Saturday, July 30, 2016

Leo new moon Aug 2 2016 - Organize & structure a new beginning to increase joy

Leo new moon Aug 2 2016 1:44 pm PDT 10 degrees 57 mins of Leo (11 deg).

Folks, i have some good news for you - Leo new moon time on Tuesday, and it looks very positive. As usual this is a time to set intentions and use the waxing energy of nature to your advantage. It's much easier to create with the assistance of the divine. Plus it's Leo, the sign of creativity! It's time to create more joy for your life!

Just remember, things are not always instant, so give it up to six months to manifest your intentions. 

There is only a couple main themes with this new moon so i'm going to keep this brief and focused.

 The biggest news is Mars just reentered Sagittarius which brings a huge change of energy from the deep emotional intensity we've been feeling to an upliftment and focusing energy into the bigger picture of our life. This just adds to all the fire energy now with 6 planets in the passionate fire element. This will create a lot of enthusiasm next week with a break-thru feeling, excitement, joy & passion. Mars in Sag will add a desire for more adventure, fun & travel, tho will also make it easier to fight for what you believe in. There will be some changes to your activity of late, with new action forward.

The Leo new moon makes two main aspects - an awesome trine to Saturn in Sag and a not so awesome quincunx to Neptune in Pisces activating the long held Saturn square Neptune aspect that's been in the sky for a while.

Having this positive alignment to Saturn is a very good thing. It means we'll have the support of the authority in our life (both within and without) to create what we need in order to gain more joy in our life. This aspect also makes it easier to be mature and logical, so will keep the Leo energy from going over the top dramatic & flamboyant. Saturn aspect suggest an easy way to ground, structure and build upon what's wanting to be created for the long term, including more joy.

On the other hand, the annoying hard aspect to Neptune indicates not all is as it seems, so will require people to make some adjustments to intentions and plans along the way. The fixed sign of Leo that has lots of pride will need to be more flexible and adaptable, not letting that ego or pride stop you from taking the best route. Ego is not a bad thing if kept in healthy proportions. Ego comes with Fire energy, and is necessary to be a leader so not to let the thoughts & opinions of others stop you from what's necessary to get to where you want to go. Pride however, probably is not very useful now.

The old foundation and structures of your life are collapsing which can give a sense of danger and fear. Try not to self-sabotage your creative possibilities based on these fears of the unknown, or the fears from other people in your life. Be ready to make adjustments when needed for best results. It's all about this Saturn square Neptune aspect that's been in place for a while. Beliefs, opinions, faith, sensitivity, uncertainty, dogmatic projections, boundaries vs no boundaries, etc. You can't create nothing if you don't believe it's possible.

Over-all, this is a very joyful creative enthusiastic time coming up that will feel much different than the past weeks. You might feel you are past some kind of struggle. However, i must caution you - not all is as it seems! Mars will be building more and more momentum forward but eventually will run into Saturn square Neptune! Traditionally Saturn and Mars don't work well together. There is a big roadblock up ahead that will get more and more obvious as the days go on, until Mars finally reaches Saturn around Aug 24 which brings a big energy shift as the sun recently went into Virgo as well.

Mars faces the judge Saturn - meaning your actions the next few weeks will be judged both by your inner authority and the people in your outer life. This creative new moon that seems so supportive now will have to go thru a check point later that might surprise you, where you get an idea of your fears, restrictions, obligations, limitations, etc. Mars is the action & passion, and won't be able to pass this point with ease unless you do all the responsible shit you need to do in the next few weeks in order to truly create your new intentions.

If you take the easy way out, it will stop you later. Being mature, doing the hard work necessary without cutting corners the next few weeks will keep this Mars Saturn conjunction less restrictive, which will allow you to continue on with your plans. Even if you take this responsible route however, and build a solid foundation for your intentions you will still most likely face some kind of unforeseen obstacles later this month, that will slow you down and feel restrictive. Be ready for it.

This aspect around Aug 24 and beyond will activate some new energy that could cause more problems on the world stage. We have eclipses coming up as well and there could be more violence as Mars approaches Saturn square Neptune later this month then into September. There is some kind of big change coming for politics and the Trump campaign in the states as well. Trump was born under an eclipse so these September eclipses will be in hard alignment to him as well, and having his progressed sun ingress into Virgo, changing his focus. Something big changes for him soon with big adjustments needed.

 We should all be aware that the last week of August could bring deceptive actions from the world stage. Whatever happens, there is more to it than what we will be told...

Other than that Saturn/Mars/Neptune issue coming later, things look very positive. Just do it right and plan for the struggle coming up in a few weeks so you're not unprepared and disappointed later. If you do things with integrity, maturity and structure now, you'll be able to pass the check point when the time comes. Otherwise, you might be denied and deported back into your old reality.

Just keep that in mind, but please do enjoy the joy and creative energy building as well! Use this exciting time to get you to where you want to be while at same time, enjoying the present moment too.

Hope this was helpful. Feel free to leave comments and questions below.

Happy Leo new moon.

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