Sunday, December 15, 2024
Monday, September 16, 2024
Trump's astrology luck on Sept 15 2024
The afternoon of Sunday Sept 15 2024 we had an Air Grand Trine in place with the moon, Venus and Jupiter - the two benefices connecting in support and cooperation with the circumstances of the day (the moon). It's not every day that Venus trines Jupiter, let alone the moon getting in on it. This is known as a positive aspect of support in astrology. It was especially beneficial for people that have planets or angles in Fire and Air signs from 20-22 degrees.
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Biden's critical astrology transits 2024
Biden's Astrology (for educational purposes)
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Astrology June 25-July 1 2024 - Last qrt moon - Venus T-square Nodes - Saturn Station Rx - Venus sextile Mars - Mercury sextile Uranus
Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn slow in Pisces first part of the week offers a good intuitive understanding of serious matters. Generally emotional and mental maturity. Wise information and communications. Good mental control. It's only temporary but It's a good time to communicate with authority, especially if you need support and understanding or filling out a request or application. This aspect is exact on Wed June 26 but strong Tues - Thurs,
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Astrology June 18-24 2024 - Sun sq Neptune - Sun ingress Cancer (Solstice) Capricorn Full Moon!
Aspect list and timestamps:
Tues June 18 2:46
Moon inconj North Node 12:41 am PDT
Venus inconj Pluto 7:12 am PDT
Moon trine Saturn 1:18 pm PDT
Moon inconj Chiron 8:11 pm PDT
Wed June 19 7:36
Moon opp Uranus 12:24 am PDT
Moon inconj Sun 7:14 am PDT
Moon trine Neptune 9:18 am PDT
Moon ingress Sagittarius 9:31 am PDT
Moon sextile Pluto 12:32 pm PDT
Moon inconj Venus 3:40 pm PDT
Moon opp Jupiter 8:21 pm PDT
Moon inconj Mercury 8:39 pm PDT
Thurs June 20 14:21
Moon inconj Mars 12:47 am PDT
Moon trine NN sextile SN 8:38 am PDT
Sun square Neptune 11:12 am PDT
Sun ingress Cancer (solstice) 1:50 pm PDT
Moon square Saturn 9:07 pm PDT
Fri June 21 31:02
Moon trine Chiron 3:40 am PDT
Moon inconj Uranus 7:43 am PDT
Mercury sextile Mars 9:22 am PDT
Moon square Neptune 3:57 pm PDT
Moon ingress Capricorn 4:00 pm PDT
Moon opp Sun (full moon) 6:07 pm PDT
Sat June 22 46:16
Moon inconj Jupiter 3:17 am PDT
Moon opp Venus 3:19 am PDT
Sun inconj Pluto 5:00 am PDT
Moon trine Mars 9:37 am PDT
Moon opp Mercury 12:24 pm PDT
Moon t-square Nodes of Fate 1:20 pm PDT
Mercury t-square Nodes of Fate 6:12 pm PDT
Sun June 23 52:20
Moon sextile Saturn 2:01 am PDT
Moon square Chiron 8:21 am PDT
Moon trine Uranus 12:19 pm PDT
Moon sextile Neptune 8:05 pm PDT
Moon ingress Aquarius 8:14 pm PDT
Moon conj Pluto 10:50 pm PDT
Mon June 24 56:26
Moon inconj Sun 1:56 am PDT
Moon trine Jupiter 7:51 am PDT
Moon inconj Venus 11:59 am PDT
Moon square Mars 3:58 pm PDT
Moon trine SN sextile NN 4:11 pm PDT
Mars inconj South Node 7:33 pm PDT
Thanks for watching!
#astrology #fullmoon #solstice
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Astrology June 4-10 2024 - Gemini New moon conj Venus square Saturn - Mars at critical degree! Mars ingress Taurus
Aspect List and timestamps:
Tues June 4 4:56
Mercury conj Jupiter 3:23 am PDT
Moon sextile Saturn 6:45 am PDT
Sun conj Venus 8:33 am PDT
Moon conj Uranus 4:03 pm PDT
Wed June 5 10:18
Moon sextile Neptune 1:08 am PDT
Moon ingress Gemini 1:35 am PDT
Moon trine Pluto 4:45 am PDT
Moon conj JUpiter 5:49 am PDT
Moon conj Mercury 9:46 am PDT
Thurs June 6 16:30
Moon trine SN sextile NN 1:10 am PDT
Moon conj sun (new moon) 5:37 am PDT
Moon conj Venus 6:35 am PDT
Moon square Saturn 10:18 am PDT
Moon sextile Chiron 4:27 pm PDT
Fri June 7 30:46
Moon sextile Mars 3:21 am PDT
Moon square Neptune 5:05 am PDT
Moon ingress Cancer 5:40 am PDT
Moon sextile Pluto 8:54 am PDT
Sat June 8 33:43
Venus square Saturn 1:25 am PDT
Moon t-square Nodes of Fate 5:40 am PDT
Moon trine Saturn 4:07 pm PDT
Mars ingress Taurus 9:34 pm PDT
Moon square Chiron 10:38 pm PDT
Sun June 9 44:28
Moon sextile Uranus 2:26 am PDT
Sun square Saturn 3:35 am PDT
Mercury trine South Node sextile NN 9:28 am PDT
Moon trine Neptune 12:05 pm PDT
Moon ingress Leo 12:28 pm PDT
Moon square Mars 1:23 pm PDT
Moon opp Pluto 3:50 pm PDT
Moon sextile Jupiter 7:08 pm PDT
Mon June 10 53:18
Moon sextile SN trine NN 1:18 pm PDT
Moon sextile Mercury 7:34 pm PDT
Thanks for watching!
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Astrology May 28-June 3 2024 - Last Qrt Moon - Mercury/Uranus - Jupiter/ Pluto - Mercury into Gemini
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Astrology May 21-27 2024 -Sagittarius Full Moon - Venus conj Jupiter -Jupiter & Venus ingress Gemini
This week there is a lot happening up in the sky astrologically. The moon is waxing through the second half of Scorpio and then becomes full in the sign of Sagittarius by Thursday May 23. The Sag full moon is ruled by Jupiter at the last degree of Taurus conjunct Venus, and both Jupiter/Venus are sextile Neptune in Pisces. This reflects that in general, people have strong emotional needs with big desires that are above and beyond their current circumstances. Money, resources and what's of value could be at a turning point. Sensitivity, dreams, fantasies, imagination and a romanticization of certain thoughts and ideas could be expanded. There's an increase desire for pleasures, escapism, retreat into what's beautiful and relaxing, art, music, film, photography, creativity, spirituality, drugs and alcohol, etc. There's a need for more freedom, fun, adventure, exploration (intellectually or literally), travel, learning, truth, wisdom, knowledge, networking and socializing. There's a culmination, max emotional illumination, and big circumstances. Certain situations could be ending and starting. The full moon and the sun are also in a sextile and trine with Pluto in Aquarius showing easy and flowing transformation. A focus on intense and powerful social dynamics with groups, friends, causes, politics and organizations. Stronger and more powerful communications, information and networking. Venus and Jupiter both ingress Gemini. This is a big change! The abundance, growth/expansion, value, beauty, attractiveness and opportunity are now in your house (area of life) of Gemini. Increase in mental stimulation, communications and information. The mind/the intellect, intelligence and ideas become what's most attractive. It's a lighter vibe, more clever, youthful, playful, changeable, fickle, and inconsistent. People will want more variety in their focus and attention. Expanded learning of new ideas and skills are likely over the next year. Venus will make a trine to Pluto by Sat May 25 as the moon wanes through Capricorn. Funding for certain groups, causes and originations is likely. The mood turns a little more serious and intense for a couple days. Intense attractions and intense relationship activity is possible especially with friends and general social circumstances. Sunday May 26 could have a lot of activity, some tension and conflict. It's a fateful destined day for good or bad. Monday May 27 moon wanes into Aquarius putting more energy into groups, friends, causes, social activity, detachment, powerful situations with Moon Pluto, but Mercury sextile Saturn has manure responsible thinking and planning, especially with money and resources. Do you want a personalized report from me? Use this link:
Aspect list and timestamps: Tues May 21 3:22 Moon opp Mercury 7:18 am PDT Moon inconj North Node 8:32 pm PDT Moon inconj Mars 11:48 pm PDT Wed May 22 6:00 Moon trine Saturn 3:02 am PDT Sun trine Pluto 8:13 am PDT Moon inconj Chiron 9:56 am PDT Moon opp Uranus 1:23 pm PDT Thurs May 23 9:20 Moon opp Venus 12:06 am PDT Moon opp Jupiter 12:13 am PDT Moon trine Neptune 12:27 am PDT Moon ingress Sagittarius 1:23 am PDT Venus conj Jupiter 1:28 am PDT Venus sextile Neptune 3:50 am PDT Moon sextile Pluto 5:09 am PDT Moon opp Sun (full moon) 6:52 am PDT Venus ingress Gemini 1:30 pm PDT Jupiter sextile Neptune 2:43 pm PDT Fri May 24 24:16 Moon inconj Mercury 12:04 am PDT Moon trine North Node sextile SN 4:33 am PDT Moon square Saturn 11:29 am PDT Moon trine Mars 11:36 am PDT Moon trine Chiron 6:00 pm PDT Moon inconj Uranus 9:21 pm PDT Sat May 25 26:28 Venus trine Pluto 4:16 am PDT Moon square Neptune 7:46 am PDT Moon inconj Jupiter 8:27 am PDT Moon ingress Capricorn 8:35 am PDT Mercury inconj South Node 9:36 am PDT Moon inconj Venus 12:57 pm PDT Jupiter ingress Gemini 4:14 pm PDT Moon inconj sun 6:05 pm PDT Sun May 26 34:39 Moon t-square Nodes of Fate 10:06 am PDT Moon trine Mercury 1:48 pm PDT Moon sextile Saturn 5:33 pm PDT Moon square Mars 8:36 pm PDT Moon square Chiron 11:49 pm PDT Mon May 27 37:48 Moon trine Uranus 3:05 am PDT Moon sextile Neptune 1:01 pm PDT Moon ingress Aquarius 1:44 pm PDT Moon trine Jupiter 2:31 pm PDT Moon conj Pluto 5:09 pm PDT Mercury sextile Saturn 9:21 pm PDT Moon trine Venus 11:10 pm PDT Thanks for watching! #astrology #fullmoon
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Astrology May 14-20 2024 - Sun conjunct Jupiter! Mercury ingress Taurus - Sun ingress Gemini
This week in astrology we enter the 1st quarter moon phase in Leo square the sun in Taurus. This phase shows tension and a push to action. Pride, drama, creativity, and the need to self-express, play and have fun could be challenged for a day or two by mid-week, but shouldn't be too much of a problem considering the moon in Leo is ruled by the sun which is approaching a conjunction with Jupiter in the sign of Taurus, which is ruled by a strong Venus in Taurus. This is big indulgent abundant energy with a strong need for the good things of life. Venus will also be conjunct Uranus by this weekend showing some excitement, something different and unusual in regard to either relationships, money or resources. Mercury finally leaves Aries and ingresses Taurus for a change in communication preferences, and the way people think and process information. Eventually the mind slows down and becomes more stable. However, at first Mercury in Taurus will square Pluto in Aquarius activating mental intensity, obsessiveness, powerful persuasive words and information, thoughts and ideas. Groups, friends, community, causes, politics, etc could be the source of conflict with communications but will smooth out somewhat as the week goes on. In general people start thinking about personal stability, money, resources, comforts and pleasure and what they need and want more than what's outward of self. The weekend should be big vibes with sun conj Jupiter - luck, opportunities, optimism, indulgence and pleasure in new and exciting ways with the ruler Venus conj Uranus. Sunday May 19 could be the most fateful day as Mars and moon align with the Nodes of Fate - an acceleration to one's destiny is possible, for good or bad. Be very mindful of your impulsive actions. The sun sextiles Neptune before a change of season connecting consciousness to what's hidden, intuitive, behind the scenes, spiritual other dimensional, dreams, fantasies, film, music, festivals, your own world, retreat, drugs, alcohol, etc. It's a quick softening of energy until next week when the sun ingresses Gemini with a new focus and purpose increasing intellectualism, communications, information, networking a more social outward phase full of variety. The moon will be waxing through Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio in this report week. Do you want a personalized report from me looking at your own astrology for the year ahead? Use this link to get on my worklist:
Aspect list and timestamps:
Tues May 14 4:40 Moon trine NN sextile Sn 8:27 am PDT Moon inconj Saturn 2:05 pm PDT Moon square Venus 4:47 pm PDT Moon trine Chiron 9:28 pm PDT Wed May 15 8:57 Moon square Uranus 12:57 am PDT Moon square Sun (1st Qrt) 4:47 am PDT Moon square Jupiter 9:40 am PDT Mercury ingress Taurus 10:04 am PDT Moon inconj Neptune 1:12 pm PDT Moon ingress Virgo 2:32 pm PDT Moon trine Mercury 3:03 pm PDT Moon inconj Pluto 6:41 pm PDT Thus May 16 21:56 Moon inconj Mars 3:47 pm PDT Moon inconj North Node 8:40 pm PDT Fri May 17 23:38 Mercury square Pluto 12:43 am PDT Moon opp Saturn 2:47 am PDT Moon inconj Chiron 10:17 am PDT Moon trine Venus 12:14 pm PDT Moon trine Uranus 1:53 am PDT Moon trine sun 10:53 pm PDT Moon trine Jupiter 11:41 pm PDT Sat May 18 29:00 Moon opp Neptune 2:08 am PDT Moon ingress Libra 3:22 am PDT Venus conj Uranus 4:40 am PDT Moon trine Pluto 7:31 am PDT Moon inconj Mercury 11:28 am PDT Sun conj Jupiter 11:45 am PDT Sun May 19 38:28 Moon opp Mars 8:48 am PDT Moon conj South Node opp NN 9:34 am PDT Sun sextile Neptune 3:45 pm PDT Moon inconj Saturn 3:52 pm PDT Mars conj NN opp South Node 8:58 pm PDT Moon opp Chiron 11:08 pm PDT Mon May 20 41:45 Moon inconj Uranus 2:42 am PDT Sun ingress Gemini 5:59 am PDT Moon inconj Venus 7:40 am PDT Moon inconj Jupiter 1:10 pm PDT Moon inconj Neptune 2:28 pm PDT Moon ingress Scorpio 3:33 pm PDT Moon inconj Sun 4:23 pm PDT Moon square Pluto 7:33 pm PDT Thanks for watching! #astrology