Thursday, June 23, 2016

10 signs the USA is facing fated critical turning point the next 2-5 years

Looking at the progressed chart of the USA within the USA natal chart shows how America is facing some kind of rare fated changes over the next couple years and beyond.

There is several indications of this by looking at what aspects are currently being formed as well as considering where the transit planets are right now within the birth chart of the United States.

I'll list the 10 most powerful indicators of critical fated changes currently in the works and on the future horizon.

1. USA Progressed Venus T-Square the Nodes of Fate. 2016-2017

Prog Venus in the USA chart is symbolic of the country's evolving values & resources. It's also reflecting the people's current desires.  Venus in a hard aspect (double square) to the moon's nodes indicates fated changes are underway for the values & resources of this country over the next couple years, that will have long lasting effects. Decisions made by the people of the USA this year will change our fate, for better or worse when it comes to our values & resources. The last time Prog Venus was in T-Square to the Nodes of Fate was 143 years ago when the USA revised the law relating to the Mint of the country with the Coinage act of 1873. Also that was the year of the Panic of 1873 - a financial crisis that triggered a depression for several years. Something similar regarding our values & resources most likely will change again with this new T-square of 2016-2017.

2. USA Progressed Venus square America's natal Pluto exact May 2017

Again in context to the United States values & resources, this aspect indicates rare troubles that leads to changes for the country's financial system. Pluto is like a death force indicating turbulence, hidden power & control over our values & what we want. The dark-side of our values become clear and most likely some kind of slow change to all this is currently underway peaking next May of 2017, however will continue to be in this energy for the next decade. Venus reflects the people as well, so connecting to Pluto in hard aspect shows how American society is under death energy with dirty and dark values emerging from the shadows but ultimately leads to a full transformation over the next decade.

3. USA Progressed Mars Rx Opposite Chiron 

This is an extremely rare alignment which is also in place for the next several years. Chiron in this chart indicates the universal wounds of the people, which opposite Mars is no-doubt the gun violence plaguing America. Sadly to say, this aspect is only building stronger and won't be going away anytime soon.

4. The USA Progressed moon is Rising 2016-2017

Every 30 years the progressed moon of the USA enters the first house, what we call Rising. Whether this happens to an individual person's life or on the scale of entire nation, it's a rare big deal. Anytime a planet or space body is conjunct one of the four angles of the chart, it's a very important time regarding that energy in the life of the person, or in this case - the nation. The Progressed moon shows the current circumstances of the USA, when Rising in Sagittarius, these circumstances are rare with big over-the-top energy as a new 30 year cycle of what we as a nation are hungry for is starting. However it's even more powerful this time because transit Saturn is also Rising for the USA.

 5. Transit Saturn is Rising in the USA chart 2016-2017

Transit Saturn has about a 30 year cycle as well, so when it reaches one of the four angles, it's going to be an extra serious & critical few years with major authority crackdowns on the country and its people. New laws with a need for restrictions to freedom often arises with this cycle, which could be in place for at least 30 years after. The fact the USA's progressed moon (circumstances) are joining with Transit Saturn on important angle shows circumstances are fearful, critical, authoritative & lacking fun and joy, maybe even lacking true freedom.

6. The USA Progressed sun is conjunct the IC -(bottom of the chart angle)

This is a very rare aspect, the first time in the USA's history as the USA's progressed sun conjuncts the natal IC angle of the USA chart (bottom) in 2017 for a year, but will be in the 4th house sector for the next 30 years, putting the focus of the country back on its self. This is going to highlight our nation's roots, where we've come from and where we want to go. This will place focus on the nation's need for protection, safety and security, retreating inward into self for the next 30 years. The people are more fearful of the outside world than ever before, and might even want to isolate and close itself in, blocking out everyone else. The moon Rising and the sun at the bottom angle is even more powerful because it's actually the USA's progressed last quarter square.

7. The Progressed USA entering the last Quarter square

The last Quarter square of the moon is in conflict with the sun, but on the critical angles of the chart make it even more powerful, leading to a crisis in consciousness for the nation. The feelings of the people are in conflict with the focus (self-protection). This last square of the cycle between the moon and sun indicates we can't push thru the challenges and obstacles, rather we as a nation must retreat into self and make internal changes. We need to let go of the past in new ways, releasing what's no longer healthy for us, while accepting that America reached a high point years ago in this last cycle but is no longer the case. We are needing to restructure our system, with less focus on the outside world as we are going thru this process of change. We need to be cautious of idealization, illusions and self-destructive behavior, while also not letting fears and the need for protection determine our fate with our polices that might be out-of-touch with reality.

8. Transit Uranus is square the natal USA Mercury 2016-2017

This is another rare transit that is in hard alignment to the nation's Mercury. The USA Mercury is how we as a nation think and perceive the world, but also our communication style & intellect. The United States has Mercury in Cancer 8th house so we are always thinking & talking about protection from death - too fearful and never letting go of past memories. Transit Uranus is surprise energy, unusual situations and rebellious influences. Uranus square this point of our Mercury indicates shocking news and information that emerges over the next couple years. The first pass is July 2 2016 but will remain strong for a couple years leading to many news and media shocks on the way. It's also reflecting the people of the USA have a very rebellious mindset building, but can trigger any hidden mental illness of its people too. Mercury can also represent the transportation industry, so some shocking news on that front is possible too.

9. Transit Pluto opposite the USA natal sun & Progressed Jupiter in the financial houses

This is a 248 year cycle so yes, another rare transit that brings tough times. This transit actually started back in 2008 when Pluto was opposite the nation's Venus leading to the resource crash. Then around 2013 Pluto was opp the USA sun where it's pretty much been ever since leading to powerful slow changes for this country. Transit Pluto opp the USA sun has been bringing to light all the dirty hidden aspects of our country's structure and policy, including our law enforcement issues among other topics that we as a nation should be ashamed of. The USA's progressed Jupiter is conjunct the USA sun in 8th house so this why we have gotten so big and rich over the years, as Jupiter is the largest planet in solar system. But now transit Pluto opp that point is making it clear how we got to be so powerful and is exposing our shadow to the world. This is a slow building energy so this light being lit on our dark-side has been underway for many years and peaks with the nation's Pluto Return, slowly transforming the country until then.

10. Transit Pluto Returning to its USA natal position for a new 248 year cycle.

This is so rare and happening in the 2nd and 8th houses - the money and value houses, also the life and death houses, so this is a slow change to what we value as a country and how we create wealth. These next several years are going to be full of destructive events, evil, darkness exposed and huge changes to our value system. Powerful events outside of our control will dominate us, perhaps even eventually leading to full change of the foundation and structure of our nation. This has never happened in the history of the USA, so you can bet this is a big deal, albeit slow so hard to see what's truly happening in the moment with full perspective. This Pluto return peaks starting after 2020.

With all these rare alignments, I can say with 100% certainty the USA is headed for the most critical time of its existence over the next 5 years with possible change of value both financially and of what we value on earth, even a full change to the foundation and structure of this country that peaks after the year 2020. The choices made now will have fated consequences for the years to come, including who is elected or placed in power in Washington. Whomever is the next US President will most likely only have one term as they create some kind of rare chaos for the country and perhaps the world. There could even be a peak in world crisis with global war over the next 5 years, which changes EVERYTHING.

These are rare times people. You can have hope, but the stars are reflecting that things will only get worse before better. I'm sorry to say, but I feel it's the truth. The best thing you can do is make alternative long term back up plans that don't rely on your country for anything.

Thanks for reading.

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