Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius has NOTHING to do with the age of Aquarius

If you're into astrology i'm sure you've heard the hype right; "Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius is the beginning of the age of Aquarius". Personally i don't read or watch anything from other astrologers, but i do see headlines from them every once in awhile, and most of the time it makes my head shake and eyes roll. There is so much bullshit out there these days about every topic you can think of, including astrology. I blame this on the transit of Neptune through Pisces (Feb 3 2012 - Jan 26 2026).  Yes, five more years of this bullshit. It's not Neptune or Pisces that i have a problem with, it's specifically Neptune IN Pisces that is the problem. Neptune has 164 year cycle so it's been awhile since the last time the world has been dealing with this transit. It reflected a shitshow the last time too. 

You see Neptune in Pisces opposes logic, common sense and practicality (Virgo) while forming squares to Gemini and Sagittarius. Those Neptune squares reflect distortion to truth, beliefs and understanding of reality (Sagittarius), while also distorting facts, information, media, etc (Gemini). This has the world at a critical point the end of 2020 into 2021 as Neptune in Pisces is T-square the nodes of Fate in Sagittarius and Gemini. This could have long lasting consequences for years into the future because of conspiracy shaping the future, or at the very least because of this collective distortion to reality shaping the future. Neptune also amplifies everything about Pisces from 2012 - 2026 for positive and negative. Let's be honest tho, there's a lot of negative.

Neptune in Pisces amplifies gullibility, naivety, imagination, victimhood mentality, self sacrifice  impressionability, lack of boundaries, and so much more, including a desire for a greater connection to things that can't be found on the physical plane of reality. This is why it's also amplifying everything about the "new age" trends. No, not the Aquarius new age, but rather the same old spiritualists new age movements that gain momentum when there is outer planet transits through Pisces, including Neptune.  A boost to "psychics' "card readers" "energy workers" the tarot, etc, and yes astrology. 

Neptune in Pisces has been good for my astrology business but it's also been turning me off from it because astrology is getting distorted and blended with all that other crap causing misinterpretations that just gets parroted over and over by charlatans. 

The owners of streaming sites, movies ,TV, Youtube and all that stuff is also benefiting from this transit, anything that is created from imagination out of thin air that appears to be real. I see this transit inspiring so many things including living on the road, travel, van life etc. It's such a romantic dreamy notion to some that they project all over youtube despite the harsh reality and ultimately the disillusionment that follows for most of them, or will if it hasn't yet. Yes, there is some positives to the transit as i said but i think there's more negative than positive, especially when we look back in hindsight to this era of 2012-2026. Anyway, hopefully you understand my point about Neptune in Pisces.

When it comes to the age of Aquarius you would have thought that Neptune transit Aquarius (1998-2011) would have amplified all this age of Aquarius bullshit. Well it did actually, just not in the way of the misconceptions that we hear about the "age of Aquarius". Neptune is Aquarius reflected the era when scientists were starting to feel like rockstars. Don't you remember?  Scientists were all over the TV acting like gods on those documentary shows, like they had it all figured out. The shows would splice in like five different clips of scientists all saying the same thing and that somehow made what they said more believable. These were hardcore geeks that were finally getting some attention in the spotlight. Not because they had anything figured out with exciting new discoveries but rather just being exploited by tv producers coming up with a new style of content. Science was all glamoured up, and being a scientist was actually cool, for a short time. Then Neptune moved on into Pisces and science went back to dullness and spirituality and metaphysics became cool again. 

You see Aquarius is an Air sign governing SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY.  It's an intellectually serious pragmatic fixed sign ruled by Saturn, not a sign of peace and joy with hippies holding hands running through a field of daisies, all connected as one. It's about building and structuring (Saturn) new ideas that fit within the rules of society for the long term. 

The 12 ages are roughly 2000 years each. The age of Pisces that we've been in since the christian era is the age of suffering leading to spirituality/religion, where life and death is mysterious and dark; the age of unconsciousness where we don't have a fucking clue why we're here, which requires faith in a higher power and praying/begging for salvation; learning the lessons of the dark, which does hold beauty as well.  

We could get way deeper into all that, but Aquarius is on deck. It's not like we just change ages with the flip of a day. Transits through Aquarius including Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius have NOTHING to do with the age of Aquarius. Transits through Aquarius do mean we temporarily get more Aquarius energy in the context of what those planets reflect, yes. The truth is, we go through big phases of all 12 signs in every 2000 year age with the particular 2000 year age that the world is in as the backdrop. These ages are so long there is a blending/gray area between ages roughly 300 years long where we see traits of both ages. 

We cleary still have the suffering, mystery of life and death religion age of Pisces relevant but we also are seeing more and more Aquarius that really started to show in the 20th century, hence modern science, technology and how we function in modern society. We are in the gray of both ages. This Jupiter conj Saturn in Aquarius is only rooting the next 20 years of intellectual, scientific ideas and technology in context to what Jupiter and Saturn rule that will have social and political consequences in the relative short term. Yes the world is moving towards that next age of Aquarius but this little conjunction in Aquarius is not the flip of a switch for the next 2000 years. It's certainly not all the wishy washy interpretations you hear about the "age of Aquarius". It's pretty much pointless to talk about these ages anyway considering a 24000 year cycle has little meaning for our little roughly 80 year long human life. The transits of our planets will reflect what sign we are experiencing the most at any given time, and it's never just one pure sign.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius is a combination of contraction vs expansion for what Aquarius means. Although Saturn is stronger than Jupiter here. Jupiter might be good for Saturn but Saturn might not be so good for Jupiter. We are talking about the next 20 years so it could take the 20 years to see the full results. Let's not forget we just started a new roughly 35 year cycle for Saturn and Pluto that will also be showing massive changes for the governments, laws and structures of the world, and we haven't seen nothing yet. I say that despite what we've already seen in 2020. That's another story though.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius will probably expand government control through science and technology. Remember, Jupiter is good for Saturn. Saturn is structure, restriction, laws, rules, government, power, control, etc. Saturn not so good for Jupiter in Aquarius - the positive expansion of science, technology, truth, political and social philosophies. Meaning Jupiter might expand those things but not so much in a positive way. The expansion will more than likely benefit government and the powers that control the herd. Also remember this is in context with the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, plus the fact Pluto in Capricorn is technically part of the Jupiter Saturn conjunction as well, within orb.

Saturn with Jupiter in Aquarius will likely be building and structuring new laws and rules for communities and societies, strongly based on technology. New internet laws and restrictions expanded, including censorship.  New ways for governments to control communications along with people that have power including businesses and corporations gaining more power to control herd activity. We've already seen it start with 2020 as Saturn dipped into Aquarius with Pluto in Cap - businesses putting those little Xs on the floors 6 feet apart. One way arrows down grocery store aisles, signs all over the place everywhere you go with rules and directives. Social distancing as Aquarius is a cold distant detached sign. Masks covering facial expressions and uniqueness is great example, having to fit in with everyone rather than individuality. Aquarius isn't ruled by Uranus contrary to new age astrology concepts. With Jupiter there and the combination of Neptune through Pisces the illusion that it's all for a good reason, and all positive will likely be expanded, and already has been.

The minds of people will be controlled and regulated in new ways. Individuality will be challenged, groupthink and conformity will become necessity in the name of progress and science. Government scientists will gain power to dictate reality in ways be haven't seen before. Mind control.

Huge mind blowing advances in science and technology will be developed this next 20 years affecting every area of life and society. This could seem positive at first but when Pluto transits Aquarius for 19 years starting in 2024, the darkside of science, technology and everything that Aquarius rules including social and political ideas will become evident. As all this is going on and Neptune is well into its Aries transit by the end of the decade we'll only be able to dream about and romanticize the days of freedom and individuality.

Let's not forget, we have Uranus in Taurus at play here too. The Jupiter Saturn conjunction is being rooted with Pluto nearby and with a square from Uranus.  These political and social changes are not going to be accepted by everyone at first. Individuality, freedom and authenticity will rebel against the forced conformity. The new and the old are about to wage war. Unfortunately for Uranus and the freedom lover, Saturn and Jupiter will win in the end, and when Uranus reaches Gemini transit will get with the program. In the meantime, big changes to materialism, the earth, food, money and how we exchange it, including electronic money and everything being tracked and controlled. The old ways will fight at first and try to hang on but it's a losing war. We could very well see a financial shake up the next two years which forces these changes to new currencies. 

Some of these biggest changes will show within the next 5 years. Once we get to 2026 the world will be a very different place from where it is now, and even more so within 20 years. 

I know this all seems really negative and i'm not saying we won't have some good times individually through this process but we have to accept where humanity is headed. Some people will always be in their own little bubble, and your own individual astrology including your personal phases and cycles will reflect your own experiences within this outer context for the world, which could be positive for you. Ups and downs come and go but Aquarius rules winter ruled by Saturn, which is cold and dark yet brighter intellectually. That's the outer framework context for the world. It's like an infant tho, that takes time to mature and Aquarius isn't going to be fully matured before it even starts, but we have 2000 years to get there. These up and down phases are never a mistake, it's part of the process of being human and we are meant to go through all these different phases for good or bad as lessons. Earth isn't heaven, it's not some love and light fairytale reality where everything is positive, it's not meant to be.We have to work with both light and dark forces here.  Death is an illusion, it's a doorway into the next reality which is likely to be very different from earth, so do what you have to do here and know it's not going to be forever.

Anyway, i just needed to get this idea of the age of Aquarius bullshit off my chest. That's what blogs are good for i guess. 

 If you are looking for my Youtube astrology reports i've taken a break but i'll probably be doing them again soon. I still have plenty of work with personalized reports for people that i offer so i dont have much motivation to be on social media to promote myself. I know a lot of people seem to like my weekly reports and i do feel bad for not being there for those people that follow me which is the only reason i'm planning on coming back. Youtube is the only social media site i'm on because i don't think social media is healthy. I have to limit the collective noise. 

I'll try and start up making videos again soon though, if not in Jan, then perhaps Feb new moon, if these new YT rules coming don't f it up.

Thanks for reading.

Take care.
