Sunday, April 3, 2016

Aries New Moon April 7 2016 - breaking free of control

This year's Aries new moon packs a punch. This will be one of the most powerful moon's we've had in a while. It will be exact on April 7 at 4:23 am PDT 18 degrees Aries, square Pluto conjunct Uranus! It does get a little complicated however because the ruler of this moon is Mars, which has been losing momentum, slowing down from the earth's perspective, preparing to station retrograde, which doesn't happen all that often.

This new moon is separating from a 1st quarter square aspect to Pluto. This is a sign that some turbulence will be building the days before this event, along with obstacles and challenges from power and authority that seem to hold a certain level of control over our life, or a sense of self control from within.

This leads us to facing a fresh start with new beginnings to how we work with these controlling forces in our life. This moon in Aries, is about self, independence, freedom, pioneering our life path, pushing forward with courage and breaking free from what has kept us in control this last year or so. A transformation process to certain areas of our life, self vs established order will unfold around the time of this moon, and it's sure to ruffle some feathers.

This moon gets even more radical, because it's applying conjunct Uranus, the planet of revolution, freedom and shock. This new moon could ignite the dynamic intense aspect that's been in place between Uranus and Pluto since 2012, which is the main reason your life and the world has been changing in so many ways since then.

This new moon wants personal revolution from all that has been holding you back and controlling what you can or can't do. How much personal freedom do you have in life? Are you in co-dependent relationships? Have you been giving your personal power away to others? Has the established order been suppressing your potential? How much time do you give to yourself vs others? What i'm trying to say here is that this is a moon to set new intentions for your personal freedom on every level and break free of these controlling situations keeping you down. It does take a warrior's spirit to initiate this process, so don't think it will be easy, and don't think you won't face retribution for your new desires and actions from those controlling authorities in your life, whether personal or from the outside world. It's up to each one of us to personally decide what is worth fighting for and what is not.

If you have personal energy points around 18 degrees Cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, then it's very possible events in your life change in some way outside of your control that was unexpected and force this new beginning for self.  However, if you do have personal energy around those points than you have most likely already been facing major changes in your life for the last year or so if not more, and this new moon will be a new start to those areas that have been turbulent recently.

Mars will station on April 18 at the end of 8 degrees of Sagittarius, however, will remain at 8 degrees for the entire 11 days before turning retrograde after this new moon . This is the universal drive, action and motivation, so is moving extremely slow for the next month or so and then picks up momentum again as it's moving in backward motion, eventually reentering Scorpio but is directly related to this fresh start of the Aries new moon on April 7. Mars was applying square to Neptune causing some action and desires to be on the shady side, maybe not real honest in our actions for a little bit, but before that becomes perfect, Mars has to back track and find more reality for us, not letting fantasy or illusion get in the way.

Although this new moon energy is very powerful, Mars moving so damn slow could cause progress to be slow as well, and eventually, we'll have to go back and take action on matters from the past that we have already dealt with before, including some deep hidden stuff from the last several months. Don't get discouraged if your ideas and desires don't instantly manifest. Hold on tight to your new intentions and give them time. More progress will show up this summer into the fall, but this new moon will be the internal spark that ignites the passion for this process over the next 6 months. When we have an Aries full moon late summer/fall, these intentions will most likely be fulfilled by then.

Venus, the feminine energy has been in transit through Pisces for several weeks keeping relationship energy sensitive and romantic, dreamy and compassionate, seeing what we want to see, rather than what is, causing the feminine to be a little more dreamy and idealistic than usual. However, Venus moves into Aries on April 5, a couple days before this new moon. This will increase the fire energy within the feminine causing her (in all of us) to start focusing on our own personal desires, much more so than the recent past. Venus in Pisces can easily sacrifice its own desires and needs for the partner, but this changes when she enters the fire sign of Aries and gets her own fire lit.

This will increase passion, social directness and bring out the feminist in many a-ladies, as the universal feminine energy gains more confidence in self. Ladies, it's your time to go after what you want. If you've been waiting for a man or lover, or personal desires to find you, this energy will help you find them. You might notice women start to get more affectionate and direct, a little hot to trot' perhaps increasing sexual desire and need for excitement, fun and passion. It's best to let them come to you now. If the masculine comes on too strong, she could retreat out of rebelliousness or lack of interest because there's a lack of challenge for her chase.

Of course though, nothing is easy, and the energy won't be ideal for the lovers, as Mars the masculine energy is slowing down turning backwards. This gives a short window for sexual fulfillment - April 5 -April 13. Venus makes her 1st quarter waxing trine aspect to Mars on April 12, and this should be the best day for romantic and sexual activity where she is connecting to the masculine in a positive way, both on the same page, and both hot for excitement. Gentlemen, this will be the best day for getting some action, but you have to play it careful and let her take control,(for now anyway) not acting too eager, and you even might want to try and resist a little, give her a sense of a challenge. But careful dude, she might beat you up if you play too hard to get. Of course, this is all in fun and you should leave game playing for the young people, still keeping your integrity and honesty.

It's best not to get into new romantic or sexual relationships after April 13, as Mars begins to move backwards, sexual fulfillment between the lovers will increasingly be more and more difficult to achieve. It could be awkward, or something's off between the connection, etc, and later you might find that you two just are not compatible like you thought you would be in the beginning. This will increase frustration in the feminine because she is moving direct and fast, knowing what she wants. I guess, she'll have to master some self love, perhaps, until Mars gets back on track.

Mercury, symbolic of the universal mind, perceptions and communication style will also be changing signs on April 5, from Aries to Taurus until starting its retrograde phase on April 28, going back thru Taurus. This is about changing the mental focus to the physical and sensual. The mind slows down, becomes more conservative and traditional focusing on money and resources along with everything real and practical. Stubbornness increases with some mental laziness possible. Communication will also slow in speech. Desire for activities that bring pleasure to your mind and senses will increase. This area of life will need some deep thought, while Mercury is moving back and forth through Taurus until moving into Gemini on June 12 2016.

Well, that's about the gist of the changing energy before us. I hope the report was helpful. And remember, life is about changes, even for you fixed folks to some degree, nothing stays the same forever. It's best to initiate new actions now (on the new moon)and separate yourself from controlling factors, both from self and others.

Check your chart and find Aries, Libra - those are the areas of life that can find more freedom and new beginnings. Also Cancer/Cap to some degree as well. Example:  1st vs 7th house - self vs partner. 2nd vs 8th - your values and money vs other people's values and money. 4th/10 - home vs public life. etc..
Good luck!

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