Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sagittarius Full Moon/solstice June 20 2016 - oppositions- enlightening info- emotional awareness - changes

This is the second Sagittarius full moon of the month right at the critical degree of 29, & conjunction with the solstice initiating a change of season, both within self and without. This is powerful big energy. Thankfully Sagittarius full moon is more about emotional illumination and intensity to our feelings on life and death, the world, beliefs and our personal philosophy and opinions about the big picture of it all. This can manifest as gaining new awareness to what your life is focused around at this time and where it's going in the future - what you want to aim for. We are emotionally rising to the highest point of the awareness mountain where the perspective of your personal life and the lives around you open up with more clarity. The moon is reflecting lots of new intellectual understanding from information gained thru communication, conversations, thoughts and circumstances, of the last few weeks.

This new awareness brings a change to your recent routine and circumstances, seeking greater balance where it's lacking - with big energy shifts shortly after the full moon is exact. The focus changes.

Full moon 29 degrees Sag  exact June 20 2016 4:02 am PDT. 

If you are in the US i would say this full moon is closer to the night of June 19th because it's exact early morning of June 20. But of course, most people will acknowledge it on the night of June 20. It will still be strong then too.

June 19 and June 20 can have the crazy full moon energy manifesting as strong beliefs and opinions between people. Full moon's are oppositions in personal relationships. Saturn still in Sag creates dogmatic," i know everything, and only what i say is right" attitude - Sag knows everything, didn't you know that? Sometimes it's true though. Gemini knows a thing or two as well. But recent Grand Cross w Saturn Neptune and Jupiter has been putting what you know and believe to the test. This FM new awareness may have you making changes and adjustments to your stance, thoughts, beliefs and all that, gifting you with the knowledge and awareness you've been emotionally seeking, consciously or otherwise. Mercury forms the last activation of this recent GC, this time changing mental perceptions on everything, including questioning some of your illusions & beliefs while opposing what you know. This can play out in communication with other people. Your mental structure of things need to change and get more real.

Less than an hour after the full moon is exact the moon enters Capricorn at 4:55 am PDT instantly changing the mood and emotional energy. We have the wide open view now, with so much new clarity and understanding. Capricorn is the huge mountain that is before us, like it just appeared out of the fog. This creates an emotional need to achieve something now that we have more clarity on the big picture of our life. We feel what needs to be done, and what it will take to get it done. The emotional energy starts to ground, less over the top, more real with need to be responsible and mature, sticking to a plan for the future. We feel a greater need for balance with our outer public life vs personal life. Changes to circumstances might start around June 20, helping create more balance with other areas of your life in need of attention. The energy starts to shift, emotionally hungry for different things.

Moon opposition Venus
The first aspect the moon makes after entering Capricorn is opposition to Venus at 11:30 am PDT on Monday. This aspect makes it clear that the first order of needed change is on relationship level. There is a need to be more cautious and protective in love and intimacy. The world is a hard cold rocky scary place from the perspective of the Cancer/Capricorn axis.

There is an emotional need to feel more safe and secure within personal relationships, less need for variety, greater need for something real and solid. The change will create a healthier balance or separation. Fears, sensitivity and vulnerability can cause retreat. Moon opp Venus will also create emotional awareness to what we need and desire, with new sense of values in relationships of all kinds, especially your most intimate. What you're hungry for in love becomes more clear. This can also be in context to home and family life vs public life. Looking ahead, you can see where you're going now. But give it until after the full moon.

Sun into 0 Cancer - The Solstice- Monday June 20 3:34 pm PDT

Next major aspect is the sun moving into Cancer, a powerful placement of change. The focus will be on different things now, much of it your emotional well being - what you need to feel safe and secure as you move forward on personal ambitions. The sun will highlight your feelings more so than normal for a month. You might have greater need for home and family time, along with more nurturing and private relationship activity. Not being too bold or risky will be strong emotional need. The past gets highlighted, past memories too. People start to be passive and side step anything uncomfortable. Don't go direct with sign Cancer, they will run backwards. Comfort foods gain more popularity. Much more activity starts now in your house of Cancer, whatever area of life that is for you personally. The sun is strong now and the moon is reflecting that max light, but starts the Lunar waning process next couple weeks. It's time to let go and allow change, if you want to be in the flow of nature without a struggle.

Moon sextile Neptune trine Jupiter conjunct Pluto the next day

The next day the moon aligns with Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto, later Uranus. This reflects dynamic day of change and new opportunities, emotional empowerment and a sense of your dreams being possible now that you have new awareness to what's real and what's not. An emotional transformation process is well under way by Tues night, to your outer life circumstances as well.

I'll leave it at that. Happy full moon solstice!

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