Thursday, February 5, 2015

Vladimir Putin's Astrological transits part 2

My first post about Putin back in late August is available here if you want to read it where i explained what energies are around him at this time and what that means astrologically for Putin's destiny this year. There was a lot of rambling in that post and i listed a bunch of different aspects so might have been too much to understand what i was getting at. On this post I've taken all the space bodies out of the chart except for the transits i'm going to focus on that i feel are the main reason why we are seeing so much activity from Putin and Russia. The inside wheel shows Putin's sun and Saturn in his 12th house of Libra. In the outside wheel i show Pluto in transit thru his 3rd house and transit Uranus in 6th house.

Rare Alignments 
What concerns me here is that transit Pluto and transit Uranus have extremely slow cycles where they made a rare alignment back in the mid 1960's reflecting the revolutionary times of those days. That's because Uranus represents sudden shocks and surprises, lightning strikes and revolutionary instability. Pluto represents power, control, manipulation and destruction; re-birthing what it destroys. The 1960s was just reflecting the seeds being planted for revolution which is why it didn't last into the 70s as Pluto and Uranus moved out of alignment. Starting in 2012 we entered the 1st quarter alignment with Pluto and Uranus which is why we have seen revolution return spreading from country to country ever since. There is 7 exact alignments from 2012 - 2015 and we have already experienced 6 of those with only 1 more to go this spring of 2015 which hints at major world events playing out around that time and for the next couple years. Back to what concerns me; Putin's life is exactly tied into this rare evolutionary time we are in as Putin's sun and Saturn is in perfect alignment with Pluto and Uranus. Therefore it's only logical to presume that a part of his life purpose (sun) and Karma (Saturn) was to play a karmic role in the world events playing out at this time even if they seem negative from your perspective, there is much more going on that we can't fully understand so what Putin does has big ripple effects for all of us that seem to be destined, from my perspective.

Putin has these very rare transits to two of his most significant energy points (Sun and Saturn). The energy around him his extremely tense and unstable. This is manifesting on many different levels. On a personal level Putin is going through extreme stress and anxiety as the universe forces change on him. No one under these energies could remain still. The tension is too great and forces people to act. How they react to their astro weather will determine their fate. Uranus is in Putin's 6th house of Health and it's very likely Putin could have some rare or unusual medical situation going on that most people don't know about but regardless Putin's health is very unstable for the next few years. However Uranus opposing his sun is reflecting more.

What this means for the world

 On the world level Uranus opposing Putin's sun is symbolic of Ukraine's revolution which has really only started to truly oppose Putin. Some say it's Putin that is the aggressor. I disagree based on these aspects. It's trouble coming for Putin not the other way around. That doesn't mean he won't lash out. - Trap a wild animal (no offense Vladimir) and you're asking to be attacked. This becomes even more apparent when i see transit Pluto in Putin's 3rd house which is obviously representing the Western powers and Russia's neighbors. Transit Pluto is in square aspect to Putin's sun. That means forced tension and transformation. This is one of the toughest most stressful transits you can have and is very rare; most people in fact never experience this transit; only the lucky ones (sarcasm) were chosen to endure such fated consciousness transformation in such a short time period. Not everyone can handle it. Putin is very unstable right now so again all comes back to how one reacts to this extreme pressure and stress. This transit would be bad enough if it was only the sun being targeted however Putin's Saturn is also in this which means his responsibilities, loyalties, commitments and authority will soon be challenged/destroyed or at least changed in a very significant way. Pluto is the power of the U.S. and it's Pluto that is coming at Putin. I really don't feel this can end very well for him. It seems he has maybe 2 years left max, if that before he falls from power.

 I've been looking over the charts trying to find most likely dates for big news but it's difficult to pinpoint because all this rare energy is peaking now into spring and these outer planet transits don't come and go in a day or two; they took years to build to this point and the energy takes years to wane. However,

I've listed the days that seem to have the most stress and tension for Putin:

Feb 16 - Feb 19 2015
May 2 2015
July 18-20 2015
Nov 1-5 2015

Feb 2016 - Feb 2017 - the finalization of Putin's new life/situation.

With all that said. Each one of us are going through some huge consciousness shifts this year. The stress and tension will build for the entire solar system this year and i am definitely anticipating the intensifying of world conflict with even possible all out world war within the next year. Although we have already been in world war for a long time but the game has changed these days so is done very differently. However I  believe things are about to get real ugly this spring. The astrology makes that clear. How Putin reacts to the conflict about to knock at his door will be a large factor in how things go for everyone. The U.S. is the aggressor as always but DC know's how to manipulate situations to make it seem like the savior. Again, the astrology confirms this. Transit Pluto is symbolic of the West in this case, no doubt about it. We each have some big challenges in our own personal life this spring so expect for some wild events to play out. Be mindful how you react - that's your free will. Use it wisely.

I've had hundreds of views from Russia and Ukraine on my last Putin post so i expect you all will read this one too. I even hope Putin himself gets a chance to read this. I can't say i'm surprised i'm writing about Vladmir Putin as my sun is 17 Libra same as Putin Saturn and my Mercury (mind/communication) is same degree as Putin's sun. Which means, yes i'm also under these rare transits. Luckily, i know how to read the reflection of the stars to help me understand where the tension is coming from and why. Helps me not react poorly, giving me a time frame on how long it will last. This is the gift of astrology - awareness! Consider this reading a gift Putin, the next one i'm charging you.   ;-) I suggest you retire asap! But i know that's not your destiny. So good luck.

For everyone else, feel free to leave questions and comments. Thanks for reading.


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