Saturday, January 9, 2016

Capricorn New Moon Jan 9 2016

The new moon is at 19 deg Capricorn exact on Jan 9 at 5:30 pm PST. This begins a new lunar cycle for the next 28 days. Capricorn rules the 10th house of business, personal achievement, reputation, etc. New beginnings are required for this area of life now. Find the house in your personal chart where Cap is and apply this information to that area of life for yourself.

The new moon is in positive alignment with Jupiter Rx and the North Node in Virgo which means this new cycle will have big impacts on your future. This is all earth energy asking for seeds of intentions to be planted in this cycle that will effect your entire year of 2016 and beyond.

This new moon is best used for long term planning for those personal achievement needs this year. Things you desire and want; how you see yourself out in the world; what you want to do for work and money; how you want the world to perceive you; how you plan on getting everything you desire and need; your personal health concerns, and anything else that you have been wanting to do in a very grounded practical way.
This is the time to make connections and get things rolling in that direction. However Capricorn works at a slow pace and so your patience and hard work will be required for future success.

The thing about this new moon is that Mercury is in retrograde through Capricorn and Jupiter has also just changed directions into retrograde through Virgo. This means there is some level of uncertainty and any plans laid down will require some adjustments this next few weeks until more information comes in after Mercury has finished its retrograde cycle. Jupiter moving backwards can suggest that all these plans being made are perhaps on an inner level to some degree and won't fully materialize until after Jupiter moves forward and reaches this point again at 23 Virgo this summer. So again, patience and hard work is always required with Capricorn and Saturn energy. So make practical plans for the long term but don't expect these seeds of intention to fully flower for several months. It's about doing the small things, taking one small step at a time this next few months in order to get where you want be.

Saturn rules Capricorn which has a Venus conjunction at time of this new moon. This suggest that all things Venus are also needing these long term plans - relationships, desires, values, resources, etc all are needing some practical long term planning and commitment in order to materialize. The things you want right now may have to wait awhile before truly coming into your reality. But if you slow down, do it right, look far into the future, make solid plans,build solid foundations and have lots of patience with hardwork this year these things you personally desire can be achieved, but they won't be showing up right away, you have to wait for them! Regardless, these next few weeks will have a very significant effect on getting you these things for the long term because of the North Node in the mix. This past week has triggered some intense changes deep within, and this new moon is the last stage of that, planting the seeds for real long term changes in your life but i really feel like these changes won't be fully visible in outer life until at least this summer when we have a Capricorn Full Moon in 6 months. It's all about practical long term planning and patience with this moon!

As Mercury moves retrograde it's best to go back and take care of anything from the past that is lingering, getting in the way of achieving your desires for the future. More information will come in and some adjustments will be required so staying open to changes of plans is necessary for success. We are really being asked to rethink everything for the future after dealing with the past. Set intentions but be ready to make some adjustments over the next 6 months. Be like the Mountain Goat and take one small step at a time.

I wish you all luck. Happy Capricorn new moon.

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