Thursday, November 6, 2014

Taurus Full Moon 2014 - bringing balance to practical needs vs desires

The Taurus Moon becomes full today at 2:22 pm PST which is symbolic of grounded practical earth energy that may give us the feeling of stable emotions and needing to fulfill earthy desires despite the tension with opposition that the full moon creates. Opposite the Taurus Moon is the Sun and Venus in passionate Scorpio which is helping illuminate deeper desires that are not so easily understood. What is it that you value the most? This full moon will most likely bring awareness to personal values and desires that are much more elusive in understanding and obtaining but is very possible in fulfilling if willing to bring balance to this polarity of your deep inner world vs what you need on the practical. This is the sexual axis, the resource axis, values axis; that of yours and other peoples so is a peak time for tension in personal relationships where both people's needs, values and desires need to be considered and balanced as one if your life is merged with another. This axis works on a self level as well, highlighting what you value and need the most in your life to keep you going vs what it is your soul desires just to have and experience at this time in your life which will become clear that those needs and desires run much deeper than simply what money can buy.

This full moon has a few positive outlets to release the built up tension if consciously directing the energy into the trine aspect the moon is making with Mars and Pluto in Capricorn and also through the trine aspect the Sun is making to the space body Chiron in Pisces which is symbolic of old wounds that can be healed the next couple weeks through emotional transformation simply by the new awareness the Taurus full moon creates. The illumination brought forth by this full moon has the potential to transform your life by giving you the awareness and motivation to take practical actions through strategy and long term planning that will help fulfill your life on a much deeper level and on the surface level as well, in what you need in practical daily life vs passions and desires. Mars approaching Pluto this weekend is stirring up a lot of powerful intense energy where we might feel a passion to obtain and achieve something in our life that we have been wanting for a while yet the power and control of other people that have different views and opinions might not make that process all that easy and so some power struggles can build the next few days, within the self as well - what you truly desire vs what you truly need. Try not to fight yourself or others but rather acknowledge and accept the hidden truths about what it is you actually want for your life at this time even if it's far from practical but at the same time be willing to acknowledge and accept what others in your life need as well. Accepting self desires are the most important at this time though.

A part of being human is experiencing physical pleasures through the five senses and one of the most magical of those experiences is sexual merging with another soul. We have been programmed with so many lies and half truths about what is right or wrong on those intimate levels, with some people suffering from old sexual wounds and hang-ups so this full moon could be considered a sexual healing moon if willing to look at these issues from a new evolved perspective about the self. and others. Repression of these human desires only leads to more pain and suffering in the long run. I encourage you to explore this sexual healing potential this next couple weeks with self or a partner no matter what your past, deeming the process as sacred and natural part of being human, healing and releasing the wounds of the past for good, or, at least starting down that sexual heading path that will help bring more content to all areas of your life.

Make some changes, go after what you want and need but try not to cut-down others on the way. Happy Taurus full moon, may the illumination bring you fulfillment on all levels.

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