Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Virgo New Moon/ partial Solar eclipse Sep 12/13 2015

Virgo New Moon forming a partial Solar eclipse will be exact on September 12 2015 at 11: 41 pm PDT. This eclipse will not be visible in the United States and because of the late timing on Sat night we will be waking up to the new moon on Sunday Sep 13. Let me try and get right to the point. This is new beginning energy for one or more areas of your life. The eclipse intensifies this for the next 6 months making this new moon extra critical, bringing surprises and uncovering what was hidden before. It's different for everyone but on universal level is about health! This means the Sep 12 eclipse could be the start to new heath crisis for you or people close to you. If people have not been taking good care of self, then this could be a wake up call they needed to get back on track. How disciplined have you been in your health routine? If this doesn't manifest as health issues then it could give the feeling and desire to start something new around health routine, perhaps or feeling like cleaning up a certain area of your life in some way, purging and starting fresh and new. The events seeding around this time have the potential to flower into something very powerful and significant in the coming weeks and months. Find Virgo in your chart, 20 degrees.That's the hotspot. But also Libra as Virgo's ruler Mercury is there slowing down and in hard alignment with Pluto (the planet of transformation) and Uranus the planet of shock). This could be a death crisis as well, or at least very critical events in the coming weeks around health matters. On some level, it's also about relationship health. Mercury will station retrograde Sep 17 in Libra, right before Saturn leaves Scorpio, the most critical spot of all, bringing a final lesson. Saturn won't be back in Scorpio for 30 years. Mercury will track back over the hard news for a total of 3 times before we are done thinking and dealing with whatever circumstances come up for each of us. Don't wait for the universe, take the action needed and set new intentions Sunday on for a better health routine where things have gotten dirty. Whatever happens is all for our higher good, just remember that. It won't be major for everyone, just those that needed it

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