Monday, April 11, 2016

Libra Born on Oct 4 -Finger of God message 111111

Later tonight after 2 am or so pacific time transit Mercury will form a Finger of God aspect with Neptune directed at people born on Oct 4, give or take a day. This aspect is known to be fated, also called a Yod

This can be interpreted many different ways, but the first thing i would say, is don't drink tonight, stay clear because something unusual could happen. The low side of this could be indulgence into drink or drugs because Taurus is involved adding the physical element, while the moon changes signs into emotionally protective Cancer, and the lovers, Venus/Mars are connecting as well. Don't do anything you'll regret later. I wouldn't suggest driving or losing reality too much tonight into tomorrow. That's the low side, but for higher vibration people it could be much different.

 Mercury moving into a sextile with Neptune for everyone, increases intuitive, spiritual communication, spiritual awareness, imagination, pleasurable sounds like music and tones, pleasurable mental escapes like movies, books, etc. There seems to be something very powerful and spiritual about this intuitive communication alignment tonight, all at 11 degrees. Perhaps Venus and Mars connect and communicate without touch or words, or things said that are not said. The moon in Cancer, could activate emotional sensitivity wanting to protect from vulnerability... Then again, it could all just be a doped up good time on chocolate or something. idk. But if you're a spiritual person, tonight is excellent for that and for intuition. What might you hear tonight?

But if your sun is at 11 degrees Libra, or if you have any other personal energy points at 11 Libra, then you're at the Apex of this fated communication coming at you within the next 24 hrs. This could be a fated spiritual message of some kind, a realization, new awareness about something, seeing something, dreams, communication with other realms,etc, although with Mercury in Taurus, and the Apex in Libra while Venus and Mars are connecting, it's probably related to relationship communication...maybe even, unspoken, yet delivered? Maybe the message comes to you in the form of dreams tonight. Or perhaps the message is written in the symbols that are around you later tonight, or now...I'm just giving ideas here. This could be anything. All i can say for sure, is that it's fated for 11 Libra, That has message on the way, strongest possibility for the sun person born Oct 4.

Check your chart for anything around  11 Libra - 11 11. in the relationship sign...

If you were born on Oct 4, feel free to come back and leave comment if you had anything happen. I would be very curious to know.

Enjoy the magical night, may the lovers unite in other worldly ways..

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