Saturday, April 9, 2016

Relationship Astrology - The Progressed Composite Chart Moon

When it comes to relationship astrology, the charts between two people pretty much say the full story - past present and future. There is many different techniques and charts that can be used to analyze a relationship.  Before i get into my most trusted technique i will say it's important to analyze each individual chart as a person first, before understanding the two people in a connection. After that, it's best to do natal chart comparison so to fully understand the synastry which is what shows the chemistry between two people.

However, the relationship astrology technique i'm going to show you here is about analyzing the relationship itself, and not the connection or chemistry between the two individuals. I want to introduce you to the composite chart, both natal and progressed. This chart is created by finding the midpoints between each person's planets of the same kind, showing what 3rd energy is created when those two people are with each-other. Some astrologers say that a relationship first has to be formed before the composite chart is activated and valid, but i find this not to be true, although it's only useful after they have formed the relationship, but still always working under the surface before and after they unite no matter if they know it or not.

The natal composite chart between two people is like a blue-print of the energy of the relationship in the biggest, most wide perspective possible- the fullest potential and shows what the over-all purpose of the relationship is for. Time after time, I've seen a relationship form between two people when the composite and progressed composite is being activated at a critical point by transits or progressions, so is valid and activated no matter if a relationship is already formed or not. This is not just about romantic relationship, this process i will explain is good to use for analyzing relationships of all kinds.  Are you and your child about to go thru a challenging phase? This chart would tell.

Want to know what astrology shows about your relationship?
This is an extensive report where I look at several different charts about your relationship, including both birth charts, your synastry together, composite chart and the progressed composite chart.

First let me show you an example of a natal composite chart:

This chart shows the over-all relationship of a man and a woman. It's showing the big picture view and purpose which the sun is the indicator of that purpose and focus of the connection. The Rising sign, shows how these two people express the relationship along with how other people perceive them together, while the moon shows what the relationship is emotionally hungry for along with the couple's circumstances when uniting. Of course the other planets tell more of the story as well. I don't want to get deep into this chart as my main purpose for this article is to talk about the Progressed composite chart and how i find it the most useful and valid.

Remember, the natal composite chart is showing the full story no matter what point in time the couple meet. This chart is valid between the two people from the time they are born until they die, it never changes. That's the difference between a natal composite chart and the progressed composite chart; the progressed composite does change, always, never fixed in place.

A progressed composite chart (my main technique ) is when you progress each individual natal chart to the current moment in time. This shows where a person is at in life relative to where they were at birth, and how far their energies have evolved and matured with experience over time. So, in regards to relationships, it would make sense then to find the midpoints between these progressed energies in the people, and what relationship energy is formed right now in this moment of time, when they are together. This is a very useful tool for knowing where a relationship is at and what phases it will go through in the future.

Now, let's say this couple has just met for the first time a year ago. If we create a progressed composite chart for them in this moment, we will see where this relationship is at in context to the big picture natal composite chart and why they have just formed a new relationship a year ago. Are you following along with me here?

You can clearly see that the relationship energy is very different from the over-all path and purpose of the natal composite. This chart is showing the purpose of the union, right now, as the Rising shows how the couple perceives themselves together while the moon shows what the relationship is hungry for right now and what phase of that, they are currently in.
Venus shows what the couple desires when together, what they value, are attracted to, etc. Mercury- how they communicate when together. Saturn - where they have fears, restrictions and limitations; and so forth.

Now let me create a bi-wheel that shows the natal composite on the inside wheel and the progressed composite on the outside wheel.

In this view above, we can see how far each planet has moved relative to the birth placements and what aspects are being formed between both versions of the composite. The progressed composite moon only moves 1 degree a month, and since there is 30 degrees in each sign and house(area of life) then it would take about 2 1/2 years for the relationship moon to change signs and houses, which will change circumstances and what the relationship is hungry for. This couple has their progressed moon at 26 degrees Gemini in their natal composite 8th house. If they met a year ago, that means their progressed composite moon was at around 14 degrees Gemini in their natal 7th house of relationship entering their 8th house of change, sexuality, merging, etc. This makes sense, that the relationship would be created around this time in their life, when the moon phase for the couple enters the 7th house/8th house of partnership/merging for the first time as adults.

You can see their natal relationship moon is at 2 degrees Aquarius in the 3rd house, yet connected by sign to the 4th house. The relationship is hungry for communication, but also maybe a home and family appetite. That means the first time their progressed moon entered this area of the chart (7th house of partners), was at a very young age, still kids and perhaps not ready for the union. It would take a full 30 years + before their moon would enter this area of life(7th house) and bring them together. But there is also other indications of what brought them together for the first time a year ago, but this would be a very long post if i explained every single detail. I mainly want to show you the importance of the technique i use for knowing what a relationship will be facing in the future.

I do this by looking at the progressed composite moon. This is the most valuable tool for relationship prediction. Let's have a look at the progressed composite chart again.

Yep, this chart is the most telling in relationship astrology. This couple met and started a relationship when the progressed moon entered their progressed 7th house of partnership forming a "full moon" because of the progressed sun about to Rise opposite the moon. This is a rare phase that only happens for a few years every 30 years. This relationship full moon on the important axis of the 1st and 7th house is a very powerful aspect bringing the relationship consciousness and enlightenment about each-other. This is the climax, the point of most tension that forces results. When these two people are together, they really shine bright for all to see. The current purpose of the union (sun) is to unite and bring focus to each other, while helping each other gain more consciousness. The moon, in 7th house of Gemini is hungry for a communicative,info rich, playful, variety filled relationship. The composite progressed sun moves 1 degree a year.

So this is the start of my most valuable relationship analysis technique - using the progressed composite chart moon as an indicator of where the relationship is at right now, how long it will be there, and where it's going next. This means that relationships go through phases that last about 2 1/2 years each. It's very common for the energy between two people to change after a couple years, and often people break up after a couple years from the disappointment that things have changed from the beginning of when they met.

So, first you look at the sign and energy the progressed composite moon is in. 7th house Gemini; again, it's about forming a communicative relationship, yet in the context of the natal composite it's in the 8th house, so this communication will be about deep private hidden stuff, probably sexual in nature as well, very intimate no matter what. But Gemini is the sign of duality and so this could indicate their relationship takes on two very different routes, of communication partnership, at least.  We also want to look at the current aspects being formed by the moon. In this case, it's a "full moon" with a sextile to Saturn (commitment). 

If we want to track the progress and what will change in the near future for the relationship, then we look at what aspect the moon will make next. In this case above, the moon conjoins Jupiter and because of natal Jupiter being at 29 degrees, while progressed Jupiter is at 27 degrees, then this indicates the relationship will start a very abundant, optimistic positive educational and expansive connection starting in just over a week from now and lasting for the remaining phase of Gemini, the next 3 months before the relationship energy changes into a new sign but will still be in same house (7th) for 2 years before moving into 8th house of merging - although in natal composite the merging on some level is already indicated but in this view above is when the reality of that on the physical level will most likely happen, as far as life merging goes.

So this relationship started in a very light, playful, communicative, information rich energy of Gemini, but in just over 3 months, they start a new phase of Cancer which is connected to both 7th and 8th houses. This will change the relationship dynamics, big time. The relationship will be hungry for emotional partnership, more sensitive, nurturing, protective, etc. However, when we look at the natal composite that has the relationship Mercury conjunct Venus at the first few degrees of deep passionate Scorpio, we see the progressed moon in Cancer will make a trine aspect to both the natal Mercury and Venus in 3 months, indicating a real advancement in the passion. sweetness, desires, and emotional nurturing which will lead to changes in the relationship circumstances for the next 2.5 years after that, before starting a new phase in Leo 9th house for 2 .5 years after that, which will make the connection - fun, adventurous, traveling, joy, (sometimes children) along with other possibilities. 

This is why relationships are always changing, never staying the same energy for too long. The secret to partnerships is knowing and understanding this changing energy, embracing and accepting the growth that wants to happen. Yet, sometimes the changes can be for a real negative. This is when relationships will want to call it quits. However, if the couple knew that this was just a temporary negative phase for  2 or 3 years and would change once again after these lessons were brought to them, they might stay together and work it out. The only way to know this future changing energy is by analyzing this chart. Perhaps the couple have 2 or 3 different difficult phases in a row, lasting a decade. Would they want to continue knowing that? Or perhaps, they have been going through a rough time for a couple years, getting ready to break up, not knowing that the energy is about to change for a positive. If, only they had this hidden info...

We can take this analysis even further when adding current transits to this progressed composite chart, seen below.

This shows that the transit sun and transit Uranus (including the recent Aries new moon) are all in positive trine alignment with the progressed relationship's sun today. This is adding positive surprises, excitement, and focus on this developing connection. It's almost like the universe knew i was going to focus on them today; or was it the universe that caused me to focus on them today? hmmm ;-).

There is some tough square energy at same time from Pisces 4th house (the foundation of the couple) showing stress and tension, sensitivity and healing that might be connected to past life encounters. Transit Saturn on their Neptune, forcing them to ground any illusions about the relationship and their fantasies, or a need to make their dreams and fantasies, reality. Either way, they need to be mature and real about matters. 

I'm not going into full analysis, this is just to show you how i work with relationships, knowing what's to come.

You can also place each person's natal chart to the Progressed composite to see how each person relates, feels and thinks, etc about the connection. In truth, relationship astrology is very complex stuff that takes much time, looking at multiple charts. With that said, i still feel this technique of looking at the progressed composite chart moon between two people is the most telling for predictive work.

I hope you found this interesting. Thanks for reading, and good luck'

Want to know what astrology shows about your relationship?
This is an extensive report where I look at several different charts about your relationship, including both birth charts, your synastry together, composite chart and the progressed composite chart.


  1. Wow. This is amazing. Do you do progressed composite reading? If so, can you let me know?

  2. Thank you - very informative and insightful. I'm going to try it on a friend's relationship. I like the way you explain the moon - what the relationship is hungry for.

  3. Want a reading, please contact me


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