Friday, August 22, 2014

Virgo New Moon Aug 25 7:13 am PDT

Virgo New Moon-  Prepare for new lunar cycle with focused intent on health, service & hardwork! #Astrology

Happy weekend to you all. I hope you enjoy it, the moon is in Leo the next couple days until joining up with the Sun in Virgo on Monday morning starting a new lunar cycle. So take advantage of the expressive joyful Leo moon while you can, it won't last long...
The Sun moves into Virgo tonight (Friday) 9:46 pm PDT changes the energy and focus from expressive heartfelt playful creative Leo to grounded analytical  health conscious Virgo. Happy birthday Virgo! 

Monday morning (Aug 25) the moon enters Virgo as well conjoins the Sun 7:13 am PDT at 2 degrees 18 minutes and the new lunar cycle begins. This one has a lot going on with both positive and challenging energy... okay, I won't lie, mostly challenging. I'm going to do my best to make this report short and sweet, right to the point but there is a lot to say.

So what is Virgo symbolic of? Grounded Earth  - After the creative childlike Fire phase of expressive Leo, Virgo comes in and takes control of all the new creative ideas that Leo came up with and begins to sort them out to ground, getting things organized, cleaned up or rejected altogether if the creation isn't very practical or working well. Virgo is analytical able to see what works best and what doesn't so can appear to be somewhat nitpicky critical energy sometimes but only in context of wanting to be helpful and get things done right. Virgo has the ability to focus energy and be very precise about things. Virgo is also about health matters, in all its different forms and this new lunar cycle is very much about focusing your energy with intentions on health and service, both for self and others! But that's not all - Mercury (intellect) is the planet associated with Virgo which is ahead of the Sun also in Virgo with a perfect sextile to Saturn and Mars in Scorpio, while opposite Chiron in Pisces and quincunx Uranus in Aries - wow! Where do i start with this. First let me explain what is happening with Mars and Saturn - it looks intense and very important, directly connected to this new moon!

If you read my previous report you know that i warned you to take care of work a little each day so you wouldn't be slammed with too much all at once when Mars conjoins Saturn. Well, that time has come and Mars is perfectly conjunct Saturn for the entire cycle of this next new moon. This energy can play out in several different ways depending on your own personal astrology but it only happens once every two years and only once every 30 years in Scorpio so the last time Mars joined Saturn in Scorpio was 1984. You can bet it means something big with this latest conjunction. 

Mars is symbolic of action, passion, aggression and war. Saturn is symbolic of authority, maturity, establishment, structure, restriction, fear, responsibility, hardwork and karma; all that kind of fun stuff. On the world stage i believe this means some kind of new attack on authority such as the U.S. or other world leaders or even some kind of covert action happening in a war context It could mean the opposite too and a crackdown by world powers on the aggressive acts of others in some precise covert strike type of way, but in a very big way. We see the conflict with authority already building in world news so will peak this next couple weeks until the full moon. Scorpio energy is very stealthy and works from the shadows bringing change from within - to the outside. So the universal action is running into a roadblock called Saturn where we might have to answer to authority being judged from past actions and or  to make sure we did our work before we can continue ahead.

On a personal level this can playout in our life as having to face the consequences of previous actions now catching up with us. Even on a world level as well. Mars with Saturn is not fun, especially in Scorpio! If you have been neglecting important responsibilities then this new lunar cycle will put the focus on getting all that done which will take a lot of hardwork and commitment. Something needs to be acknowledged and healed deep inside each and every one of us. Disturbing news can appear now. Health issues on any level could become clear and this is even more emphasized by Mercury opposing Chiron which symbolizes the need to  balance health, when in Pisces on a spiritual psychological global level, but also personal. In order to be a valid part of our Earth healing and creating a better world to live in, we each have to do the inner work on self which has a strong affect on the universal health consciousness of the planet. We need to find the root of the problem and make big commitments to change our global lifestyle!. We've been doing a little at a time but we need to step it up now! Life is getting intense as we are at a critical moment in human development. 

We could face restriction and having to deal with forces out side of our control in this new cycle which will encourage us to get grounded, practical and focusing our energy on real world important matters that starts with our personal health. This new moon is about getting organized and cleaning up our life making major adjustments in our lifestyle on many different levels. There is bound to be some surprises with the connection to Uranus which is unstable rebellious energy so some of you won't like being told what to do. It will be extra important to ground ourselves and really take responsibilities seriously, or there could be a high price to pay which could take the form of many different type of restrictions in our life depending on your own astrology. Personal and global conflict looks imminent.

The other thing about this new moon is Venus and Lilith still in Leo.. Jupiter is also there for the entire year so on some levels we are still going to be attracted to having a good time and wanting to create joy, love, romance, recreation as we want to receive a certain amount of fun loving praise and attention from others.  But there is a big problem with that. In case you don't know Venus is the Feminine and what we value and are attracted to; also represents money and relationships. Lilith is where we are repressed (the little devil chick on our shoulder whispering rebellion in our ear).  Venus and Lilith are tightly square Mars & Saturn yet tightly trine Uranus in Aries. Oh boy, this is trouble for sure. Sorry but the joy and play won't be coming easy in this next new moon cycle, as well resources could get tight, you might want to save money!. Venus is moving into her 3rd quarter square with Mars (the Masculine) and Mars is in no mood to play right now so doesn't need the distraction of the Feminine which will be very rebellious against any kid of restriction or authority telling her what to do. This works both on an inner level between our own personal Feminine vs Masculine and in our relationships. Both man or woman can play either role. Venus came together with Mars back in the spring of 2013 initiating a new lovers cycle and now there will be a crisis in the consciousness of the lovers in regards to the future, looking back with some doubts. Venus moves faster than Mars so she is the one that is engaging the Masculine right now rather than the Masculine after her and once she moves past this conflicting time for love she will conjoin Mars once again in Feb 2015 winning her prize (if all goes well) starting yet another cycle for love and sex but until then there needs to be some final steps taken in past love matters, stabilizing and making the relationship heather by facing any issues of the past cycle. Is the relationship still in both people's best interest? Sexual tension increases, passions will be intense for both sexes when Venus squares Mars so can be some bickering in the coming days as Venus will be double restricted and yet feeling extra rebellious so if you don't want your partner running off to play with some one different, than you might want to take extra care and time to listen to their needs and try and please not acting aggressive or like a total a-hole to them but that won't be easy because that Venus and Lilith side in us wants more than we should have right now as the focus needs to be on more important serious matters outside of love and sex issues. Saturn will be restricting money, resources and love unless we fulfilled our duties and did the necessary work but this all goes back a long way so again previous decisions and actions catching up with us now could effect how much love and pleasure we get. On another level this Venus trine Uranus square Saturn can help us innovate and create better values that have a long lasting affect on our over-all happiness in terms of relationships and pleasure. What is it that you really need to feel happy with life? More trust and freedom in personal relationships is important along with loyalty and commitment. It's also wise to unite your own inner Feminine and Masculine  as one so you don't rely totally on your partner to bring you that other side which creates the joy and happiness, or the lack there of when your partner leaves. Also think about all this materialism the western world is addicted to. Saturn is reflecting the need to clean up the mess and find what's really important in life - people, not a bunch of useless crap just to keep you entertained. 

Well, I think you get the idea what energy will be in place with this Virgo New Moon, looks tough but if you do the hardwork will have big long lasting rewards! Set new intentions and then put them into action a couple days after the 25th when you see the crescent light on the moon which will be waxing energy supporting your intent for the next two weeks and could manifest six months later with the Virgo full Moon. It's best to set intentions that go along with the matters listed above - health, service, work, love, lifestyle adjustments, innovation, getting your life grounded and organized. Sever the problem from the root, we have great energy to focus with precision; ground to Mother Earth and take care of business, including personal health starting a new health and work routine, yet at same time be of service to something outside of self as well. It's a lot to do, cleaning up the hidden dirt. I wish you all the best with it. 

Happy Virgo New Moon!

Want to know where in your life these energies are moving thru and the affect it has on you? Contact me for info

Cheers to better health.

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