Thursday, August 13, 2015

Leo New Moon August 14 2015

The Leo New Moon is exact on August 14 2015 at 7:53 am PDT. This New Moon is very powerful energy and is about the heart. We all had the last year to increase our understanding of what ignites our heart and passions the most as Jupiter was in transit through Leo. Now it's time to set new intentions for your life around heartfelt matters, including romance and relationship along with anything else you feel your heart pulling you towards. This Leo New Moon is conjunct Retrograde Venus and all three (sun, moon, Venus) are in positive trine aspect to Uranus - the planet of authenticity which means this new moon is very much about retro Venus and really opening up your heart to what you value and desire in love the most on the deepest most authentic levels which should be under current reevaluation as Venus moves backwards. This is a time to find more value in yourself and learn to love yourself more than you have been which will then be reflected in your outer world with others. How much do you value yourself? This is a great time to get in touch with all those feelings. On an outer level this can be about any relationship; romantic, family, friends, children, etc and about your values, resources, desires and what you feel you need the most to stay joyful and happy in life. If you could do anything right now, what would that be? Follow your heart, setting new intentions for these matters! This is highly creative energy giving you extra power to create more joy fun and authentic love for your life. The connection to Uranus can be an awakening to these passions where a light comes on and you suddenly realize what your heart has been calling for all along. This energy can also bring more awareness to certain areas of your life that's been on your mind a lot recently as lightning strikes out of the blue, so to speak, so does consciousness increase to what's been eluding your awareness on certain issues. Trust these new realizations as they are gifts from the heavens. Find Leo in your chart, that's the area of life that is seeding new beginnings.

All this new moon energy will have to face Saturn in the coming days as well which will test you on how authentic and deep you are being with your needs and desires; how much love you are willing to show yourself and others and how much value you've been placing on yourself. and others Make sure you are being real with everything that involves your heart , values and passions so you can pass with flying colors and move forward with more heartfelt love and joy.

Happy new moon. Have some fun, it's Leo season after all.

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