Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Virgo Full Moon March 5 2015

The waxing moon becomes full at 14 degrees 50 minutes Virgo March 5 at 10:05 am PST. Something in our life is out of balance and this full moon will help us understand what that is. This full moon has a strong healing vibration with it as it's opposite the sun and Chiron in Pisces. while the moon trines Pluto in Capricorn which will create a needed emotional transformation of some kind around our perception on health matters, especially the collective health of your environment, old sensitivities that you might start to feel that were before difficult to understand and heal. Full moons are about consciousness expansion and emotional illumination to what is out of balance in our life. This creates tension and forces us to release what is not working. Virgo energy will help us get more practical and organized in certain areas of our life if we have been a little too wishy washy. However, there is an opposition within relationships as some people will be extra sensitive and not wanting to deal with anything too real, challenging or harsh, escaping the hardwork and any confrontation, avoiding the reality of certain circumstances that are needing to be dealt with. At the same time others can play the role of the reality checker, being over critical, too focused on the practical and unwilling to be sympathetic and compassionate to the other's feelings. So blending this polarity will help maintain more harmony within your relationships.

On a personal level this opposition is playing out within you as well, so observe which polarity you are gravitating towards and then apply more of the opposite (Pisces/Virgo) for better balance. It will be beneficial if you are willing to feel some of the old wounds in you that might be ready to be released, but first they must be felt and acknowledged as valid which can feel very uncomfortable. This Virgo full moon wants us to clean up the garbage from our past that energetically keeps us trapped in that past. The trine to Pluto will create circumstances that help us easily transform our feelings and situations into something more healthy. This full moon needs something to change in your daily routine. What is it you are currently giving the most energy to? Is it in balance with the rest of your life? Is it perhaps, too much of something? Are you feeling like you need a better health routine? Six months ago we had a Virgo New Moon which was about setting new intentions for heath, service and daily routines. Now those past intentions should start to manifest as the moon becomes full in the same sign. Perhaps the tension becomes so great it pushes you to make these needed changes. Check your chart for Virgo and see what area of life this is in (house). That's where the cleanup and organization is needed. This could also be about restructuring the core foundation of your life including your working routine; what you do for service out in the world, your health on many different levels, the health of others in your life and the groups of people you work with. Some deep powerful changes should be taking place for most people this next few weeks.

Some revolutionary new beliefs, new perceptions, and new understandings are expanding our consciousness right now as Uranus trines Jupiter opposite Mercury (ruler of this full moon) so be willing to made adjustments to your long held beliefs. The sun and Pluto are actually forming a Yod aspect aka finger of God aspect which is powerful and means some fated adjustments to your beliefs, opinions and faith in self will be taking place with this energy lineup. Healing and self transformation are major themes now. Innovate with alternatives on how you live life, including healing treatments that could be beneficial rather than just relying solely on the modern practical treatments for any given condition you might be experiencing. This includes spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health. Incorporate spirituality, compassion and mysticism into your daily practical health and service routine for best results. Find what is out of balance and bring back order to the other areas of your life you've been neglecting. Be sure to ground and breathe through this stressful month ahead. Honor that full illumination and transformation. Happy Full moon blessings to you all.

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