Saturday, September 1, 2018

Moon last quarter square sun Sept 2 2018

Tomorrow Sept 2 is the last quarter moon. It's best to accept how things turn out; what's done is done, there's no going back to redo. These are the results of last few weeks. There is a lot of soical energy with brewing soical conflict, and lots of distractions, challenges, multi tasking, lot of different stimulants that keeps things busy staying light, adapting, being flexible and moving from one thing to the next is needed. Circumstances and events, plans, etc won't be perfect and exactly as planned. Roll with it, don't push too hard. Escape the struggles for a couple days if you can. The more you try and narrow the focus, get details, clean up, organized, figure something out, the more elusive, mysterious and never ending rabbit hole it becomes. Rumors, news information can stoke soical conflict while not being totally true. Don't overtry next couple days, but do put your juggling hat on and multitask, for best results.


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