Monday, September 16, 2024

Trump's astrology luck on Sept 15 2024

The afternoon of Sunday Sept 15 2024 we had an Air Grand Trine in place with the moon, Venus and Jupiter - the two benefices connecting in support and cooperation with the circumstances of the day (the moon). It's not every day that Venus trines Jupiter, let alone the moon getting in on it. This is known as a positive aspect of support in astrology. It was especially beneficial for people that have planets or angles in Fire and Air signs from 20-22 degrees.

It just so happens Trump has his sun at 22 Gemini and his moon at 21 Sagittarius aligning perfectly with this Air grand Trine in place at the time of the 2nd assassination attempt. Trump's Nodes of Fate were also in this alignment, so the transits formed a Grand Air Trine/Kite to his chart. Trump had the support and protection from Venus and Jupiter (which reflects a higher power) shown by of the transits at that moment. Despite if you love Trump or hate him, the astrology of it all is extraordinary! It was a very critical day with Mars squaring the Nodes of Fate right before an eclipse. This event affects the long-term future.

Trump's natal chart naturally has some extra luck and opportunity in some areas of life because of his sun/Nodes/Uranus and moon getting support from his natal Jupiter, but especially this year with Transit Jupiter sitting on Trump's North Node of destiny and sun for the next few months, the first time in 12 years, aligned with his Moon as well. Trump has other not so easy transits at the same time, including Uranus sitting on his midheaven (career, reputation and public life point) for the first time in his life this year. This shows the ongoing twists and turns, shocks and surprises mostly in public life conflict because Uranus is also squaring his Mars this year. Hence two assassination attempts. It's a dangerous year for Trump (next couple years) so he should use extreme caution which is very obvious by now. Libra season coming up next tends to be easier on Trump than Virgo season, but it's eclipse season this time and Mars is not in a good place for him now through Oct. Vibes change bigtime in Nov.

I'm always very busy doing personal reports daily but i do want to make a vid soon about Harris's chart. Stay tuned, for that.