Tuesday, August 3, 2021

United States Astrology 2021 And Beyond - A Nation Misguided


I can imagine the title of this post has already triggered some of you as you assume it's politically motivated. However, it's not. I'm asking you to set your political viewpoints aside and contemplate this information objectively. I've titled this a Nation Misguided solely on the fact that there is a rare astrological transit aspect taking place in the USA chart right now that reflects this misguidedness. 

Currently the United States is having a rare Neptune transit (roughly 164 year cycle) that is opposing the USA natal Neptune, and squaring the USA natal Mars. In the past this transit has proven to be problematic for the nation, last occurring in the mid to late 1850s. 

 Mars is our drive, passion and what motivates us to take action. Transit Neptune in Pisces brings about a distortion to truth, beliefs, opinions, philosophy, information, education, facts, details, culture issues, etc, as it's at odds with Sagittarius, Virgo and Gemini which rules these things. Reality itself starts to get distorted which has been building up since 2011 as transit Neptune made its ingress into Pisces. The collective unconsciousness starts to take over, and people become hypersensitive, delusional, unrealistic, idealistic, confused, lost, disillusioned, some falling into suffering, escapism, victimhood mentality seeking a savior, as a loss of personal power seeps in, generally speaking of course. 

As this Neptune transit builds there becomes this need to have a connection to something above and beyond the normal mundane side of life, which sometimes but isn't always religiously based. It can be anything that's outside of this earthly reality. Scandals and conspiracies both real and imagined increase. There can be a positive side of this transit for individuals that embrace healthy creativity, imagination and personal spiritual development while still remaining grounded, but i'm interpreting this more on a collective mundane level right now.

In 2021 transit Neptune is square the USA Mars for the first time in the modern era.

So if Mars is our motivation as a nation to take action, it's clear as day from an astrological perspective that the motivation is misguided and very problematic, although very unclear for the majority of people without the knowledge of this hidden perspective. 

The transit Neptune opposite natal Neptune reflects there is two opposing sides of beliefs, culture, reality, etc. With natal Mars being the Apex of that T-square the opposition leads to war.

All we have to do is look back at the past to better understand the current times.

The last time transit Neptune was moving through this position square natal Mars was 1856-59(roughly) and was reflecting a major divide building for the nation because of contrary beliefs and opinions regarding culture issues.

1857:  "Dred Scott v. Sanford: The Supreme Court of the United States rules that Blacks are not citizens and slaves can not sue for freedom, driving the country further towards the American Civil War (the ruling is not overturned until the 14th Amendment in 1868)."

1858:  "A speech by Demoract James Henry Hammond in the United States Senate promotes the idea of "King Cotton" and the "mudsill theory" in support of slave labor." which contributed to the escalation towards the civil war.

1858: Republican Abraham Lincoln makes his "House Divided" Speech at the State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois, on accepting the Republican Party nomination for a seat in the U.S. Senate.

Lincoln went on to say - "A house divided against itself, cannot stand."

"It will become all one thing or all the other."

I think you're starting to get the idea. If gov't and the nation under a Neptune square Mars back then was resulting in these unhealthy beliefs thinking slavery was okay, what are the unhealthy beliefs and philosophy of the current gov't and nation... Neptune opp Neptune reflects the oppositions between two very different realities and culture showing once again we are a nation divided which could very well lead to another war, which is already building.

What's worrisome with this current cycle is that it's happening at same time as other rare cycles that reflects the situation is much more critical than what we might realize.

Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn 2020 is still only in its beginning stages so we have not seen the full manifestation from that cycle yet, including the full transformation to the structures of our society. We are getting a good glimpse though. This is a rare cycle for the next 30 + years of amplified Govt power and control that affects not only the USA but the entire world. This cycle is also reflecting what we've been experiencing since 2020, with the c-word, etc. Saturn Pluto is also about power and control issues in general for individuals, companies, society, etc, where the events of 2020 have justified certain people to assert their will and power over others. In the past, for some people, the need to control others has been repressed (others not so much) but is now coming to the surface being exposed. The closest control freaks are coming out of the woodwork. I could say a lot more about that cycle, but let's move on.

USA Pluto Return is a rare cycle (roughly 246 years) and becomes exact in 2022, although we are already experiencing the build up. Right now we are in the dark phase of that last 246 year cycle before we start a new cycle next year. This is also a cycle about power and control, intensity, extremes and forced transformation. This was one of the main energies reflecting the American revolutionary war. 
The reason for this is when Pluto transits Capricorn, especially the last 10 degrees gov't is reaching the height of their power and control over the people. Last time Pluto was here the British were over taxing/ controlling the American colonies not allowing freedom which led to the revolution. 

Pluto return is also about the shadow of the American society being exposed as what's been deep and hidden comes to the surface. At this point all the negative side effects from this society and culture becomes apparent. There are many great things about the USA experiment, and those things should be honored and preserved, but Pluto return also indicates some things about our system don't work in the long run and need to be reformed. Wildfire being one small example of many where our policies have led to unhealthy situations in the long run, such as disrupting the natural fire cycle of the forests for over a 100 years leading to massive overgrowth, resulting in catastrophic fires now and a problem that seems unsolvable in the short term.  Pluto is a destruction, death and rebirth cycle. There are so many other topics that Pluto return reflects. Factor in the Neptune opposing Neptune and there is contrary beliefs and ideas about every topic cause and cure, making this return even more critical. Lord of the underworld is front and certain for us all to face in this era. There is so much more to say about Pluto return but let's move on. 

Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius.  This cycle is also only just beginning so we haven't seen the full results yet and will affect the next couple decades (not just for the USA) in combination with all these other cycles. There was a lot of hype about this meaning a new cycle of freedom and unity for the world, but as i've said all along, Saturn in Aquarius does not reflect freedom. Aquarius is about the group, community, organizations, politics, science, etc, and thinking about everyone, not just the self. In mundane context it's about groupthink and NOT about individuality in the way that Aries is. Saturn here (in combination with these other cycles) is social restrictions and limitations to individuality with new rules, regulations for the world where all must conform as one. It's a limitation to open mindedness, and also shows gov't injecting itself into social organizations, science, etc. This can also manifest in small organizations where the leader is more controlling than normal requiring full unity and conformity. Jupiter here is going to expand all this for the next 20 years at least. However, Jupiter here is less positive and more restricted in its expansion because it's with Saturn, therefore could be a slow gradual expansion over the next 20 years. Scientists will become more and more the authority of reality and dictate policies embedded with gov't. One of the problems with this is that Neptune cycle at same time which is distorting facts and information as well as some data. If the data is flawed, the science is flawed. This is not to say ALL data is flawed, but a lot of it is, based on these cycles of Neptune.

Current media headline in USA - 
New York becomes first U.S. city to mandate c-word v a c c i n e s

This is one small example of what i said above and will continue to build in many other forms. The danger of this is not so much about the V, (although govt forcing people to inject an experimental substance into your body is still bad enough regardless if it's safe or not).  I'm  not saying take it or don't take it, that's up to you. My point is about the power and control forcing group conformity, not allowed to be an individual or think differently from the groupthink. I wouldn't be as concerned with this if it wasn't for all the other rare cycles happening at sametime. In my professional astrological opinion all this is going to spark the conflict to the next level, along with everything else. 

The USA Progressed chart from 2021-2024 is the darkest moon phase of the past 30 year cycle, aka the balsamic phase, closing out the past preparing for the new. However all that is happening now affects the long term future for this country, and with two opposing Neptunes directing the energy into Mars it will be a miracle if we don't slide into another civil/revolutionary war. Right now it's a cold war but could very well turn hot.  

Based on this astrology, i think we are a Nation Misguided, which will only lead to pain, suffering and disillusionment for the people influenced and trapped in this distorted collective consciousness. It will be hard to maintain sanity, but ultimately is just another phase of the human race that continuously changes and evolves through the 26,000 year cycle of the zodiac with ups and downs of consciousness, for spiritual growth purposes.  

Although there is a collective result for all this, the personal experiences of individuals will vary depending on your birth chart, and own personal destiny. Some folks will be able to be in their own little world, not affected as much, others not so much. 

Thanks for reading.

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