Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Libra New Moon 2014 - Equinox - Eclipse season

Hi folks, I have some #Astrology info for you. The Sun has entered Libra ushering in the Equinox and initiating a change of season, where right now days and nights are about equal in length. This is very powerful energy where change is taking place for the Earth and I think we can all start to feel that within as well. Not only that but we have a new lunar cycle starting for the next 28 days with the Libra New Moon exact tonight Sep 23 at 11:13 pm PDT - pretty much aligning with this year's Equinox making the energy of change and new beginnings extra potent for us right now for this lunar cycle. To top it off, it's also the start of Eclipse season for the next 6 weeks where our consciousness evolves on some level, particularly where your Libra sign is in your chart which has to do with partnership and other people.

All this change is asking us to find more balance in our life, in many different ways but especially with others. Libra is associated with the other' as relationships rule this sign so Libra needs the reflection of the other to clearly see the self so we can evolve and mature, especially for sun sign Librans but now we are all getting a chance to look into the reflection of others and see if there is better ways at making true meaningful deep connections with them that we have yet to discover probably because of being so wrapped up into our own self and problems.

This Moon cycle might give you the opportunity to evaluate how you do relationships and partnership. Are you fair and balanced in this area of your life or are the scales tipped heavy to one side? The Libra energy will make it easier for us all to find diplomacy bringing more objectivity. Libra has a gift at seeing more than one side of any situation and this will be useful when trying to understand others and where they are coming from. Libra is often associated with grace, music, art, photography, fine taste and a love for beauty so when it comes to our relationships we will want that peaceful and beautiful energy there as well.  

With all this powerful energy for new change this is a great time to set new relationship intentions and how you go about relating to other people in general. Are you always giving into others sacrificing your own needs or are you taking more for your self leaving others out in the cold?  You see what I mean? The possibilities in how you are self-sabotaging your relationships are endless, even if subtle.  I think it's safe to say none of us are perfect at relationships and we can all find better ways to  improve how we connect to other people, especially those important soul relationships we have in our life. It's time to honor the other and by doing that we honor our self which brings more peace and balance into our life.

How long have you been single? Are you ready for long term partnership again, sharing your life with a significant other? I know that can seem scary after a long past of hurt and pain but now is the season of change and hopefully you took that alone time to heal and grow yourself understanding what your soul really does need in partnership. Humans are not meant to be isolated and alone for too long so if you are single this next 6 weeks might just be an awakener for you as the Eclipse brings surprises to your consciousness. Perhaps you are ready but still holding on to the old? We have all made mistakes in the past but it might be time to try again. If so, open yourself up and put yourself out there more as the universe sends you opportunities. 

The same could be said about unhealthy relationships as well. How long do you plan on living in a loveless partnership or not getting all your needs met? Forever? That would suck. Your soul will weaken living like that so perhaps a resolution can be found for those relationships as well. I truly feel it's time for us all to honor the people in our life that have been there and loyal to us and if they are a partner it's time for deep sacred union showing self and the other great respect so something long term can blossom between you two. If your partner can't meet you on that level, then maybe it's time for a change. The universe is on your side, if you are willing to make the needed changes in how you relate and connect to other people, you just might experience other people relating to you with more harmony as well. A big part of that is improving what we can about our self but also accepting what is authentic about our self and honoring that; accepting the authentic self in others as well, not asking them to change something they can't. It's complicated but this Libra energy will help us find the balance.

The scales theme is not just isolated to you and other people but anywhere in your life that feels out of balance - within or without and how you go about relating to almost anything on any level. It's the season of balance so adding or taking away from whatever in your life that is lopsided will bring more harmony and greatly improve your situation if you put conscious effort into it.  

Now the other big thing happening is Pluto Is now moving forward again after moving backwards (retrograde)  for months. Transit Pluto is symbolic of power and transformation. Because Pluto has been retrograde for so long this energy shift forward is very powerful adding to these big energies of change this cycle. Pluto was transforming us all on deep inner levels that might have been subtle but now as it slowly moves forward that transformation will come to our outer life as well over the next several months. This means another round of real change is soon on the way in the world and in our personal life. Pluto is restructuring your life and support systems particularly where you have Capricorn in your birth chart. It's a very slow process but should start to see more external changes soon. It's best to let go and allow these needed changes to comes even if they seem harsh in the moment and because Pluto went forward right with this New Moon a lot of these changes could be about relationships too. Try and let go of control when you feel the need arise, letting it all play out on its own. See how that works this time. Just stop fighting what is, and go with it. I promise you'll save energy and feel better but i won't lie, you have to have faith that things are working out for your best interest in the long term.

So that's about it but I can't understate the immense power of this energy coming in right now and if you work with it you can really make some big changes in your life. The universe will support you in that process this cycle. Harness the power of change and make it work for you! Find more balance and bring peace into your life.

 The first total lunar Eclipse of the season will be on Oct 8 with the full moon! It's going to be so powerful and full of emotional surprises that brings your consciousness to new levels of understanding! It's sure to be exciting!

So as always if you want to know where all this takes place in your own astrology send me an email and we can talk about reading options. Also feel free to leave comments and questions below.

Thank you.
Enjoy the change.

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