Sunday, November 16, 2014

Venus into Sagittarius

 Transit Venus is changing signs today from deep dark passionate Scorpio into adventurous Sagittarius 11/16  - 11:04 am PST. This is the feminine energy; universal attraction and desire, as well is symbolic of resources, values and relationships among other keywords. This should effect us all on some level as your house containing Sagittarius will be activated by this transit, bringing more sweetness, beauty and love to this area of your life. (check your chart) but the energy shift will be even stronger if you have a lot of personal planets in Taurus or Libra, especially Taurus rising and Libra rising as Venus is the most important influence for those folks.

Venus has been in the underworld where attraction has been on the deeper darker aspects of life going through a transformation on what we all value at this time, transforming relationships on the way. Looks like Venus has had enough of the drama and darkness, now seeking greater lighter heights in love and experience.  The thing is we still have a good amount of planets in Scorpio so it's only this side of our nature that is escaping into brighter desires. This means,  the new attractions and desires caused by this energy shift won't be actually manifesting for awhile until the Sun moves into Sag as well. Venus is ahead of the game, desiring the future and will be attracted to adventure and play. Venus in Sag needs a certain level of excitement, wanting to take on bigger challenges in love and money with much more optimism and enthusiasm about what new pleasures might be on the way. But those pleasures are not here yet so Venus is on her own exploring new territory, seeking something more than the ordinary.  Our pleasure and love side will be attracted to risk and dreaming about the future, whats around the corner. The fantasies will be strong this next week as Venus squares Neptune, then we have a new moon in Sag coming up as well that will also square Neptune so will be important to be aware of illusions in money and love and what you are seeking more of at this time because disillusionment can follow if you're not careful that what you seek is actually real  and possible. It's cool to work with some of these fantasies that will no doubt arise in you just make sure you keep one foot on the ground.

This transit will also connect to your Leo house where Sagittarius's ruler Jupiter is causing Venus (our feminine side) wanting fun, play, self expression, joy, recreation and much more action and adventure so use this to your advantage and surprise your lover with new thrills and adventures to keep him/her satisfied. 

Sagittarius is also a very spiritual philosophical sign seeking greater knowledge and wisdom, so apply this to Venus and some of us might be attracted to learning some new things that personally interest you. Use your feminine powers for spiritual pursuits and manifestations and then when the Sun follows in the same path, can help bring these new desires to fulfillment, so dream big my friends, just make sure it's mixed with some grounded logic as well, for best results.

Enjoy the energy change!

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