Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Astrology May 28-June 3 2024 - Last Qrt Moon - Mercury/Uranus - Jupiter/ Pluto - Mercury into Gemini

Astrology this week has us moving into the Last quarter moon phase in Pisces square the sun and Venus in Gemini - The crisis in consciousness phase. This shows tension between feelings verses the mind; wanting to retreat behind the scenes verses being outward busy and social. Some tension with too much mental stimulation and scattering your energy in a variety of activity. This phase is all about having to accept what is, integrate information, wisdom, knowledge and lessons of the past, wrap our mind around something and move forward without trying to change the past.

With Jupiter Venus and the sun in Gemini this is a much more activate busy time of the year with a lot of variety and stimulation all around. Your environment might be more active and busier, including from neighbors, extended family, the streets, towns, traveling, etc. A strong social vibe with communications, information, news, media, networking, projects and general changeability. The moon in Pisces for a couple days could challenge all that Wednesday night through Friday morning.

Slow down, be mindful and careful with impulsiveness and action/risk with Mars conj Chiron sometimes showing easer activation of accidents, injuries and wounds. It could also highlight some confidence issues with taking the initiative. 

Mercury will conjunct Uranus by Thursday into Friday. Perceptions, thinking and talking has a more innovative and rebellious tone. It's a little bit of a revolutionary vibe, but in the sign of Taurus could show surprising information about money, the markets, banks, etc. It can show some unpredictability with information, communications, travel, buying and selling along with anything else Mercurial.

Late Friday into the weekend becomes much more active with things speeding up, fiery, passionate and impulsive as the moon is moving through Aries 

Sunday Jupiter is trine Pluto and Mercury is sextile Neptune. This shows a powerful connection between Aquarius and Gemini - intense powerful information, communications, social causes, groups of people, new social projects that will be very transformative, including , infrastructure, roads, bridges, transportation etc in some cases. Media has powerful information and with Mercury sextile Neptune could be exposing what was hidden, conspiracies, etc. In general there's also a stronger connection to creativity, other realties, fantasies, imagination, music, film, photography, spiritually, drugs and alcohol. Moon ingress Taurus late and things slow down, the mood is generally wanting the more sensual pleasures of life. 

Monday, Mercury ingress Gemini shows a change in general perception, communications and information for the better, reinforcing Jupiter, Venus and sun. Now Mercury is the final ruler of everything other than Mars. The sun and Venus align with the nodes of Fate by next week showing fateful connections with destiny at play. Mercury trine Pluto with continued intense powerful communication and information in social context, media, etc. Learning new things is very powerful and transformative and a ton of mental stimulation. 

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Aspect list and timestamps:

Tues May 28 6:28
Moon trine sun 2:53 am PDT
Moon sextile NN trine SN 2:10 pm PDT

Wed May 29 9:39
Moon square Mercury 1:35 am PDT
Moon sextile Mars 3:45 am PDT
Moon sextile Chiron 4:05 am PDT
Moon square Uranus 7:19 am PDT
Mars conj Chiron 10:08 am PDT
Moon ingress Pisces 5:32 pm PDT
Moon square Jupiter 7:11 pm PDT

Thurs May 30 17:25
Moon square Venus 7:43 am PDT
Moon square Sun (last Qrt) 10:12 am PDT
Moon inconj South Node 5:26 pm PDT
Mercury conj Uranus 10:53 pm PDT

Fri May 31 23:22
Moon conj Saturn 1:23 am PDT
Moon sextile Uranus 10:36 am PDT
Moon sextile Mercury 12:19 pm PDT
Moon conj Neptune 7:54 pm PDT
Moon ingress Aries 8:28 pm PDT
Moon sextile Jupiter 10:57 pm PDT
Moon sextile Pluto 11:41 pm PDT

Sat June 1 29:30
Moon sextile Venus 3:15 pm PDT
Moon sextile sun 4:34 pm PDT
Moon conj NN opp SN 8:07 pm PDT

Sun June 2 33:14
Moon conj Chiron 10:02 am PDT
Moon conj Mars 3:03 pm PDT
Jupiter trine Pluto 5:12 pm PDT
Mercury sextile Neptune 8:57 pm PDT
Moon ingress Taurus 10:55 pm PDT

Mon June 3 37:42
Mercury ingress Gemini 12:36 am PDT
Moon square Pluto 2:04 am PDT
Sun trine South Node sextile NN 7:49 pm PDT
Moon inconj South Node 10:26 pm PDT
Venus trine SN sextile NN 10:29 pm PDT
Mercury trine Pluto 11:12 pm PDT

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