Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden's critical astrology transits 2024

 Biden's Astrology (for educational purposes)

One of the biggest astrological indications for what's been happening to Biden is that transit Saturn in Pisces went all the way to conjunct his IC/MC angle 4th house cusp and stationed retrograde June 29 , right after the presidential debate on June 27 , showing a reversal for Saturn (the state/establishment support). Saturn transit IC is an opposition to Biden's MC (career and public status/reputation). Saturn opp MC is usually not a supportive time for career and is more important time for home and family life. Saturn will fully transit his 4th house of home next year, showing a change and restructuring to home and family life. Plus the transit North Node is also pointing towards Biden's 4th house, along with eclipses. Transit Saturn in Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, which is in transit through Gemini Biden's 7th house of opponents and open enemies. So Saturn is answering to Jupiter in Gemini this year...Trump's sign.

We also see that Biden has two once in a lifetime difficult transits from Pluto and Uranus. Transit Uranus is moving through Biden's 6th house of health opposing his sun and Venus in Scorpio (health ruler). Biden's Venus health ruler is already debilitated, being activated by transit Uranus showing the health issues, which will get worse and changes to his daily work routine. Transit Uranus has been building up to this for a while...

Biden's moon is also being squared by transit Pluto, right where this full moon is showing he is not feeling very good. Biden's moon rules his 8th house of loss. This is a time where he has to surrender, he's not in control of everything. Hard Pluto transits show a time when things are outside of our control. It's intense power struggles and life changing transformations.

Those are the main factors in play.