Friday, January 2, 2015

Cancer Full Moon Jan 4 2015

We have the Cancer full moon peaking this weekend, Sunday evening Jan 4 however this is not just any full moon and really the action starts today Friday Jan 2 as the transit sun in Capricorn is making a challenging alignment with both Pluto and Uranus. Today it starts with the sun squaring Uranus, then tomorrow the sun conjoins Pluto and then Sunday the stress and tension energy starts to release over the next two weeks with the full moon until the next new moon in Aquarius. This Cancer full moon will be at 14 degrees while the Sun is at 14 degrees Cap forming a strong opposition. This also forms a grand-square with the transiting North and South Nodes in Libra and Aries. This is big time energy right here, Cardinal energy that forces action. Some really big decisions are needing to be made as this is the season of planing for your future. That's what the Capricorn sun is highlighting the need to plan and achieve something long term on a practical level and yet, the moon in Cancer is reflecting those needs plus deeper inner personal needs that we need to plan for and achieve in order to feel more safety and security.

This full moon is about what you do out in the world vs what you need at home with your family and friends, making big changes that bring both these polarities together as one but that will be easier said than done as these other hard alignments are forcing us to work with these Capricorn Cancer energies in a new way that involves more authenticity and innovation when it comes to getting everything you need in order to feel safe and secure. with your self and family.

The Cancer full moon brings the strongest peak tension and stress out of all 12 months with emotions and also family matters. Any conflicts within your family are most likely at the tipping point right now and this huge Grand Square will force resolution, one way or another.As the sun squares Uranus today, it's likely a lot of people can face shocks and surprises that will help them find the truth path to fulfilling inner needs but comes in the form of rebelliousness and people doing something unusual and unique  As well, other people can surprise you too and the need for independence and freedom is strong right now, the less conscious folks could totally act out on impulsive aggression. Anyone not working within their own integrity and inner knowing in regards to building stability for themselves and the entire group could be struck by lightning as the universe sends a wake up call; and like one of my mentors Rick Levine says "it's better to be the lightning rather than get struck by it" so with today's energy, this fits perfect as the sun in Capricorn is wanting to stay traditional and practical yet Uranus is really throwing a monkey wrench in that. It won't work unless you let go of the past and do things in a different way. surprise yourself and others before they surprise you!

With this being a Cancer full moon it's always about letting go of the past, refusing to let memories control your feelings of happiness. Forgiveness is a major part of this full moon as well especially when it comes to family and any wrongs done to you in the past. However this can be true for anything that caused you pain... release release release, reflects the Cancer full moon. As the sun conjoins Pluto the next couple days.we are facing some very powerful situations that will come up which will help lead us and everyone involved to more transformation that helps better our life. in some way, so trust the process.

Mars is in Aquarius right now opposing Jupiter in Leo which adds even more stress to this moon. This aspect is reflecting the same thing; that we need to plan on taking new action for the future that is not just about what we want but also that benefits the entire group. We are being asked to mix what our heart wants with what is best for everyone as going it alone is not really supported much with the current times. The universe wants people to form new partnerships, understanding that we all need each other and we need others to help us get to where we are going. Stay or leave, reflects Mars and Jupiter. Can we do something new to fulfill; the heart yet also built new stronger ties with family and friends, helping and supporting each other more?

This full moon brings a big energy change that effects our past and future, I can promise you that new developments will start to show up but in order for that to happen the universe sometimes has to force matters that don't feel comfortable so expect some big surprises, power and control issues and resolving past challenges that have held your life back. In fact anything, person or place from the past that is no longer serving your highest good needs to be released, then your life will smooth out more if you do what your heart is calling for, but weigh up the practical concerns too rather than just being rebellious. As this full moon peaks Venus and Mercury are both moving into Aquarius joining Mars which puts our mental focus and desires on the big picture future needs and concerns for self and group, helping us detach from the sensitivity of the last few days. This is really a time to make your long term plans a reality, decisions need to be made and it won't be easy. Mix things up and it will go smoother.Embrace a new future, it's time.

We could see some powerful events on the world stage with this as well, so don't be surprised if something shocking happens or very aggressive situations in the news the next few days as well as prime earthquake, volcano and other earth events are prime to flow with this tension in the air.

Life is an adventure, enjoy it folks! Happy full moon!

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