Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Saturn in Sagittarius Dec 23 2014 - 2017

  Saturn finally leaves Scorpio after 2 1/2 years and enters Sagittarius at 8:34 am PST. Dec 23. This is a huge energy change. Saturn has a 30 year cycle so this move into 0 degrees of Sagittarius only happens once every 30 years. When Saturn was in Scorpio we had to face everything hidden confronting shadows of the past facing deep fears. It has been some heavy intense times for the last couple years, no? Well i think with Saturn's change of signs into the Fire element we should all feel some pressure relief on some levels. Saturn is Sagittarius will be demanding a totally different responsibility and commitment out of us for the next 2 1/2 years. Wherever Saturn is we need to get real, serious, commit, work hard and do what we know needs to be done.

Find the house in your chart ruled by Sagittarius. The area of life that corresponds to that house in your chart is where you will be forced to deal with this mature responsible energy. This means we are all starting a new transit. Also see if Saturn is making any aspects to your personal planets, if so those energies are under "get real" transit energy. Yes, that's what a Saturn transit is, it's asking for you to get real about that area of your life and commit to something more. In general though, we are all being asked to take responsibility for our personal beliefs and what big picture views we see the world in. Are your beliefs working for you or against you at this stage of your life? It's possible your current beliefs were formed long ago, maybe even 30 years or so ago when Saturn was last in this area of your life and now it's time to bring those beliefs up to date. Things have changed in the last 30 years, you know much more now and have come a long way. Your Sag house (area of life) needs to mature now.

This transit will also be asking people to slow down on life expansion and restructure it slowly. For some people this can mean a need to commit to greater education. For others they may need to commit to broadcasting, publishing, writing, teaching, public speaking. etc. Other people might find they are called to commit to a higher spiritual path, stabilizing their spiritual beliefs, as they have probably changed in the last 30 years. For everyone this energy could be asking us to get in touch with how we feel about the world we are a part of. Are you for or against the current system? Your philosophical higher mind will be activated with this transit and your opinions need to be grounded in some kind of reality, honoring what you think. 

Saturn in Scorpio had us going into the underworld and pulling out everything hidden; well now Saturn in Sagittarius has us going higher above and beyond confronting personal ideas and conceptions that hold us back from expansion and achievement.  It would be wise to learn something new now, become humble and commit to higher forms of education for yourself no matter how that manifest. We don't all have to go back to school but we are all about to get "Schooled" in some form or another. Is your lack of knowledge on something holding you back in life? Is your faith in yourself or something beyond yourself healthy? Our personal level of enthusiasm and optimism can also be going thru some energy shifts; some grounding effects and so don't be surprised if you find yourself or others questioning you and your stance on life. This Capricorn new moon is all about focusing on commitments and responsibilities, building and stabilizing something new for the long term but first we have to get our higher mind, thoughts, conceptions, ideas about self and life in the right perspective and that's what Saturn will be doing as it transits Sagittarius. 

Again, find your house ruled by Sag and this is where you will be facing some restructuring situations this next couple years. This will be the area of life to commit to and work hard in. Take issues of this house to the next level. Expand your life slowly. Build structure for the long term, when it comes to your perceptions on the big picture and your sense of responsibility Take smart practical risks, nothing crazy or immature. Commit to your future. If you can do all this, you will be on track with your new Saturn transit. 

I hope the info was helpful, let me know if you need more info on the house this is in for you.

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