdom and guidance from the divine in order to help you understand where to apply this great force of energy that's building with this new moon. The sign of the warrior will make it easy to forget about the bigger picture of life  after this weekend and so it's critical we apply spiritual consciousness to all action and emotion this next 6 months because the things initiated now with this NM/Eclipse have much more power to impact your life in fated long term ways that most new moons. The feelings and hidden self-sabotashing thoughts and conversations you've had with yourself the last 6 months, consciously or otherwise have much greater affect on your manifestation power than you might realize. My interpretation for the Sabian Symbol 29 Pisces of

 " A Majestic Rock Formation Resembling A Face Is Idealized By A Boy Who Takes It As His Ideal Of Greatness, And As He Grows Up, Begins To Look Like It." 

Is that your perceptions, beliefs and conceptions of life around you have such a powerful affect on your reality; that hidden emotions, attachments and fantasies can play a role in what you turn out to be or what you see, for good or bad, without you even knowing it was happening because it takes much longer to manifest your version of reality when doing it unconsciously. You see? We cannot fully control the energetic weather passing through our reality influencing everything, and too we cannot even fully create every aspect of our reality because we are part of something much larger than our individuality but we can control how we perceive and react to anything unfolding around us. This critical degree of Pisces is reminding us that if we don't release and clear the slate from all the conversations and thoughts from the past we will continue to be what we already are now with no room for anything new. Show yourself compassion for these old attachments, beliefs and perceptions, it's not easy to let go but the sun is symbolically suggesting they've run their course and it's now time for the new; you. Make this a new beginning both on a physical level but also on a inner level where you direct feelings and emotions into a positive manifesting outlet of action that your soul will be calling you to take this next 6 months. Without this time for contemplation, you could very well make some huge fated mistakes at this time. We don't have all the answers from our little human perspective, tap into the universal consciousness of all life and wisdom gaining direction thru your personal divine relationship with spirit.

Set new intentions for your life this year in every way that you feel pulled to, after your meditation retreat time, preferably when you see the crescent light on the moon build this weekend but also check your Aries house which will show you what area of life the universe wants you to start a new beginning in. Take determined aggressive action this next two weeks incorporating spirit and imagination as these intentions will have stronger manifesting potential than average new moon's. Try not to fight what is leaving. or over react to surprises. Every thing, place, thought, feeling, person, etc holds a certain energy, decide how much longer you wish to allow these energies into your influence. We will feel a lot of courage start to build for taking new independent action that would have otherwise seemed unlikely until now. The universe is almost begging for us to balance this human instinctual need for courageous risky action with our inner knowing through spiritual guidance.....otherwise, we will be on a fated runaway course of action that might not end as it could have if we took time out to go within and breathe in spiritual knowledge, compassion, sensitivity and imagination so that we have the maturity to conquer anything. Remember: spiritual maturity is knowing that everything happening around us has a greater purpose that we cannot fully perceive. Acceptance of what is has the power to keep you stable while experiencing intense situations and transformations.  This next moon cycle will be extremely energetic so if you want to take advantage of this, start something new this weekend, making it official, then taking grounded practical action to start manifesting what was initiated.  Make sure you wait until after the eclipse new moon to start your new goals and projects for the year. The energy is strong for creation but you must tap into some spiritual truths & imagination! Enjoy the ride of life.

Good luck, friends,

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