Thursday, August 27, 2015

Gemini Rising with Mercury in each of the 12 signs.

This is the 3rd post in my 12 post series exploring each Rising sign. I will be interpreting Gemini Rising with its ruler Mercury in each of the 12 signs.

What is every Rising sign symbolic of?
The Rising sign is what your soul came here to learn and project itself as. The Rising sign degree (Ascendant) starts your 1st house that has everything to do with the self. It also sets up the energy of every other area of your life. The Ascendant is your physical body and self expression, what you are literally "rising" and learning to become in this life. You're not that good with the energy of your Rising sign at first because it's so new to your soul so there is a lot of lessons here with a need to fully embrace this side of self. The Ascendant and 1st house is what everyone can clearly see on you; your body, style, expression, etc; you can't hide this energy and we even see our self as this sign the most no matter what your sun sign or moon sign is.

Gemini Rising - ruler Mercury.

Gemini Rising people came here to fully understand life on an intellectual level, projecting themselves as inquisitive. This is the sign ruled by Mercury - the mental communicative realms where information resides. Although Gemini is a very volatile sign Gemini Rising people have a strong need to stay grounded so they are not blown away by the breeze do to their changing nature. These people usually have a slim agile body with a degree of youthfulness and playfulness to their personality.This person is learning how to understand self and life through an intellectual perspective. Gemini is known for being interested in the surface information of life but if one does have interests in the deeper hidden mysterious including spirituality and occult magic then they will most likely question everything that is presented to them, often times rejecting it completely unless it can be proven to them in someway. even though Gemini Rising is here to learn about self intellectually they usually don't want to inquire too deep about themselves as they start going deeper they find themselves following every trail they end up lost down the Rabbit hole and abandon the quicksand before it's too late. Nevertheless Gemini rising even questions self as to why they think or believe something but end up finding out that they really don't want to know themselves on those deep levels for reasons already mentioned. Gemini rising has a very big need for friendships though can be fickle when comes to whom they associate with. Gemini Rising people really do not like jealousy or possessiveness in relationship because they can't intellectually understand it. Plus need that freedom to engage in many different relationships mainly on a friendly level but some of those do evolve into romantic and sexual so more often than not Gemini Rising people change relationships more than most. Gemini rules the hands so Gemini Rising people use their hands in various ways such as craft work and such but also makes their hands more vulnerable than the average person so need to take caution treating their hands with extra care, even doing finger exercises so arthritis doesn't set in once they get older.

Gemini Rising people have a strong value for home and family, they even have value for sensitive emotions that on some level they might admire in others and want to understand more, even though they find it unpleasant to actually feel heavy emotions for themselves. Gemini Rising people are constantly seeking out variety and spontaneity in life. Their personality is witty, sharp, playful and youthful, although with a very noticeable two sides. Gemini Rising has a lot of fun taking short trips and exploring their surroundings. These people's home and family life is usually also intellectual but coming from a more narrowed focus analytical and critical. They like to be surrounded by people people, places and things also loving music and general communication. Gemini rising people usually do well in researching hidden information in some form as a working routine or working as a councilor talking to people about their troubles detaching from the actual feelings that the person is suffering from helping them understand it intellectually. Gemini Rising people usually attract Sagittarius type partners that have a lot of knowledge and information about the bigger aspects of life which helps balance their understanding out because of the Gemini's need for everyday random information but lacks the big picture perspective more often than not. When it comes to sex and intimacy, the Gemini Rising actually has a more traditional view and style (in general) depending on where their love and sex planets are located. Gemini Rising has very emotionally detached world philosophy and beliefs, thinking on intellectual perspective, futuristic, conventional and group minded. They support a scientific viewpoint desiring innovation for society. Most Gemini Rising people actually have a somewhat spacey and dreamy public image and reputation even though they don't see it on self. They do well in careers dealing with humanitarian causes or working behind the scenes researching and investigating intangible things. They could also have very active physical careers working independently in some way. Gemini Rising will attract very freedom focused friends wanting to keep their independence that have desire to explore life and pioneer new paths. Gemini rising tend to keep their financial matters private and only indulge in the physical pleasures of life alone or with a few close people not making a public spectacle of it. Gemini Rising is here to communicate their thoughts and ideas in any of its many forms.

Gemini Rising with Mercury in Aries.
This Gemini Rising has a real freedom side wanting their intellectual independence. They have strong need for friendship and exploring the conceptions of the world and friends. This person is going to think of themselves as a warrior in some form and talk aggressively and fast. Their mind is focused on their self and what they want to explore. This Gemini Rising loves to initiate new conversations but is not that great at finishing them and moves on to the next subject just as fast.

Gemini Rising with Mercury in Taurus.
This makes for an interesting combination. Gemini is about changes and variety but Taurus is very fixed and stubborn. These facts make this Gemini Rising more complex than most. They are more confused about some of their beliefs and conceptions as their mind is hidden away in their 12th house of isolation and vagueness. As a result they can be very fixed in their ideas and not know why. They have a lot of private time, reading and learning new information trying to make sense of themselves. They have more of a traditional view point but find themselves needing to learn about spirituality as well as the practical which is a challenge for this Gemini Rising.

Gemini Rising with Mercury in Gemini.
This Gemini Rising is the purest of them all and should really fit the description above. They have a mental focus of their own personality, conceptions and ideas. They really want to intellectually understand why they are the person they are and what makes them tick. tho as stated above, they may abandon looking into the deeper aspects of self that drop down the rabbit hole. This person has a very strong mind and is seeking information on many things. They can appear to change personalities a lot confusing others as they clearly have two very different sides to their self expression even if they fail to recognize it. These people are talkers, love to communicate all they know, about self as well!

Gemini Rising with Mercury in Cancer.
This Gemini Rising has a lot of focus on family values along with trying to intellectually understand feelings and emotions. They have a strong need to feel safe and secure in their feelings and thoughts. This Gemini Rising is better at receiving information from others than they are at disseminating the info. That's because their mind is sensitive and protective with their thoughts and perceptions not as willing to share what they think. They are trying to intellectually understand their sensitivity and not as secure in their intellectual understanding. They intellectualize their possessions and values as well. This Gemini Rising is really here to gain information on home and family life without getting too wrapped up in the actual feelings that come with sensitive emotions.

Gemini Rising with Mercury in Leo.
This Gemini Rising came here to learn self and communicate about all the best things of self. This person loves to talk about themselves in very lively dramatic ways, speaking very passionately on every subject. This Gemini Rising see's self as special, brilliant and a star wanting to shine and be heard. They could be a writer in some form being popular and out in the spotlight with what they publish or speak about. In fact, public speaking in a very passionate way would really suit this person well. They take short driving trips just for the fun of it and think a lot about all the joys of life and how to have more fun. They are here to intellectually understand the heart, passion and joy.

Gemini Rising with Mercury in Virgo.
This Gemini Rising loves to be home reading and analyzing stuff. This person has a very strong mind and wants to intellectually understand the root of the matter. They have a good combination of everyday mundane information and information about more significant matters.This person might project themselves as very smart yet they might not get out as much gaining real world experience, depending on other aspects of their chart. Although, they have read about it all. This Gemini can be a little more uptight than most, tad critical too and has big mental focus on home, wanting to be of practical service to self and family. This person might be an editor or perfectionist when it comes to words and communication, or something like that.

Gemini Rising with Mercury in Libra.
This is a good combination as Gemini and Libra get along well. This person is very fun, social and communicative. Their mind is on others a lot including important relationships trying to intellectually understand the other person. They will want to talk through any issues with others, gracefully and diplomatically as this Gemini Rising makes a great diplomat.This person is also very creative with words and also has strong need for music and the arts. Even Photography would most likely appeal to them. They need the stimulation from others and want to be in relationship. They use the reflective and information from others to better see and understand themselves. This Gemini rising loves to take short trips to beautiful places but often changes what they value and  find beautiful as all Gemini's like variety and can be fickle with others.

Gemini Rising with Mercury in Scorpio.
This Gemini Rising has found themselves in the deep-end of life and do not feel comfortable here. It's too deep and confusing so they project this deep side as their work routine and looking for the depth in other people and outside situations so they don't actually have to feel the painful emotions of the sign. They make great researchers and want to intellectually understand the dark side of life as well as the deeper aspects of sexual intimacy, but all from a distance. They have a lot of passion and intensity with strong mental determination to find out things.

Gemini Rising with Mercury in Sagittarius.
This Gemini Rising is trying to place themselves in the bigger picture of life, communicating about their beliefs and opinions bringing it all down to a lower level to be intellectually understood and disseminated. They have a lot of focus on education and world philosophy. They are seekers of intellectual truth and understanding. They could be good at law and justice. This Gemini Rising will think of other people a lot and desire relationship. In fact one of the main soul missions of this person is to intellectually understand relationship and love matters. They want to talk out issues with their partner and also go on fun adventures with other people, including partner. They put a lot of emphasis on the belief and opinions of other people. They could change partners often. They want their partner to intellectually stimulate them with big ideas.

Gemini Rising with Mercury in Capricorn.
This Gemini Rising has a very traditional mind, perception and thoughts. They are good at information about the past, laws, justice, money management and how to think of the future planning for hard times. This person will have a lot of mental stimulation about sexuality and matters of life and death. They are always thinking about responsibility and integrity. They are slow methodical thinkers and researchers. There mind is grounded in earth making them more mature and practical than the average Gemini Rising.

Gemini Rising with Mercury in Aquarius.
This Gemini Rising is very intellectual thinking of the future, big picture matters and world beliefs. They might be in education as academics would rule their mind. They have the scientific mind wanting to think out side of the box and innovate. This Gemini is very emotionally detached and does not like to delve into the deeper mysterious of life and feelings. They are thinking above and beyond. They might like to travel to far away places either literally or in their mind. They want facts and truths but only those that can be proved on the intellectual or material plane. This person seeks many friendships and is very social and communicative.

Gemini Rising with Mercury in Pisces.
This is another tough spot for Gemini Rising as their mind is in the sensitive mystical realms and perhaps spirituality or religion that involves feelings. They are better at receiving information than disseminating it. They can be confused about their thoughts sometimes and find it hard to intellectualize what they perceive. This is because they pick up on psychic energy that is not always fun and down to earth or understandable. These people have a lot of focus on their public image and reputation curious what people are thinking of them. They can sometimes hide their thoughts and not be willing to share as much worried others will think poorly of them. They are here to intellectually understand sensitivity, humanitarian matters, suffering, spirituality and how the world is self-sabotaging itself. They are much more sensitive than the typical Gemini Rising.

So, this is my interpretation for Gemini Rising. Thank you for reading. Up next in this series i will explore Cancer Rising with the moon in each of the 12 signs. stay tuned for that!

1 comment:

  1. Capricorn mercury here, and the short description could not be more accurate thankyou.


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