Saturday, August 9, 2014

Aquarius FullMoon - Aug 10 at 11:09 am PDT

 Hey guys, how has the Leo energy been treating you? Usually this time of year when the Sun is in Leo good party vibes, joy and lots of self expression rules the month.  However there has been some resistance to all that this Leo cycle as Mars & Saturn has been  in Scorpio which clashes with Leo. I'll get into all that in a minute but let's start with the basics of this Aquarius Full Moon. As always the Full Moon is an opposition between Sun and Moon; outer world vs inner world; climax in tension, especially in regards to personal relationships as it's never just about the self and is a time for release, letting go in some way and finding more balance in our life. Creative projects and anything new started two weeks ago with the Leo New Moon now finds peak illumination. 

There is a lot of energy in Leo including the Sun, Mercury, Black Moon Lilith, and Jupiter which is really expanding our need for self expression, joy, confidence, enthusiasm , creativity and a bit of an ego boost feeling and thinking about our self importance in the world and wanting to follow the heart and what makes us happy regardless of what anyone else thinks about that. Lilith there adds even more ego and rebellion, wanting to express self because of not feeling important enough, over looked, and our creative joy & expression being squashed by others in the past. Her energy brings the need to break free from the repression and be seen. The Sun is the universal consciousness and will, a huge powerful light source focusing on all this.

Now, the Moon moved into Aquarius, the exact opposite energy of Leo, making us feel and understand that we may not be the center of the universe. Leo is about the self and the heart;  Aquarius is about the entire group, our tribe and friendships; feeling more intellectual, and thinking about the big picture and what really matters in life which is all  much more than just our own needs. Leo energy is very heartfelt, dramatic and prideful whereas Aquarius is able to detach from the drama and stay chilled as situations become tense.

So with these two different energies opposing each other we need to find a way to integrate both polarities, releasing some pride and ego so we can find more balance with our self and other people in our life that are important to us but at the same time keep a good amount of self-confidence and heart. That's the tension breaking on the personal relationship level over the next two weeks but on another dimension this Full Moon is also about needing to integrate the Aquarius energy into our new creative goals and projects started around two weeks ago.

Aquarius is known for being a bit rebellious and thinking out side of the box, not following the rules and having the intellectual mind that is able to innovate, finding better ways to create something new as the big picture is in view. If your projects have found some obstacles and roadblocks then Aquarius can help you over come all that. Remember, Aquarius is about the group so the Leo ego and pride might want to do everything on it's own, the way you want it to be, but the trick is to allow other people in to help you with these projects. The message is clear: we can't do it all alone. Other people can add a lot if we have enough maturity to release the ego and pride accepting their help and opinions.

Speaking of maturity, let's get into the Saturn in Scorpio side of this Full Moon. Saturn is symbolic of responsibilities, maturity, grounded reality, hard work, delay, and authority among other keywords which has a T- square aspect to this Full Moon; meaning an energy block to Leo/Aquarius with a high amount of tension do to being forced into action that doesn't feel easy. Leo and Aquarius energy is kind of a party vibe wanting to chill with friends and have a good time, creating joy and expressing the heart, detaching from emotional intensity. Scorpio on the other hand, especially with Saturn there is a bit of a critic and party pooper, looking for depth and intensity, not pleased with any type of superficiality; wanting only serious matters, getting to the root of everything asking us not to forget about important responsibilities lingering in the shadows.

Saturn energy blocking progress to joy and abundance, UNTIL we incorporate the hard work and depth of finding what it is that holds us back from finding that joy and abundance we seek. The thing is, it doesn't come from outside of self, we must go within, find the root of the problem and be willing to let some old hard feelings arise so we can release them with this Full Moon. We might not be able to get it all out in this one month but we need to start the process or at least make more progress from past healing already started in order for more joy, creativity and abundance to manifest in our outer world.

Aquarius can help with this as well, letting others in our deepest space that we try and hide which will add perspective and insight into more healing. Basically, don't be afraid of your own vulnerabilities and be willing to express your most authentic self to the important people in your life no matter how ugly or dark that looks. Don't be fake, none of us are perfect and we all have made many mistakes. Be easy on others, forgiving them and  be easy with yourself as well. Love and forgiveness heals.

On a more mundane level Saturn is saying that we can't forget about our practical work and  responsibilities as it would be wise to take care of business a little bit every day rather than procrastinate and just chill/ party otherwise we may face some hard cold realities later in the month when Mars runs into Saturn and forward progress stops as we are forced to finish up work and serious matters of the past month or so before we move forward in the new which could be too late by then and all of our creative plans come crashing back down and fail. The more hard work we put in now, the more likely we succeed with the Leo New Moon creative goals started two weeks ago. If you want more abundance, you have to work for it and show the universe and authorities in your life, both inner and outer that you are serious about manifesting something new! 

Mars in Scorpio is passionate and intense creating desire and lots of sexual tension so try and understand where that is coming from, making love rather than war. Other people are not causing your problems, it's all in self. They are just mirrors reflecting your own shadow. It's best not to be so secretive, resentful and evasive with others but rather channel the passion into something positive and get deep, taking powerful action on your responsibilities and goals instead of wasting your energy and time on lost causes, others, and revenge.

That's the gist of this Full Moon from my prospective, i hope the info was helpful.

 In other news Venus representing money, values and relationships has been in Cancer for a while making relationships a bit sensitive and timid in expressing our love and feelings for others but on Aug 12 moves into fire and joins the Leo joy and expression which really changes the energy a lot makes it easier to show people we care and sensitivity won't be as strong. This will make us even more attracted to the Leo energy wanting  to create fun, joy and heartfelt expression in our relationships but will be a little bit self-centered so just try and balance that out, showing others the love too.

Also Juno, the energy of soulmates and long term partnerships has entered Cancer for the next two months. which means if you have personal points in the sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces it's likely you could have contact with karmic people this next two months and form new emotional bonds or understand your feelings more in regards to what you need in a long term partner. No promises on contact but it does increase the chances especially if you have a lot of energy in the sign of Cancer. 

Thanks for reading this and if you would like more personal information on your own astrology and what energies are passing thru your life right now and in the future you can contact me via phone or email so we can arrange a phone reading or written report which go for around $60 - $100 depending on what type of reading you want. I'll tell you what that is when we communicate. I would need your date of birth, time of birth, location of birth and current location for true accuracy.

Thanks again, and enjoy the Full Moon which by the way will be extra close to Earth, making the energies a little stronger and slightly bigger by observation but i'm not real big on the term "Super Moon", it's more of a media hype but does have some truth to it ;)


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