Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cancer season arrives - the summer Solstice 2015

Happy Solstice! The sun has moved into the sign of Cancer and the moon has moved into the sign of Virgo bringing us a big energy change today. The sun in Cancer shines the focus on our feelings, matters of home and family and what we need to feel safe and secure while the moon in Virgo reflects an emotional need for getting things in order and dealing with the details of our life. We are now in the season of the Crab which is all about the Water element and building a protective shell over our emotions which will help us balance out all the mental, intellectual energy of thinking the past few weeks with more inner knowing, intuition and following what we feel to be right. You might notice sensitivity and protectiveness building from today on and especially when Mars moves into Cancer on June 24th for six weeks which means we will have an increase desire to take action on home matters as well with what emotionally fulfills us. Check to see what area of life (house) Cancer rules for you and this will tell you where all the energy is at now and where you should focus a lot of your attention. 

The Cancer energy can be very private and inward not expressing as much in order to protect self and emotions as not all emotions will feel safe to express. The Crab likes to hold on tight to what it already knows and has. Placing self in the most safest of circumstances will be a pull. However the Crab never does anything direct and so to get where we are going some side-stepping might be in order- meaning reading between the lines and keeping our intentions in the shadows is likely so we feel safe with what we are doing and not putting self out there too much for others to criticize. The need to be nurtured with what emotionally fulfills us increases as well as giving nurturing to others that we trust will also increase. After all the New moon Gemini energy the move into Cancer indicates we need to mix the thinking process with the feelings process and follow our intuition more when it comes to our long term goals, not just relying on the mind anymore.

Be sure to drink lots of Water and also find some to soak in as Cancer is a very healing sign which means the Water Goddess will heal you if you allow her help!

Pay attention to what you value and desire today and also what is happening in important relationships as Venus will retrograde back to this energy in the weeks to come which could hint at important matters of love, money, values and relationship activity around now but won't be finalized until after Venus is done with her entire retrograde phase having an extended stay in the sign of Leo for the next 4 months! This means the Feminine in all of us really wants to have some fun and live by the heart. This is true for relationships too but will take some time for us to fully understand how to enliven this side of ourself making sure we incorporate more joy, fun, creativity and love into everything we do no matter how sensitive matters are.

The moon is waxing and will enter Libra in a few days bringing us the first quarter Square with sun where we will face some emotional obstacles and challenges to our Gemini new moon intentions but if you stay the course and follow thru we will see progress as the moon waxes to full in the sign of Capricorn the following week reflecting the need to balance home and business long term achievement. 

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