Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Astrology aspects for April 11- April 17 2023

 This week in astrology we enter the last qrt moon of this Aries lunar cycle with the moon in Capricorn square the Aries sun and Jupiter - The crisis in consciousness phase that can show some emotional challenges, blocks and restrictions, or difficult circumstances that need to be accepted and integrated. We are already within the Solar eclipse window of influence so wildcard energy is also in the air with feelings of change and new beginnings stirring up for the year ahead.

The sun and Jupiter conjunction can be either positive or negative depending on if you are in a positive or negative phase of life. Jupiter amplifies and expands the vibes for good or bad. The sun is putting a spotlight on the need to travel or expand your life/ideas, individual faith, belief, confidence, freedom, independence, education, teachers, law, justice, leadership, war, risk, action, growth and expansion in at least one area of your life shown in your birth chart by where you have Aries ruling a certain area of your life.

The last qrt moon in Capricorn is about responsibilities, commitments, duty, obligations, work, goals achievement, structure, order, maturity, time and what needs to be done slowly, verses the sun and Jupiter in Aries which likes things to expand quickly. It's a challenge between your individuality, freedom and independence clashing with your responsibilities and commitments, duties and obligations.  Make time for yourself but also take care of what needs to be done. Accept that and move on, prepare for the new. There can also be challenges within the structures and systems of government trying to change.

Venus is now in Gemini building a square with Saturn in Pisces this week. This changes general relationship and financial vibes. General preferences also tend to change a bit. Venus in Gemini has a pleasure for communication, networking, social connections, multitasking with a desire for a variety of pleasures including what stimulates and pleasures the mind. The feminine is more curious and flirtatious, and enjoys intellectual relationships with exchanges of ideas. Communicating within a relationship is even more important now. People might be more restless, and easily bored. Typically this Venus shows a desire to keep things light and playful but with the square to Saturn relationship vibes are more serious with some limitations and restrictions. Some tough love is in the air. Boundary issues might come up as well as needing to talk about relationship commitments and how to move them forward. The house in your chart that has Gemini shows what area of your life has the attraction and pleasure now. Still some limitations in that area this week until Venus gets past the square with Saturn.

Mars continues its transit through Cancer showing action, anger and passion is driven by emotions more so than normal. Protectiveness, border and homeland concerns come up and safety security needs are a major factor in what action is taken. General home, family, and domestic issues are a strong force in peoples lives right now.

Things that come up April 13-16 could be fateful showing long term consequences for good or bad based on what takes place around those days.

Mercury is in its retograde shadow. The things you are already thinking about and talking about this past week will continue to be on the mind and going through a process for the next month or so before the mind can move forward into new territory, especially in regards to resources money, values and desires for the future. In context to the area of life in your chart where Taurus rules.

Prepare for the major event of this year - the Solar eclipse April 19 at 29 Aries square Pluto - Endings and new beginnings that could affect the next 18.5 years of your life, wherever you have 29 Aries in your birth chart!

Aspect list for the week ahead:

Tues April 11

Venus trine Pluto 3:14 am PDT

Moon square Neptune 3:47 am PDT

Moon ingress Capricorn 10:32 am PDT

Moon inconj Venus 11:43 am PDT

Sun conj Jupiter 3:06 pm PDT

Moon sextile Saturn 5:07 pm PDT

Moon sextile SN trine North Node 5:33 pm PDT

Wed April 12

Moon opp Mars 2:02 am PDT

Moon trine Mercury 6:34 am PDT

Moon trine Uranus 4:23 pm PDT

Thurs April 13

Moon square Jupiter 12:19 am PDT

Moon square sun (last Qrt) 2:11 am PDT

Moon sextile Neptune 7:13 am PDT

Moon ingress Aquarius 1:41 pm PDT

Moon conj Pluto 2:11 pm PDT

Moon trine Venus 7:22 pm PDT

Moon t-square The nodes of fate 8:33 pm PDT

Fri April 14

Moon inconj Mars 6:46 am PDT

Venus square Saturn 9:38 am PDT

Venus inconj South Node 9:42 am PDT

Saturn trine SN sextile NN 10:30 am PDT

Moon square Mercury 12:15 pm PDT

Moon square Uranus 7:07 pm PDT

Sat April 15

Moon sextile Jupiter 3:35 am PDT

Moon sextile Sun 8:15 am PDT

Moon ingress Pisces 3:56 pm PDT

Moon sextile NN trine SN 10:41 pm PDT

Moon conj Saturn 10:57 pm PDT

Sun April 16

Moon square Venus 1:58 am PDT

Moon trine Mars 10:48 am PDT

Moon sextile Mercury 4:23 pm PDT

Moon sextile Uranus 9:24 pm PDT

Mon April 17

Moon conj Neptune 11:56 am PDT

Moon ingress Aries 6:09 pm PDT

Moon sextile Pluto 6:41 pm PDT

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