Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Astrology of Local Space

The Astrology of Local Space is a form of location astrology. Unlike Astrocartography, it relies on the horizons to understand what direction your planetary energies are in. All your planets and energy points are laid out flat creating a circle around you. This circle of personal energy is with you no matter where you go.

I wanted to try and explain this technique because i'm now including these reports in my services. Most people have never heard of this and what it can be used for. There is not very many astrologers offering this service.

So what can we do with this knowledge about the invisible circle of different energies surrounding us at any given moment? It's quite fascinating, really. This circle of energy can be used on any scale, very small down to a few feet radius, to very large scale, circling the entire globe. You can use your birth location lines which will always be true for you, but you can also use them relocated on smaller scale.

On smallest scale you can place this circle in the center of a map of your home's floor plan, aligning North with North. This will tell you the energy of what every area of your home is. For example, you might find one area in your home very nice & comfortable while not feeling that way about a different room or section in your home. This will also make it easy to arrange your home in a way that best fits with your personal astrology. The part of your home that has your Saturn or Mars line will feel much different than say the areas that have your Venus & Jupiter lines, etc.

One note of caution about these personal planetary lines of yours is, you can't just say Venus line is Venus. These lines are based on your own personal birth chart. So if you want to be on your Venus line, you must fully understand what Venus energy brings you based on your own chart, including her sign, house and aspects, etc. If your Venus has a very challenging aspect to say Saturn, moving in that direction will enhance that natal aspect of yours. This is true for all your planetary birth placements and aspects. Another thing to consider is your current transits and progressions. Say you have transit Saturn conjunct your natal Venus this year, (30 year cycle) then being on your Venus line will only enhance the effects of that Saturn transit, which can be challenging and restrictive.

Another small scale example of how Local Space can be used is placing this personal circle of energy on a map of your town/city centered from your home address, again aligning North with North.  This will show what areas of your town have your personal planetary lines running thru them.

Looking for something of value in your local area, or a place that will be more pleasurable than other areas of town?  You could try your Venus line, rather than say your Saturn line. However, if you wanted to find a business that is dependable and reliable than perhaps your Saturn line would work well. Want to avoid dangerous areas, than avoid the side of town that has Mars running through it, unless you want to find a good gym or something for increase in energy. Your moon line might feel good and comforting, depending. Each line offers something different based on your birth chart. You can keep expanding the scale to county, state, region, country, and world, based on your birth location or relocation.

If you don't want to figure all this out on your own, then you might want to have an astrologer do it for you, one familiar with local space, like me :)

I have been offering Local Space reports for $60 but I'm so sick of how much everything costs these days, that I've decided to lower the price to $40.00 USD for up to three locations! One location can be floor plan, the town you live in, or any place around the globe. It's up to you what three locations you choose. If it's a floor plan, then you would of course have to email me copy of that floor plan. I can do town or world locations on my own using Google Earth.

If you don't know what locations to have me look at, but are thinking about a trip, move or want to know where a certain kind of energy is for you, then i can try and find those places for you. Or you can give me one place to report on and i'll offer the other two for you. or whatever you want. Just tell me what you are looking for and want in this report.

If interested, just follow the link below and order the report. Then email me with your birth data and what you want me to report on. It could take up to 4 days before i'll have it completed and sent off to you. I'll let you know time frame in confirmation email.
Thanks for your interest!

Order Local Space Report Here.

       Local Space Report
            $40.00 USD
        Three Locations


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