Monday, January 5, 2015

Mercury in Aquarius.. What's on your mind today?

Yikes, what a full moon huh. Most people might have had a change in circumstances with new developments. If so No worries, It's karmic, trust it. Now Mercury is in Aquarius so the mental focus has changed too. Pay attention to communications, thoughts and ideas that took place yesterday today or tomorrow because Mercury is preparing for its 3 week retro phase through Aquarius starting on Jan 20th right after the Aquarius new moon at the same degree Mercury is moving over right now so will retrograde back to this point on Feb 10 -12 meaning these matters of the last few days will be revisited next month again , as more information comes in, but these thoughts might be about the entire group and the future, planning activities. I'll write more about all this the closer we get but just take note of what you're thinking about right now, it's important for the future might need reevaluation later. Hey at least all that crazy energy from the weekend is over. now most people will be thinking about alternatives and moving forward from the past. Emotional detachment becomes easier along with a new intellectual perspective.. Aquarius! the energy of friends -. be grateful for them, the people that have been there for you, it means a lot!
Happy energy change

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