Mercury just temporarily changed signs from Libra to Scorpio - at the same time is slowing down and will completely stop (from the earth's perspective) in the first few degrees of Scorpio on Oct 4 then slowly retrograde/forward in Libra until Nov 8 making many important aspects along the way. So i interpret this as a universal perception energy shift where in general there might be something we need to find out that's been on our mind, something uncertain, probably in regards to situations with other people or important relationships, and how everything is going to turn out.
with Mercury into the underworld of Scorpio the communication theme turns quiet and stealthy as people's thoughts go inward. Not everything will be said and a lot of people might be preoccupied with a mystery or important business, getting down to the bottom of it so later when Mercury retros back into Libra we will have the answers we need to make those important relationship decisions or making major adjustments in plans.
Of course this is in general.
We can now easily read between the lines but careful with that as it will be easy for thoughts to turn deep and dark with the focus getting very narrowed as Mercury slows down in the depths of emotional intensity. Most people will be less concerned with causal social grace in conversation, more private with what we are thinking and if we do communicate it will be with more intensity and passion. You might notice this in the general media theme coming up as well.... its easy to obsess on something and or have fears run wild too. Jealously, suspicion, secretiveness, all this can easily happen when unaware, so just a heads up this next week or so...
The positive side is being able to perceive what is unspoken and discover new truths by incorporating intuition with the logical mind; don't underestimate the power of calculated strategic thinking either if we are open to change how we have been perceiving some important thoughts and situations in our life making real noticeable progress with this process. If you find yourself starting to think on the negative side, check in with your thoughts and see if it feels right with your inner knowing by observing how it makes your body feel. Perhaps if it doesn't feel good it's bullshit; go deep and transform fears.
This is all interconnected to the eclipses coming up too so all the information you need to make important decisions isn't here yet and some surprises are yet to come which could change everything...
Anyway, there is so much more to say but i'll let you all feel out the rest.. enjoy.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Libra New Moon 2014 - Equinox - Eclipse season
Hi folks, I have some #Astrology info for you. The Sun has entered Libra ushering in the Equinox and initiating a change of season, where right now days and nights are about equal in length. This is very powerful energy where change is taking place for the Earth and I think we can all start to feel that within as well. Not only that but we have a new lunar cycle starting for the next 28 days with the Libra New Moon exact tonight Sep 23 at 11:13 pm PDT - pretty much aligning with this year's Equinox making the energy of change and new beginnings extra potent for us right now for this lunar cycle. To top it off, it's also the start of Eclipse season for the next 6 weeks where our consciousness evolves on some level, particularly where your Libra sign is in your chart which has to do with partnership and other people.
All this change is asking us to find more balance in our life, in many different ways but especially with others. Libra is associated with the other' as relationships rule this sign so Libra needs the reflection of the other to clearly see the self so we can evolve and mature, especially for sun sign Librans but now we are all getting a chance to look into the reflection of others and see if there is better ways at making true meaningful deep connections with them that we have yet to discover probably because of being so wrapped up into our own self and problems.
This Moon cycle might give you the opportunity to evaluate how you do relationships and partnership. Are you fair and balanced in this area of your life or are the scales tipped heavy to one side? The Libra energy will make it easier for us all to find diplomacy bringing more objectivity. Libra has a gift at seeing more than one side of any situation and this will be useful when trying to understand others and where they are coming from. Libra is often associated with grace, music, art, photography, fine taste and a love for beauty so when it comes to our relationships we will want that peaceful and beautiful energy there as well.
With all this powerful energy for new change this is a great time to set new relationship intentions and how you go about relating to other people in general. Are you always giving into others sacrificing your own needs or are you taking more for your self leaving others out in the cold? You see what I mean? The possibilities in how you are self-sabotaging your relationships are endless, even if subtle. I think it's safe to say none of us are perfect at relationships and we can all find better ways to improve how we connect to other people, especially those important soul relationships we have in our life. It's time to honor the other and by doing that we honor our self which brings more peace and balance into our life.
How long have you been single? Are you ready for long term partnership again, sharing your life with a significant other? I know that can seem scary after a long past of hurt and pain but now is the season of change and hopefully you took that alone time to heal and grow yourself understanding what your soul really does need in partnership. Humans are not meant to be isolated and alone for too long so if you are single this next 6 weeks might just be an awakener for you as the Eclipse brings surprises to your consciousness. Perhaps you are ready but still holding on to the old? We have all made mistakes in the past but it might be time to try again. If so, open yourself up and put yourself out there more as the universe sends you opportunities.
The same could be said about unhealthy relationships as well. How long do you plan on living in a loveless partnership or not getting all your needs met? Forever? That would suck. Your soul will weaken living like that so perhaps a resolution can be found for those relationships as well. I truly feel it's time for us all to honor the people in our life that have been there and loyal to us and if they are a partner it's time for deep sacred union showing self and the other great respect so something long term can blossom between you two. If your partner can't meet you on that level, then maybe it's time for a change. The universe is on your side, if you are willing to make the needed changes in how you relate and connect to other people, you just might experience other people relating to you with more harmony as well. A big part of that is improving what we can about our self but also accepting what is authentic about our self and honoring that; accepting the authentic self in others as well, not asking them to change something they can't. It's complicated but this Libra energy will help us find the balance.
The scales theme is not just isolated to you and other people but anywhere in your life that feels out of balance - within or without and how you go about relating to almost anything on any level. It's the season of balance so adding or taking away from whatever in your life that is lopsided will bring more harmony and greatly improve your situation if you put conscious effort into it.
Now the other big thing happening is Pluto Is now moving forward again after moving backwards (retrograde) for months. Transit Pluto is symbolic of power and transformation. Because Pluto has been retrograde for so long this energy shift forward is very powerful adding to these big energies of change this cycle. Pluto was transforming us all on deep inner levels that might have been subtle but now as it slowly moves forward that transformation will come to our outer life as well over the next several months. This means another round of real change is soon on the way in the world and in our personal life. Pluto is restructuring your life and support systems particularly where you have Capricorn in your birth chart. It's a very slow process but should start to see more external changes soon. It's best to let go and allow these needed changes to comes even if they seem harsh in the moment and because Pluto went forward right with this New Moon a lot of these changes could be about relationships too. Try and let go of control when you feel the need arise, letting it all play out on its own. See how that works this time. Just stop fighting what is, and go with it. I promise you'll save energy and feel better but i won't lie, you have to have faith that things are working out for your best interest in the long term.
So that's about it but I can't understate the immense power of this energy coming in right now and if you work with it you can really make some big changes in your life. The universe will support you in that process this cycle. Harness the power of change and make it work for you! Find more balance and bring peace into your life.
The first total lunar Eclipse of the season will be on Oct 8 with the full moon! It's going to be so powerful and full of emotional surprises that brings your consciousness to new levels of understanding! It's sure to be exciting!
So as always if you want to know where all this takes place in your own astrology send me an email and we can talk about reading options. Also feel free to leave comments and questions below.
Thank you.
Enjoy the change.
All this change is asking us to find more balance in our life, in many different ways but especially with others. Libra is associated with the other' as relationships rule this sign so Libra needs the reflection of the other to clearly see the self so we can evolve and mature, especially for sun sign Librans but now we are all getting a chance to look into the reflection of others and see if there is better ways at making true meaningful deep connections with them that we have yet to discover probably because of being so wrapped up into our own self and problems.
This Moon cycle might give you the opportunity to evaluate how you do relationships and partnership. Are you fair and balanced in this area of your life or are the scales tipped heavy to one side? The Libra energy will make it easier for us all to find diplomacy bringing more objectivity. Libra has a gift at seeing more than one side of any situation and this will be useful when trying to understand others and where they are coming from. Libra is often associated with grace, music, art, photography, fine taste and a love for beauty so when it comes to our relationships we will want that peaceful and beautiful energy there as well.
With all this powerful energy for new change this is a great time to set new relationship intentions and how you go about relating to other people in general. Are you always giving into others sacrificing your own needs or are you taking more for your self leaving others out in the cold? You see what I mean? The possibilities in how you are self-sabotaging your relationships are endless, even if subtle. I think it's safe to say none of us are perfect at relationships and we can all find better ways to improve how we connect to other people, especially those important soul relationships we have in our life. It's time to honor the other and by doing that we honor our self which brings more peace and balance into our life.
How long have you been single? Are you ready for long term partnership again, sharing your life with a significant other? I know that can seem scary after a long past of hurt and pain but now is the season of change and hopefully you took that alone time to heal and grow yourself understanding what your soul really does need in partnership. Humans are not meant to be isolated and alone for too long so if you are single this next 6 weeks might just be an awakener for you as the Eclipse brings surprises to your consciousness. Perhaps you are ready but still holding on to the old? We have all made mistakes in the past but it might be time to try again. If so, open yourself up and put yourself out there more as the universe sends you opportunities.
The same could be said about unhealthy relationships as well. How long do you plan on living in a loveless partnership or not getting all your needs met? Forever? That would suck. Your soul will weaken living like that so perhaps a resolution can be found for those relationships as well. I truly feel it's time for us all to honor the people in our life that have been there and loyal to us and if they are a partner it's time for deep sacred union showing self and the other great respect so something long term can blossom between you two. If your partner can't meet you on that level, then maybe it's time for a change. The universe is on your side, if you are willing to make the needed changes in how you relate and connect to other people, you just might experience other people relating to you with more harmony as well. A big part of that is improving what we can about our self but also accepting what is authentic about our self and honoring that; accepting the authentic self in others as well, not asking them to change something they can't. It's complicated but this Libra energy will help us find the balance.
The scales theme is not just isolated to you and other people but anywhere in your life that feels out of balance - within or without and how you go about relating to almost anything on any level. It's the season of balance so adding or taking away from whatever in your life that is lopsided will bring more harmony and greatly improve your situation if you put conscious effort into it.
Now the other big thing happening is Pluto Is now moving forward again after moving backwards (retrograde) for months. Transit Pluto is symbolic of power and transformation. Because Pluto has been retrograde for so long this energy shift forward is very powerful adding to these big energies of change this cycle. Pluto was transforming us all on deep inner levels that might have been subtle but now as it slowly moves forward that transformation will come to our outer life as well over the next several months. This means another round of real change is soon on the way in the world and in our personal life. Pluto is restructuring your life and support systems particularly where you have Capricorn in your birth chart. It's a very slow process but should start to see more external changes soon. It's best to let go and allow these needed changes to comes even if they seem harsh in the moment and because Pluto went forward right with this New Moon a lot of these changes could be about relationships too. Try and let go of control when you feel the need arise, letting it all play out on its own. See how that works this time. Just stop fighting what is, and go with it. I promise you'll save energy and feel better but i won't lie, you have to have faith that things are working out for your best interest in the long term.
So that's about it but I can't understate the immense power of this energy coming in right now and if you work with it you can really make some big changes in your life. The universe will support you in that process this cycle. Harness the power of change and make it work for you! Find more balance and bring peace into your life.
The first total lunar Eclipse of the season will be on Oct 8 with the full moon! It's going to be so powerful and full of emotional surprises that brings your consciousness to new levels of understanding! It's sure to be exciting!
So as always if you want to know where all this takes place in your own astrology send me an email and we can talk about reading options. Also feel free to leave comments and questions below.
Thank you.
Enjoy the change.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Mars enters Sagittarius
Major energy shift today - Mars leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius at 2:57 pm Pacific time. #Astrology
This should be a nice energy change for a lot of people especially if you've been weighed down by heavy intense Scorpio energy the last few weeks. Transit Mars represents the universal action theme; where we feel passionate and driven. Mars likes the deep emotional waters of Scorpio for the pure passion and determination of the sign but i think the Mars energy will treat us all a little better once in Sagittarius and things should get lighter and more exciting.
Sagittarius is a Fire sign and Mars is of the Fire element as well so this means double Fire coming with Sagittarius being the archer and Mars the thrust; i suggest you aim your arrows high...
Sagittarius is the sign of the philosopher, rising from the animalistic realms of human nature and instinct into the higher realms of spirit and the big picture. Combine this with action Mars and we should all start to look up rather than down, recognizing long term opportunities for our future. Mars in Sag can have us feeling like a need to take more action in our life, even some risk or else we face the possibility of extreme restlessness for something new. The fire element is about creation and Mars into Sag might give us the feeling that we need something more than the same ol same ol extending self past comfort zones and do something new, bold and adventurous. General excitement and physical energy increases. The less spiritual folks might find the need for sports and thrills; adventure, gambling and seeking something beyond the everyday bore that gives outlet to the fire running through our veins. Spiritual folks might feel all that as well might can easily channel this fire energy into spiritual pursuits, and the higher mind of spiritual philosophy, exploring new ideas that might capture your imagination. You would also do well to work with the fire within your own body. Mars is the energy of sex, so taking that passion to spiritual realms with your partner can enliven you both and satisfy the desires for something above and beyond that will build over the next 6 weeks. So aim high, you never know what you might hit...
With Mars in Sagittarius we can feel like the grass is greener some place else but rarely is. However a little adventure might just be what the doctor ordered to rid yourself of those blues. Traveling to far away places both literally and intellectually speaking would be good, or just traveling and road trips in general. Getting out in nature and feeling alive, doing something new and exciting could keep the fire at bay. But just because you feel like risk doesn't mean the dangers are any less real so try and stay grounded a bit as well if at all possible and take calculated risks. Instincts will be sharp and on point so follow them and see where the adventure takes you in any area of your life you choose to direct this new energy in. Look at your birth chart and find Sagittarius, that will be the area of your life Mars will transit and activate the need for more action, excitement and adventure. The house of your Sagittarius will indeed be the area of your life you should take some risk in, and explore new possibilities. If you need some help figuring that in your chart, let me know.
In general, more of the big picture comes into view; enthusiasm, faith and physical energy increases so finding a physical outlet is wise so you don't get too restless. Just try not to be reckless and channel this energy into something productive, exciting and adventurous. Take big actions, surprise others, go above and beyond in whatever you are passionate about right now and follow your instincts so you'll be right in alignment with the universal Mars energy! I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Leave questions and comments below, thanks!
This should be a nice energy change for a lot of people especially if you've been weighed down by heavy intense Scorpio energy the last few weeks. Transit Mars represents the universal action theme; where we feel passionate and driven. Mars likes the deep emotional waters of Scorpio for the pure passion and determination of the sign but i think the Mars energy will treat us all a little better once in Sagittarius and things should get lighter and more exciting.
Sagittarius is a Fire sign and Mars is of the Fire element as well so this means double Fire coming with Sagittarius being the archer and Mars the thrust; i suggest you aim your arrows high...
Sagittarius is the sign of the philosopher, rising from the animalistic realms of human nature and instinct into the higher realms of spirit and the big picture. Combine this with action Mars and we should all start to look up rather than down, recognizing long term opportunities for our future. Mars in Sag can have us feeling like a need to take more action in our life, even some risk or else we face the possibility of extreme restlessness for something new. The fire element is about creation and Mars into Sag might give us the feeling that we need something more than the same ol same ol extending self past comfort zones and do something new, bold and adventurous. General excitement and physical energy increases. The less spiritual folks might find the need for sports and thrills; adventure, gambling and seeking something beyond the everyday bore that gives outlet to the fire running through our veins. Spiritual folks might feel all that as well might can easily channel this fire energy into spiritual pursuits, and the higher mind of spiritual philosophy, exploring new ideas that might capture your imagination. You would also do well to work with the fire within your own body. Mars is the energy of sex, so taking that passion to spiritual realms with your partner can enliven you both and satisfy the desires for something above and beyond that will build over the next 6 weeks. So aim high, you never know what you might hit...
With Mars in Sagittarius we can feel like the grass is greener some place else but rarely is. However a little adventure might just be what the doctor ordered to rid yourself of those blues. Traveling to far away places both literally and intellectually speaking would be good, or just traveling and road trips in general. Getting out in nature and feeling alive, doing something new and exciting could keep the fire at bay. But just because you feel like risk doesn't mean the dangers are any less real so try and stay grounded a bit as well if at all possible and take calculated risks. Instincts will be sharp and on point so follow them and see where the adventure takes you in any area of your life you choose to direct this new energy in. Look at your birth chart and find Sagittarius, that will be the area of your life Mars will transit and activate the need for more action, excitement and adventure. The house of your Sagittarius will indeed be the area of your life you should take some risk in, and explore new possibilities. If you need some help figuring that in your chart, let me know.
In general, more of the big picture comes into view; enthusiasm, faith and physical energy increases so finding a physical outlet is wise so you don't get too restless. Just try not to be reckless and channel this energy into something productive, exciting and adventurous. Take big actions, surprise others, go above and beyond in whatever you are passionate about right now and follow your instincts so you'll be right in alignment with the universal Mars energy! I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Leave questions and comments below, thanks!
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Current planetary aspects

Let's start here -
Jupiter in Leo quincunx Pluto in Capricorn:
This is background energy so less noticeable but lasts for a longer time and strongly influencing the current energy pattern for us right now especially for Sagittarius Rising, Sagittarius Sun and Sagittarius Moon people. A quincunx aspect is an angle of 150 degrees that represents the need for adjustments between these two very different energies in our life. My interpretation is that on a global level we are being asked to make adjustments to our long held belief systems in world, philosophical, spiritual, and political views along with the very foundation of how we run and expand our society. In order to create more love, peace, joy, and abundance in the world with long term stability our old outdated beliefs and structures are being challenged and re birthed by forces out-side of our control resulting in new ideas being seeded for the next 12 years of creative expansion. When we are presented with uncomfortable information that challenges what we think we know is true or circumstances that have us questioning our faith, it triggers a deep need for renewal in order to reconcile the internal conflict but does require a need to release some ego and pride and admit that there is better ways to proceed forward than what we have done in the past. It also requires having more faith in what our heart says is true despite what the world is claiming we need to do. Following the rules of external authority will result in a collapse of creative expansion in our life; every so called "truths" are in question. This is on a very personal level for each person and up to each one of us to restructure our deep seated beliefs in what we think is possible and "right" in order to support our self and others in the world more effectively and with more heart felt integrity rather than just following the crowd. Look to your Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Capricorn houses in your natal birth chart for insight into what area's of your life you are being asked to make these adjustments in.
Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune opposite Venus and Black Moon Lilith in Virgo
The moon moves very fast so this is a short term energy over the next couple days with circumstances triggering the over-all Pisces/Virgo opposition that peaks with the full moon and wanes over the next couple weeks. The Moon enters Pisces September 7 at 4:47 pm Pacific time The next 22 hours from here the moon aligns with Neptune opposite Venus. Oppositions require integration to bring them together within as one for true balance otherwise, in this case, what you desire and are attracted to.won't emotionally comfort you. These oppositions between planets usually play out as oppositions in our personal relationships. Both energies are within but we accept one side and project the other side onto other people. On one end is the moon with Neptune wanting unconditional all accepting love which will make you or others in your life very sensitive the next couple days, feeling idealistic, compassionate, dreamy, spacey and unfocused with deep seated psychological need for acceptance and forgiveness from past mistakes and wounds wearing rose colored glasses with a sense of sacrifice to your own real world practical needs and desires in order to fulfill the emotional needs and desires for yourself and others in your life. One of you is emotional, wounded or dreamy and the other person is grounded and stable wanting to help the other person or you both play out each energy at different times. It will be easy for you or the other to over-look flaws and feel emotional sympathy and empathy for each other wanting to accommodate those needs and heal the wounds.
Venus and Lilith on the other side wants to be more practical and grounded in relationships, focused and organized with what needs are the most important for both people making a mental list of priorities or a mental list of required expectations you'll need met from the other person in order for them to win your love and support. Metaphorically speaking, Lilith is whispering to Venus thoughts about whether or not the other person is actually worthy of your time, love and support bringing up the unconscious question of which needs are more important - yours or theirs with the pressure of Lilith suggesting - yours, or at least the real world side of your desires. This will be unspoken as the energy is much too sensitive and vague to verbalize but will show through how you are treating yourself and others right now. Are you being too practical and critical or too emotional and sensitive? Is it really necessary to sacrifice your own practical desires and needs for the emotional well-being of yourself and others, or is there a way to have both? Yes, both is possible! If you integrate both polarities within yourself accepting and making room for the opposing energies you will in turn cause your relationships to be more balanced and you won't have other people mirroring the hidden aspects of yourself as much. How to do this, you might ask? Fulfill both your emotional needs and practical desires and real world needs by opening yourself up to more vulnerability in love and relationships allowing yourself to be helped by other people, or you helping them. Rather than sacrifice everything, throwing yourself into the wounds and needs of others or getting lost in your own emotional sensitivity that could hurt your situation monetarily find practical ways to be of service to yourself and others that makes a real difference in yours or their emotional well-being by eliminating some of the practical real world stresses of life so they or you can focus more on emotional healing or healing a wound in general. So let others be of practical service to you and be of practical service to others such as allowing them to do some of your real world work, like cooking, dishes, laundry, projects or other practical concerns they have weighing them down or vice versa allowing others to do this for you which keeps that side of yourself from sinking too deep into other people's wounds while actually helping them greatly by freeing them up to deal and heal with their own emotional sensitivities and wounds. But again, you can do this for yourself as well on both levels, giving yourself time and room for both opposing needs, the emotional and the practical otherwise you will project one side onto others. But it's okay if you do, it usually works that way, but require you to open up more accepting your emotional needs and what you really need from other people in your life. I better move on to the other aspects, i think you get the idea? Incorporate both practical and emotional needs for self and others.
Moon in Pisces conjunct Chiron opposite Sun in Virgo -
This aspect is the Pisces Full Moon Monday Sep 8 at 6:38 pm Pacific time. This Full Moon is very powerful with the Sun reflecting the real world practical healing requirements necessary for true deep physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual healing taking place in each one of us right now on some levels but again plays out through our readerships. There is a need for more balance and healing in our mind, body and spirit but you can't leave out any of those if you want that full balanced healing on every level as how you treat your body effects your emotions and mind while your thoughts, lifestyle effects your emotions, body and spirit; your spirituality has an affect on your perceptive clarity and emotional well being; etc. They are all tied together and balancing them is the secret to true health. With the full moon - what was previously unconscious becomes conscious/fully illuminated by the reflection of other people and circumstances in our life. For example: maybe someone you are close to was recently diagnosed with an illness bringing you more awareness to what it was that created that condition in the first place giving you the desire to make the necessary changes for better health in your own life. Is this same wound present in yourself as well what ever that may be? That kind of insight can become clear but can be almost anything or on any level that triggers the new awareness from the situation brought to you by other people because they are actually mirroring wounds from within yourself even if not fully manifested yet. Making lists, dividing your time and needs on every level can also be helpful in becoming a more healthy individual if you follow through with the practical effort it takes to honor all sides on your list. Another example would be working out so much that you neglect your spirituality. Spirituality doesn't mean religion but it's important to recognize and honor your connection to spirit setting time out for gratitude and appreciation for this connection to the whole even if that is just making more time for nature and the physical world around you that opens up that awareness of your connection to everything. What are actually feeding your body? When will you commit to a healthy diet and lifestyle? Do you have addiction and habits ruling your life causing a lack of happiness? Perhaps you see that discontent thru others, recognizing your own. Don't let me limit the possibilities, these are just examples because the insights can come from anywhere with many different areas of your life being reflected back to you from your relationships. Spiritual emotional health vs physical mental health is the opposition with this full moon - integrate for more balance in your life! This all sounds simple i know but in truth this full moon is bringing up some very sensitive energy with your self and others so compassion and empathy is very important; acceptance and forgiveness. This goes back to what i said about Venus and Neptune, helping others get through these emotional times by helping them with practical matters or vice versa. Don't get lost in the wounds of the world, you can still make a huge difference by staying grounded and focusing on real world solutions that ease their burdens but don't force it on them, just do the simple mundane stuff for them so they have more time to deal with their wounds. As I said above, more sensitivity, empathy and vulnerability in relationships will improve them. Let other people know your inner world; expose your emotional side and allow for emotional and practical nurturing from people that have earned your trust.
Grand-Water-Trine between Saturn/Vesta - Juno - Chiron.
This aspect is subtle background energy but very divine, supportive and beneficial for long term emotional and psychological ancestral healing taking place with karmic people such as family, friends and partners that goes back eons. This will help you understand what you emotionally need in a long term partner whether you currently have one or not and your general emotional needs in regards to others as it heals the past emotional wounds that are keeping you from this commitment to sacred union. Honor the people in your life that have been there for you; let them know how you feel and honor how they feel as well. You don't have to do much to receive the benefits of this grand trine aspect besides opening yourself up to more vulnerability in your relationships, but this energy will make that process easier regardless if you are conscious to it or not.
Saturn trine Full Moon
This aspect is tied in with the grand-water-trine i was speaking about above. It allows us the depth, maturity and commitment to see and make the necessary changes for better long lasting health in self and in our relationships, but requires digging deep into the shadow and releasing hidden fears, insecurities, and inadequacies. This process becomes easier with the flowing trine.
Mercury square Pluto opposite Uranus
This aspect plays out from the full moon thru September 16 and will be challenging bringing unwanted conversations, information and surprise situations after the full moon. You will have to deal with powerful people trying to control what you think and say, or become aware of the energy conflict within yourself where one side of you might want to be nice and proper when expressing your ideas, easily giving into others but could also be thinking about trying to control and manipulate other people in order to get what you want or make your point causing you metal frustrations in what side to own. Others could try this with you as well. The mind can easily slip into negative dark thinking or try and avoid the darkness only focusing on the beauty and good of everything but the energy will force your awareness to what needs changing in your life and in your relationships. Past issues with others can surface now. Harsh secrets can be revealed. New information can be intense and disturbing. Mental activity will increase so is important to keep perspective and ground yourself as much as possible, thinking about what you say before you say it but this aspect requires deep truths to be said that might lead to uncomfortable conversations or becoming aware of unhealthy thinking patterns in your life that cause you problems in other areas. It could also be the realization that someone else in your life is having a negative influence on you or lying to you and you may need to release them.Be careful of over thinking, obsessing or being suspicious when there is no need. Not necessarily though. Maybe the other is telling you hard cold truths that you fail to accept and needed to hear or vice versa. Be open to listening to others view point as the need for control calms down Mercury will oppose Uranus leading you to surprise insights from the interactions you had recently whether the interaction was negative or not. Mercury (representing your thinking) will be challenged by others and you might feel a need to rebel from authority figures so you can free your mind to think on your own. This aspect can play out in many different ways so others can surprise and rebel against you as well. The bottom line is a forced uncomfortable change in your thinking patterns and perceptions is imminent this next week or so. Also be extra careful wile driving, leaving your phone alone!
Mars ingress Sagittarius Sept 13
Mars is on it's final week in Scorpio which is one of the reasons the energy has been so heavy lately and will continue to be heavy and intense for this next week. When Mars enters Sagittarius the energy will really change and lighten up with less focus and drive to deal with the heavy intense energies of the past month and more passion to focus on the big picture; looking for more fun, excitement ,and adventure. Spirituality and the belief in something beyond the self can increase taking actions and exploring better ways to manifest your future after your new insights and realizations have soaked in from the full moon. The desire for sports, philosophical pursuits or general desire for physical activity and exploration increases. We might feel freed of the recent burdens as this Mars thru Sagittarius transit builds.over the next six weeks. However there will remain some heavy energy in place on some levels until Saturn finishes up its transit thru Scorpio with the ingress into Sagittarius in December.That will be a relief for a lot of people.
Well, these are the main energy aspects reflected back to us right now and for the next several days. I hope the information was useful. Thanks for reading! Enjoy the full illumination of the Pisces Full Moon.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Mercury in Libra
Mental/intellectual energy change tonight Sep 1 2014 at 10:38 pm PDT as Mercury (messenger of the gods) changes signs and enters Libra until Nov 8 with a full transit thru Libra then enter Scorpio for a very short time only to retrograde back thru Libra and then move direct again making this an extended stay in the scales of Libra which is largely about balancing our mental perceptions. Your thoughts and ideas vs all those other people's thoughts and ideas. Transit Mercury represents the universal intellectual perception - what we are focused on and how we go about communicating with other people. Mercury has been in the sign of Virgo for a few weeks which is grounded practical earth energy that likes to focus on details and staying organized being a tad critical of self and others sometimes as it separates what works from what doesn't and we still have the Sun in Virgo so that energy will be around for a bit longer. However when Mercury moves into Libra we start to perceive life and others differently. Libra represents being able to see both sides of a situation and wants to be more fair, less harsh than Virgo as balancing relationships becomes important and the mental focus. That's because Libra is the sign of relationships so we start to think about others more.
When Mercury transits Libra - music, art, beauty, photography and ideas along with important relationships stimulate the mind and we might look for those activities, appearing to be more social, graceful and diplomatic wanting more peace and balance in our life. That's what we will be thinking about at least, but the true balance might not arrive until the Sun enters Libra in late September so Mercury ahead of the Sun thru Libra is just getting us mentally primed for Libra season when balancing relationships, being more diplomatic and interested in art and beauty become the main energy force driving us. Still though, with Mercury in Libra we will be more balanced in our communication style with others.
Like I said, Mercury will enter Scorpio the first week of October then go retrograde on Oct 5 at 2 degrees Scorpio only to re-enter Libra five days later on Oct 10 backtracking all the way to 16 degrees Libra then moving forward from there until Nov 8 when it re-enters Scorpio but finishes up this long Libra phase completely, passing its shadow on Nov 10 2014 at which time you should have achieved a lot of balance in your life by that time.
Now please, don't let all the hype about Mercury retrograde worry you. It happens three times a year for three weeks each, every single year and and it seems people still don't get the point. It's not a bad thing that you have to fear; no retrograde phase is ever a bad thing, it has a purpose and things don't break or go wrong anymore than they do when Mercury is moving forward. Retro Mercury is just a time for more inner metal reflection and being able to perceive the hidden details a little easier. So if you have any mishaps, perhaps it's your own fault for not paying attention to the surface details as well but is not that big of a deal if you are conscious and aware of what you are doing. Don't miss out on the great awareness you can gain from the Mercury retrograde phase by only looking at it as some big inconvenience full of errors and breakdowns. A lot of astrologers preach that perspective though so i understand how the hype has gotten carried away. However don't take my word for it, why don't you start keeping track of these retro phases and see what happens, for yourself. I sure have.. so I trust in what I'm telling you here - Mercury retrograde is not a negative, it has true value and great benefits. If you have Mercury retro in your birth chart, then this phase will be extra productive for you as the universal mind aligns with your own! it will be a good time to finish up projects or redo anything that needs fixing. If you have Mercury direct in your birth chart then the retro phase might not be the best time to start anything new, just wait it out until you've had the full time to reflect on everything then make the necessary relationship changes when Scorpio season arrives. But regardless of your natal Mercury status the retro transit will be a good time for reflection, seeing hidden details, rethinking your perspective, allowing for more balance between yourself and others, on an intellectual level.
As Mercury moves into Libra, Libra's ruler - Venus will become more important to how we are thinking. Venus is in the last degrees of Leo but then moves into Virgo on Sep 5 giving Venus and Mercury "mutual reception" making these two planets supporting each other with Venus into Virgo will greatly change what we are attracted to and value along with changing relationship dynamics. I'll leave the details of that for another post but in short the energy after Sep 5 will definitely be on the details of relationships, understanding what role others play in our life and focusing/thinking about how we plan to balance all that more when Libra season arrives.
So as i said, when Mercury moves into Libra beauty will catch our attention along with music and the arts, social grace and the needs of other people. Libra is a Cardinal season starting sign so there will be some tough days ahead with some changes necessary as Mercury triggers some old tough energies in place from that last couple years that has been forcing us all to change on some levels. Mercury moves fast though, so any mental disruptions shouldn't last very long.
I better leave it at that but if you would like more details about what area of your life this long Mercury in Libra phase will activate, send me an email about a personal reading or report for $40 bucks - Mercury retro special The info could be very beneficial to you!
Thanks for reading. Enjoy your Mercury transit!
When Mercury transits Libra - music, art, beauty, photography and ideas along with important relationships stimulate the mind and we might look for those activities, appearing to be more social, graceful and diplomatic wanting more peace and balance in our life. That's what we will be thinking about at least, but the true balance might not arrive until the Sun enters Libra in late September so Mercury ahead of the Sun thru Libra is just getting us mentally primed for Libra season when balancing relationships, being more diplomatic and interested in art and beauty become the main energy force driving us. Still though, with Mercury in Libra we will be more balanced in our communication style with others.
Like I said, Mercury will enter Scorpio the first week of October then go retrograde on Oct 5 at 2 degrees Scorpio only to re-enter Libra five days later on Oct 10 backtracking all the way to 16 degrees Libra then moving forward from there until Nov 8 when it re-enters Scorpio but finishes up this long Libra phase completely, passing its shadow on Nov 10 2014 at which time you should have achieved a lot of balance in your life by that time.
Now please, don't let all the hype about Mercury retrograde worry you. It happens three times a year for three weeks each, every single year and and it seems people still don't get the point. It's not a bad thing that you have to fear; no retrograde phase is ever a bad thing, it has a purpose and things don't break or go wrong anymore than they do when Mercury is moving forward. Retro Mercury is just a time for more inner metal reflection and being able to perceive the hidden details a little easier. So if you have any mishaps, perhaps it's your own fault for not paying attention to the surface details as well but is not that big of a deal if you are conscious and aware of what you are doing. Don't miss out on the great awareness you can gain from the Mercury retrograde phase by only looking at it as some big inconvenience full of errors and breakdowns. A lot of astrologers preach that perspective though so i understand how the hype has gotten carried away. However don't take my word for it, why don't you start keeping track of these retro phases and see what happens, for yourself. I sure have.. so I trust in what I'm telling you here - Mercury retrograde is not a negative, it has true value and great benefits. If you have Mercury retro in your birth chart, then this phase will be extra productive for you as the universal mind aligns with your own! it will be a good time to finish up projects or redo anything that needs fixing. If you have Mercury direct in your birth chart then the retro phase might not be the best time to start anything new, just wait it out until you've had the full time to reflect on everything then make the necessary relationship changes when Scorpio season arrives. But regardless of your natal Mercury status the retro transit will be a good time for reflection, seeing hidden details, rethinking your perspective, allowing for more balance between yourself and others, on an intellectual level.
As Mercury moves into Libra, Libra's ruler - Venus will become more important to how we are thinking. Venus is in the last degrees of Leo but then moves into Virgo on Sep 5 giving Venus and Mercury "mutual reception" making these two planets supporting each other with Venus into Virgo will greatly change what we are attracted to and value along with changing relationship dynamics. I'll leave the details of that for another post but in short the energy after Sep 5 will definitely be on the details of relationships, understanding what role others play in our life and focusing/thinking about how we plan to balance all that more when Libra season arrives.
So as i said, when Mercury moves into Libra beauty will catch our attention along with music and the arts, social grace and the needs of other people. Libra is a Cardinal season starting sign so there will be some tough days ahead with some changes necessary as Mercury triggers some old tough energies in place from that last couple years that has been forcing us all to change on some levels. Mercury moves fast though, so any mental disruptions shouldn't last very long.
I better leave it at that but if you would like more details about what area of your life this long Mercury in Libra phase will activate, send me an email about a personal reading or report for $40 bucks - Mercury retro special The info could be very beneficial to you!
Thanks for reading. Enjoy your Mercury transit!
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