Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sagittarius Full Moon June 2 2015 - illuminating limitations & lack of faith.

This full moon is at 11-12 degrees Sagittarius exact at 9:18 am June 2 2015 and is bringing illumination and fulfillment to areas of your life that were seeded with new intentions back on the Sagittarius new moon of Dec 22 2014 which is now full and climaxing. Can you remember what you were thinking and feeling back around that time? It was about understanding and or changing limiting belief systems that keep you from your full potential, while expanding your over all world view and faith in self so you could progress yourself; or accepting some limitations that seem unchangeable. For some people it was also about taking the initiative to learn something new that will help expand your life in some way for a positive and now those intentions and efforts should be flowering for most people if you were consistent with those efforts the entire time. You had the last 6 months to reevaluate your ideas, opinions and beliefs about yourself while also educating yourself, You should be clear on all that by now. The energy and circumstances in your your life are ready to expand, but are you ready for it? And are you prepared to help those around you take the necessary steps up, as well? At the same time this moon will help you understand what is NOT possible.

Full moon's indicate something in our life is out of balance and needs to be brought back into alignment with other things we've been focusing on. All the energy is in Gemini right now putting a lot of energy in thinking, communicating, reevaluating ideas and thoughts of the past that effects the future and taking care of everyday business while staying generally busy, with a lot of scattered energy focused on the mundane. But what about your spirituality and faith; the big picture of your life and the universe? Have you been putting that on the back burner? Perhaps now the universe is sending you tension because it's trying to help you expand your life past your comfort zone in order to bring you more personal fulfillment, yet you might be focused too much on the here and now and not thinking ahead or seeing the bigger potential, or, feeling your limitations. Full moon's can be a peak in tension in relationships as well so that tension will slowly start to release over the next two weeks if you look at what you've been neglecting in your life and make a conscious effort to regain the balance, also accepting what can't be changed. Something in your life is not getting enough attention so this full moon will bring that awareness to you. If you find the houses that rule you Sag and Gemini, this will be where the balance is needed, which is different for everyone.

Over-all this moon is indicating your life is trying to expand which creates tension and stress in order to push you forward. Sagittarius is always about having faith that everything will work out like it should and that there is a higher force watching over you and guiding you. Call it what you want; god, angeles, the creator, spirit, etc, but regardless the universe has your back as everything will work out if you are willing to take a risk and allow your life to expand at this time. Step out, look up and see what's great about your life, and life in general. The more optimistic you are the less stress you will feel.  The more faith you have in yourself and in higher forces the more relaxed you will feel about what you are trying to do.

Things are still a little unsettled as Mercury is retrograde for another couple weeks.  Mercury turns forward June 12-13 but still will take a couple weeks after that before we see solid forward progress on issues we have been thinking about. So this is the time to fully upgrade your confidence and faith in yourself as life wants you to go above and beyond your perceived limitations... or, fully accept your limitations and understand that you just don't have it in you to do certain things. Which is fine, but only you can make that call. As Saturn is in Sag we all have to face what keeps us from expanding in life and sometimes reality and our current responsibilities and commitments can feel harsh keeping us right where we are. It's different for everyone so this full moon will bring full illumination to what you can and can't do. Trust it, accept it and let it be.

Saturn is actually going to move backwards into Scorpio one last time starting on June 14 before returning to Sagittarius on Sep 17 so we all have to face a few more challenges around some of the deeper lessons we have been facing the last few years when it comes to merging with other people and learning the power and control dynamics of our serious relationships and deeper repressed issues that hold us back, including sexuality, change and any repressed fears. We've come a long way the last few years but there still might be a little more to go especially if you have energy in the last few degrees of Scorpio.

Happy full moon folks, Sagittarius moon is generally uplifting, wanting some adventure and play which will relax all the tension building but because Saturn is there too might negate that a little. But still, feel the expansion and find your faith that all is as it should be. Seek out adventure and have some fun.The universe knows much more than you do. Relax and trust what's happening in your life!

Thanks for reading. Much love to you all!

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