Friday, July 31, 2015

Saturn Stations Direct - Jupiter Square Saturn Aug 2 2015

This Sunday Aug 2 Saturn stations at 28 degrees Scorpio and begins to move direct very slowly after being retrograde since last March 14. This is powerful energy changing directions. Saturn's retrograde phase was about us going within and reevaluating some of our commitments and responsibilities of the past before we could move forward with new commitments and added responsibilities for the future. It was a great time to deal with anything hanging over our head from the past and so hopefully most people were able to bring closure to some of those lingering issues (if they were being responsible) and clear on what commitments they wanted to move forward on at this point in time. Also going within and understating deep emotional issues when it comes to partnership and your limitations around intimacy with others. Well that time has come to move forward now. However as Jupiter moves into a square with Saturn at the same time there is a lot of energy trying to expand some areas of our life and yet the energy of restriction and limitation is also strong so these two different energies are going at it for the next several months causing some big waves within and without which will be felt very strongly this next several weeks starting now if not already. Expand or retract is the feeling some have but from the astrological perspective the secret to expanding your life successfully with new commitments and responsibilities is doing it very slowly and doing it right, not cutting corners and focusing on the details. Saturn is asking for depth and maturity to find the root cause of what has kept you from expanding your heart energy, joy and life to the point that you have dreamt about all these years. A lot of the reasons were hidden, subconscious and psychological and so the universe might have brought you situations to help make those hidden issues more clear.

This should be especially true for those born on:
Nov 19 - Nov 21
May 18 - May 20
Aug 20 - Aug 22
Feb 15 - Feb 17
It's been extra strong for those folks but everyone is facing it on some level.

At same time Venus is also in this alignment so these matters could also be about Values, Resources, Desires and Relationships. This is really a time of slowing down and reevaluating all those issues before you start anything new and or making any kind of big decisions regarding those matters. Even though Saturn is starting to move forward again it's going to be at a painstaking slow speed as Saturn will be at 28 degrees Scorpio until Aug 30 and won't reenter Sagittarius until Sep 17. This means those people born on those dates above and people born on the days following those dates above as well as all of us on some level are not out of the restriction yet. We need to take care of the details and plan for the future expansion of our life in a very grounded and mature way; being authentic with our heart desires even if that means breaking some commitments from the past if they are no longer relevant or doing things differently that we were not able to do before. As Jupiter moves thru this aspect and into Virgo on Aug 11 we might start to see new opportunities this next couple months but only if we are truly following our heart and dealing with root issues of the past that have kept us in restriction and lack. How do you perceive money? What about love?; and what do you value the most in life? Maybe your perceptions are holding you back? Fears also have a way of keeping our life from expanding into new opportunities. Find the courage and get to the bottom of what it is, breaking thru the resistance. Just don't try and do it too fast. Slow down and do it right building a solid foundation!

Jupiter spends one year in each sign and will be in Virgo from Aug 11 2015 - Sep 9 2016 expanding the need to get life in order; expanding your working routine or giving you the desire to learn new skills for a new working routine and also be expanding the desire to become more healthy in your food and lifestyle. Whatever house in your chart (area of life) that has Virgo on the cusp will be the area of your life that will be expanding this next year which is different for everyone. Virgo gets some big time luck!The health and healthy lifestyle industries are about to get a huge boost in business the next few years. Hint hint, financially investing in those health industries would be a good idea!

So basically we  all have opportunities on the way to expand the heart, joy and love in our life in may ways but we just can't try and do it too fast and we all have to break thru some old fears. Doing it slow and being mature, grounded and responsible, thinking about the long term is a must for success. There is so much more i could say, and maybe others you follow will expand on some of this that i didn't speak about but this is the gist. Don't get too discouraged if you feel restriction, things will pick up soon, all in the right timing.

Let me know if i can assist you through a personalized report.
Thank you, enjoy!

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