Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Astrology June 18-24 2024 - Sun sq Neptune - Sun ingress Cancer (Solstice) Capricorn Full Moon!

This week in Astrology starts off with the sun square Neptune - It's a distortion to reality, misunderstandings, confusion, uncertainty, but dreamy and fantasy prone, creative, musical, spiritual, retreat vibes, illusionary, deceptive, stronger need for escapism, weaker vitality, scandals conspiracies, identity thief, data breach, hacking events, big storms, water events and a generally more sensitive time that moves into a more introverted phase. Some health issues or feeling tired is possible. Sun ingress Cancer is a big turning point from where we've been the last few months until we get to late Sept, change of season and focus. Home, family, safety, security, property, real estate and your inward life generally becomes a stronger focus. It's more sensitive, protective, cautious, intuitive with your feelings and needs becoming a stronger priority. Having comfort food, nurturing self and others becomes a stronger need. The moon becomes full in Capricorn Friday, the first of two full moons in Cap over the next month. Work, business, real estate deals, goals, ambitions, etc are coming to a head. Certain work and or responsibilities are starting or ending. There's a stronger emotional need for good reputation, respect, hard work, commitment, duty, obligation, punctuality, reliability, morality, doing the "right" thing, doing what needs to be done. There's a need to find a better balance between work life and home/family life. The Cap full moon will show strong Govt situations in the world coming to a head this month, a turning point. Strong focus on the homeland, immigration issues, security issues. Certain rules and laws at a turning point. Some government employees losing their job or getting a new job. General changes within Government - local, state and federal, or changes to the structures and systems of your own life over the next month. Also, in general certain goals of the past 6 months could be reached.  The T- square to Neptune could indicate scandals and conspiracies within Govt. After the full moon moves on we start to move away from the Neptune squares where reality starts to set back in, less confusion, less uncertainty, better focus but much more intuitive and sensitive. Sat June 22 could be a fateful day with news and information, thinking, perceptions, and communications.   Do you want a personalized report from me? Use this link: http://astrohawk11.blogspot.com/p/services.html

Aspect list and timestamps:

Tues June 18 2:46 Moon inconj North Node 12:41 am PDT Venus inconj Pluto 7:12 am PDT Moon trine Saturn 1:18 pm PDT Moon inconj Chiron 8:11 pm PDT Wed June 19 7:36 Moon opp Uranus 12:24 am PDT Moon inconj Sun 7:14 am PDT Moon trine Neptune 9:18 am PDT Moon ingress Sagittarius 9:31 am PDT Moon sextile Pluto 12:32 pm PDT Moon inconj Venus 3:40 pm PDT Moon opp Jupiter 8:21 pm PDT Moon inconj Mercury 8:39 pm PDT Thurs June 20 14:21 Moon inconj Mars 12:47 am PDT Moon trine NN sextile SN 8:38 am PDT Sun square Neptune 11:12 am PDT Sun ingress Cancer (solstice) 1:50 pm PDT Moon square Saturn 9:07 pm PDT Fri June 21 31:02 Moon trine Chiron 3:40 am PDT Moon inconj Uranus 7:43 am PDT Mercury sextile Mars 9:22 am PDT Moon square Neptune 3:57 pm PDT Moon ingress Capricorn 4:00 pm PDT Moon opp Sun (full moon) 6:07 pm PDT Sat June 22 46:16 Moon inconj Jupiter 3:17 am PDT Moon opp Venus 3:19 am PDT Sun inconj Pluto 5:00 am PDT Moon trine Mars 9:37 am PDT Moon opp Mercury 12:24 pm PDT Moon t-square Nodes of Fate 1:20 pm PDT Mercury t-square Nodes of Fate 6:12 pm PDT Sun June 23 52:20 Moon sextile Saturn 2:01 am PDT Moon square Chiron 8:21 am PDT Moon trine Uranus 12:19 pm PDT Moon sextile Neptune 8:05 pm PDT Moon ingress Aquarius 8:14 pm PDT Moon conj Pluto 10:50 pm PDT Mon June 24 56:26 Moon inconj Sun 1:56 am PDT Moon trine Jupiter 7:51 am PDT Moon inconj Venus 11:59 am PDT Moon square Mars 3:58 pm PDT Moon trine SN sextile NN 4:11 pm PDT Mars inconj South Node 7:33 pm PDT Thanks for watching! #astrology #fullmoon #solstice

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