Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Solar Annular Eclipse Virgo New Moon Sept 1 2016 - change of routine

Virgo Solar eclipse is exact Thursday September 1 2016 at 2:03 am PDT. The eclipse will not be visible from most places around the world besides Africa. However, it will be felt strongly, everywhere, especially if you have personal planets in Virgo.

Solar eclipse
A solar eclipse is when the moon passes in between the earth and sun, blocking out the light for a short time, exposing what's normally hidden - the shadow. Regardless if we visually see this happen or not, our inner senses can pick it up and know something is different, which can feel like inner turmoil as we readjust self to the changing energy. Yep, this solar eclipse indicates important changes are needed in some area of your life. The universe might help this process along against your will if necessary. But please, do trust the process, everything will unfold naturally. Although willingness to adapt and confront what needs confronting will go long way in helping that process out.

Find your area of life that Virgo rules (house). This is where you will be getting some divine intervention. Virgo is normally associated with the 6th house of daily routine, work, skills & health matters. Your Virgo house is where you do that stuff at. So, say your 11th house is Virgo, then your work routine, skills, service, etc is done along side friends, groups, or organizations, etc. Virgo house is where you offer your services and devotion to. The 11th house is just one example though, could be any area of life, depending on your own Virgo house.

 New moon eclipse on the fated North Node
This eclipse energy makes the new moon the most powerful new beginning with new opportunities out of the year. You are being pushed into new territory when it comes to your Virgo area of life. This corresponds to the consciousness expansion taking place with eclipse. There will be a fresh start to your Virgo house that transforms over the next 6 months. Things begin to change right away however, and what changes over the next several months has long lasting effects. This area of life needs to get organized with ambitions and goals. New opportunities are arriving, but it's not completely clear yet. More information will come in to add clarity in the weeks ahead. In meantime, getting very practical is advised. It's time to get more focused on whatever is needing your attention.

Has your daily routine gotten stale? If so, this eclipse could reflect a shake up to those daily matters, where you're forced to make some kind of long lasting adjustment to what you've been doing on a daily basis. For example, say you've been kicking back with your feet up on the desk at work for the last year, because your boss is cool. Well, now that boss might get fired and new boss comes in. oops! Change of routine time! That's just a minor example, will be different circumstances for everyone. Much more serious concerns than a new boss could appear now.

 The changes could be forced on you if you're the type of person that has been avoiding change, even though you have been feeling it, needing it and knowing it's getting closer. The time is now to flow with the changes making adjustments as needed & progressing your ambitions, organizing, cleaning up, pushing thru fears of the unknown and working towards something long lasting in your Virgo area of life.

In other ways this could show up is thru unexpected health matters, forcing some people to make needed changes to their diet or health routine. If they have been avoiding this for a long time, those health concerns could reach tipping point that forces a new beginning in health matters. This can also show up with people in your life that forces you to make adjustments to accommodate them as well. Mental and emotional health could also be an issue for some people. All these types of things are ready for a fresh start on a very practical level. But give it time, go slow, more info comes in soon.

Something long hidden could appear now, but taking care of any past issues helps you start a new path forward after a month of hard work. Whatever has been blocking you from moving forward, might become known over next few weeks. You're ready for a new cycle in your Virgo house now.

You could receive some new opportunities that requires you to make big changes and adjustments to your daily life, but might feel like a lot of pressure and responsibility. The thing is, these opportunities might bring up a lot of fears or other tough feelings that require you to look at and deal with past issues getting in the way of you accomplishing something new. Are ready to push thru those blacks?

Neptune confusion
This new moon eclipse does not look easy. It's forming a T square with Saturn, Neptune and Mars creating a lot of stress and tension that forces people to take action. It's confusing too though with uncertainty. This has lot to do with time and karma. The past is catching up with you. Something from the past needs release now in order to make this new beginning successful. Neptune is holding space from the past. This indicates old unhealthy ways that have been self sabotaging you for a long time is ready for conscious release. The areas in your mind full of confusion and doubt, that you try and escape from. Your means of escapism could show on any level that effects your life in negative way.  Saturn is indicating we have a challenge to get past in those ways in which we self sabotage opportunities.

I want to make it clear that Neptune is not always a negative (especially in the birth chart). However, at this time, the karmic South Node of the moon is aligning with Neptune in Pisces which is a 19 year cycle. This indicates that Neptune is acting as a negative right now, needing us to let go of all the old unhealthy side effects of its influence. This can be in the form of many things such as out of touch with reality, limiting religious/world beliefs, addictions, escapism, confusion, bad habits, victimization, etc

 Find what area you have Pisces on the cusp. This Pisces house where Neptune is might be a bad influence on you right now? What area of life would that be for you?  4th- Home and family? 10th-career/work? 7th- partnerships/others? 11th- organizations/friends? 6th- your daily routine and health perception? 6th house Pisces needs to be careful of imaginary health problems that can become real as Neptune is in transit. Wherever your Pisces area of life, it needs some grounding too and incorporating the positive side of Pisces/Neptune, which this Virgo eclipse opposite Pisces and square by Saturn will help with.

Grounding out all the fluffy areas of your life is necessary. Be willing to accept your limitations and weak spots. We don't have full control over everything in our life, we are not perfect.

Moon/sun  opp Neptune square Saturn - Thurs/Fri
Something unexpected could happen that puts a damper on feelings and changes focus. You might feel obligated to deal with something from the past in some way that helps you make room for a new start in your life.

Sun square Saturn.
Some tough decisions might need to be made. Saturn sitting at the Apex of T square can feel like a real bummer and block. It might feel dark, depressing. pessimistic. heavy, burdensome, etc. The more you let fears take over the more power they will have. Cleanse your space, let go of stress and worry. while still doing something that doesn't seem like fun. Be willing to face what needs done and some hard work, even if it's facing confrontation.

Saturn here indicates a delay in all this change. It's a slow process perhaps. The energy begins to get stirred up in your Virgo house but plays out over the next 3 weeks to 6 months. It also indicates needing to go back over the details of whatever is lingering in your mind and Virgo house getting more clear on this area. You don't have all the information yet. Take the time to get the details. Some kind of responsibility or obligations might be forced on you now. In order to make any advances in your life this work needs to be done first. It's most likely on a very practical level.

If you face the hard work now, including doing all the small little things, done right from the start, putting in the time and commitment even if frustrating then you will be rewarded big time later. I can promise you that. Whatever this is for you over the next month, it leads to Jupiter starting its year transit thru your Libra house, giving you rare opportunities in that area of life, which is connected to your Virgo area and this eclipse making way for the new. There will be some good stuff on the way, but first you have to put in some work! Discipline is needed.

Mercury Rx
Mercury is retrograde now. it made it all the way to last degree of Virgo before stopping. It will travel back to 14 degrees Virgo and trine Pluto around Sept 21, then station direct and move back over all this for a final time before entering Libra Oct 6. Whatever starts now, changes, etc more info will come in later as Mercury goes back and forth, making things clear as we get deeper into September. This gives opportunity for a change of perception in the process.

Venus - love & relationships 
Venus is in Libra now, her home sign so relationship energy is also changing. Things have been a tad nit picky lately. Venus in Libra reflects people are beginning to see the need for keeping the peace with others, finding more beauty in the world and sharing time with the other more, less critical on people. Mercury however, still in Virgo for another five weeks will keep the mind and communication critical, focusing on details and perfectionism. But Venus in Libra should help bring some more balance to your relationships. Both people need to feel equally valued.

The gist is we might have to do some stuff we don't want to do, as your routine might be changing in September. These are uncertain times, clarity comes later. Take any opportunities that show up, push thru fears, take care of anything getting in the way from the past. Clean up Virgo house, organize, focus on what's needing attention, await new info that makes opportunities clear; accept and adjust to changing routine. Give yourself more time before jumping head first into new plans. Do it right, get organized, don't push too hard. Let things play out naturally, for best results.

Custom report
Would you like more clarity on what all this might mean for you personally. I can only generalize with these blog forecasts. You can order a custom transits report from me and i'll explain what this is activating for you personally. It's about 5 pages long, 3 days to deliver to you. Visit my services page for more info.

Happy new moon eclipse!

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