Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Your three most important Astrological signs - Rising, Moon and Sun!

Did you know that your astrological sun sign is only one of the many important signs reflecting your unique personality traits and life destiny? Each person has the entire zodiac within but the three most important signs in your personal astrology is your Moon sign, Rising sign (aka Ascendant), and your Sun sign.

I would like to help introduce you to these three main important energies within you. They are different for everyone based on your unique birth chart. What I'm offering you here is a very basic three sign reading to help you understand the root core of your personal astrology chart. In my normal full natal readings I give information on everything within your chart but in this reading I will keep the information limited to these three main signs so to keep the price low and affordable including interpretations and the interpretations of house placements. For example, what house is your moon and sun sign located in? This makes a huge difference in the interpretation because each astrological house corresponds to a different area of life. For example, in the chart above this person has their sun in house 11. This is the house of Aquarius. Therefore, this person's sun sign traits have both Scorpio AND Aquarius energy. Astrology is much more complex than most people realize. What house does your Sun sign reside in?

House 1 = your Rising sign (Ascendant). This is your main personality that people see on you with first impressions. House 1 is house of self, body (the shell of your soul), mask, and projected personality. Your Rising sign is the energy you came here to learn more about and so there is an urge to express it. After people get to know you better they will start to see your other energies as well, but it all starts here with the first house.

Your Moon sign is symbolic of your feelings and emotions; the sign you feel most like within and is very important to understand in order to maintain good emotional health. Giving yourself time to express your moon energy will keep you feeling healthy and emotionally stable. If you fail to give this energy room for expression based on your own personal needs then discontent and emotional stress can show up in your life until you take the time to understand where the discontent is coming from. The house of your moon sign is the area of life you feel the most content in.

Your Sun sign and house placement corresponds to your main life purpose, your consciousness, level of vitality, and what energy brings you the most joy in life. It's important you give this area of your chart lots of attention because the sun represents your main overall health and if you fail to give your sun enough expression time you will lose vitality. Finding a balance between your moon and sun traits is extremely important for good health. Some people have their sun and moon in similar energy so it's easy for them to stay in balance but other people have more of a challenge if these signs are radically different. Curious yet what your unique combination is?

Here's the deal: I will offer you this one page pdf astrology reading via email in exchange for $10 USD. I won't make much profit from this but I just want you to have the basic information so you can follow along with my astrological updates on G+ and Twitter and also help you better understand yourself on these deeper energetic levels. As a bonus, I will also include your Karmic destiny axis - North and South Nodes of the Moon. The South Node is your ancient past while the North Node is your karmic future! What is yours?

     Order the Reading here:
(Sorry this deal has expired. Please see services pages for rates)

After making purchase please send me an email with your Name, birthday, time of birth, location of birth and current location to AstroHawk11@gmail.com. I will then contact you within 24 hrs to confirm payment and add your name to my list. Depending on my schedule please allow up to six days for reading to be delivered in your email inbox. Thank you and I look forward to sending you this information!


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