Sunday, June 14, 2015

Gemini New Moon June 16 2015 - Adapting to new thoughts & ideas - igniting passion for change

welcome to another new moon. This one is exact on June 16 2015 at 7:05 AM Pacific time. The moon and sun align at 25 degrees Gemini also in alignment with the planet Mars giving us an extra energy boost for seeding passionate new beginnings within areas of our life that deal with the here and now; everyday activities, siblings, neighbors, communication, short trips and all things that have to do with your thoughts and ideas along with a new action plan. It's best to set new intentions after the new moon is exact Tues morning. The area of your life that rules Gemini including any personal planets you have in that sign are up for some changes over the next 6 months.

What is the energy of Gemini you ask ? Well, It's intellectual, all about thoughts and ideas, thriving off mental stimulation, quick wit, short trips and the willingness to experience a variety of situations for the fun, play and spontaneity of it, avoiding anything too heavy as this is an Air sign that likes to keep things light and gain/disseminate information. The planet Mercury rules this new moon which is just now coming out of its three week retrograde phase where we all had to reevaluate some important matters from the last month or so waiting for more information before we could fully move forward, and now the time to move forward has come. Mercury still has to pass thru its shadow where we will be communicating thought & ideas that have been talked/thought about before but now we have new hidden information that has surfaced over the next week which will make everything clear allowing us to finally move our ideas and plans forward in a realistic manner. This new moon is great for writers, networking, speaking, etc and setting long term goals around communication and networking of any kind.

Some of the shadow traits of this energy are the duality factor this sign expresses along with being argumentative at times (especially with Mars in Gemini too). Gemini can be so fickle and change so quickly that the energy can easily become scattered and lack focus and determination, making it difficult to accomplish anything long term.  Gemini is light and jumps around from one thing to the next surprising people when they change their mind and ideas. Being fickle is most certainly an issue for people that have Gemini energy and something that they need to become conscious of so they can work with it better and not blame others for their changing ways.  We all have Gemini in our chart somewhere and that is the area of your life where you are generally fickle (check your Gemini house) always being adaptable and flexible needing too much change and spontaneity for your own good. If you have your sun in Gemini then you can be just generally fickle, changing what you think your heart wants the most to find happiness. If your moon is in Gemini you can be fickle with your home and domestic life along with what you think will emotionally fulfill you. If your Mercury is in Gemini, your general thoughts, ideas and perceptions about self and life change often. If your Venus is in Gemini then you are fickle in relationships, values, desires and what you find attractive. Mars in Gemini is fickle about what you become passionate about, changing your action plans often . I think you get the idea - this new moon is about changing some desires, feelings, thoughts and ideas that you think will bring you more emotional fulfillment for your life but you need to be careful of running yourself in circles like a little Peterpan acting childish and too preoccupied with what's fun and spontaneous over what you might really need in your life at this time. Don't let your energy get too scattered but at same time be wiling to stay open and flexible to changes to some of your thoughts and ideas that you thought might have been fixed in place already. Perhaps some of us need to make two different sets of plans in some way, using the Gemini duality to our advantage? Are you flexible enough to do two things at once? It could be the solution if you can't decide on just one thing, Just be cautious of scattering your energy into unproductive activities as life can be kind of busy this time of year, especially as Mars transits this sign as well for a few weeks every two years.

Mars here will be making people more assertive in their communication so watch out for aggressiveness and arguing with others just for the sake of arguing. In other news Saturn has slipped back into Scorpio for the next few months giving us all some final tough lessons about merging with others on deeper levels, dealing with fears and vulnerabilities, balancing out the power/control dynamics in relationships along with more tough lessons in matters of sexuality,  trust, change and loss. However Venus is Leo is symbolic of the Feminine which wants to party and have good time as she moves closer and closer to Jupiter which is in trine aspect to Uranus over the next couple weeks This wil lead us to sudden changes in values, relationships and money matters causing something possibly very exciting and thrilling to happen as we feel the heart expand with unusual adventurous rebellious desires. This will manifest differently for everyone depending on your own chart and energies along with your own wiliness to take a risk socially, or in money and or love. So there is something really fun and exciting on the way despite the crackdown from Saturn in matters of intimacy.  Mars moves into Cancer on June 24 for six weeks where the need for action becomes focused on emotional safety and security along with protectiveness with home and family, creating a lot of sensitivity and less outward drive which actually begins on the June 21 solstice when the sun moves into Cancer before Mars does. Perhaps we all become a little more sensitive and protective with all the Cancer energy as the bigger picture of Jupiter trine Uranus has our life expanding quickly and maybe unexpectedly giving us more faith in our individuality yet at same time triggering the fears and sensitivities that hold us back when faced with that actual life expansion. Face life with courage stepping into the flow, riding the waves with grace and trusting you are on the right path.

I guess i'll leave it at that. Enjoy this witty, youthful playful somewhat verbally aggressive Gemini new moon. I hope your life changes in all the right ways.
Cheers to new beginnings,

Need help knowing which way to go?
Check out my services  page and order a transit report. I'll give you specific information on where to direct your energies along with what this new moon means for you!

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