Friday, September 11, 2015

Mercury Retrograde in Libra - Sep 17 - Oct 8 2015

Transit Mercury will start its three week retrograde phase on Sep 17 - Oct 8 in the sign of Libra. Transit Mercury is the universal mind and perception. It's the news and information that comes into your life. This means that the information, communication and thoughts that have come into your life about you and others including ideas and plans since Aug 27 2015 are unsettled and will need some rethought and readjustments before they can truly move forward. Even though Mercury will only be retrograde for three weeks, the entire time frame of what will be uncertain and changing is the thoughts from Aug 27 - Oct 23. So the last week in Oct is when we can finally have all the information needed to move these matters with others forward. A lot of this rethought and redoing will be about relationships, partnerships, creative plans and ideas you've been communicating about since late August.

Now, don't get carried away with perceiving this retrograde phase as a negative. It gets over hyped by the internet and does not mean bad things will happen. Retrograde phases are not bad. It just means the universal mind is in deep thought, sometimes about the past making it easy to over-look surface details, tripping you up because you're not paying attention. Miscommunication is only most likely at the time of station, which will be from around Sep 8 - Sep 20 and then again around Oct 4 - Oct 11 as the energy is changing directions. Give yourself extra time when needing to be somewhere and be conscious of the here and now while you let yourself think deep about certain issues with you and others. If you have to start something new it's best to do that right after the new moon on Sep 13 but is always best if you can avoid new things during the retro phase because once Mercury turns around and passes this time frame thru Oct you might think and feel different about what was started. This is a good time  to go back over what has already been started and make some adjustments - rethink, rewrite, redo, getting caught up on what's unfinished. If you do have to start something new, make sure you pay close attention to the details, read all contracts closely including fine print. If you were born with Mercury retrograde, you are a deep thinker that perceives life a little different from the mainstream flow but now the universal mind will be aligned with your own making this a very productive time for you, especially with being clear and understood within important relationships and what you're communicating. So for those folks, this is a good time to get communication matters out there.

Libra is about balancing the self with others and so in general this is what needs to be rethought out and given some more time for new information to come in before you make any kind of commitments or decisions. This is very much about matters on your mind since Aug 27 +. Find the area of life Libra rules for you in your chart - the first 15 degrees is the area of concern. Also see if you have any personal planets in the first 15 degrees of Libra, Aries, Cancer, or Capricorn. If so, the energy associated with those planets are also unclear right now and will have some readjustments in the coming weeks. Contact me if you need help figuring out what that is, but in general it should be easy to know what this is by looking at what you have been thinking and talking about since Aug 27.

Mercury is in hard alignment to the planet Pluto which will peak three different times, the first time was on Sep 9 second time will be Sep 24 and the 3rd and final time of this square will be Oct 22. This means there is a transformation happening around these thoughts with others that is not easy. We are being asked to change our mind and perception about certain things we may have tried to reject in early September. It usually manifests as tough conversations with others, power struggles and not willing to change your mind about something. It's best if you keep an open mind and try and flow with the information and thoughts coming in during this phase. The more you hold on tight to what you think is true or right the harder this transformation will be. There WILL be a transformation to your thoughts and perceptions about you and others regardless if you like it or not but might take more time for some people, than others depending on how open minded  they are. Don't fight your own thoughts or those from others; ponder them all, they could be important for being able to move you forward with others this fall. The eclipse coming up will bring some shocks and surprises with new beginnings so could be connected to these thoughts around you and others. For more on the Virgo New moon Eclipse coming up you can read about that here --

Venus rules Libra, which just finished its retrograde phase so it seems if we connect these two events , then Venus gave us a better idea of what we want and desire at this point in our life, willing to create it but that realization and upgrade has been on a deep personal level so it's possible that other people are not yet on-board needing to be informed of your new values ,wants, and needs, communicating what that is during this phase so the creation process has a clear intention forward. The eclipses will give more info and illumination so don't rush it, let it all play out over the next month but there will be some changes and adjustments to what you have been thinking and communicating about. Keep an open mind.

Again, try not to make this Mercury retro phase a negative as that would just show you don't have a clear understanding what it's about and would also make it easier to create those negatives you don't want to happen. Try and be clear in communication, listen and pay attention to the surface details while  you are in deep thought giving yourself time and everything should be fine. Although relationship communication will be a little more challenging than before especially if the person you are speaking to is unconscious of all this backwards energy. I hope this helps. If you need more understanding on what this personally means for you please feel free to reach out to me. Thank you. and good luck.

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